
Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

author:Wonders of History

A wicked man is his own hell! The Indian military is in trouble again! It's not too outrageous!

As we all know, the most important news posted by the Indian military is that it "dropped the plane", but I didn't expect that this time the Indian tank also had an accident! This is to compete with the Indian Air Force for "headline hot search"!

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

According to statistics, since the founding of the country, a total of 2,745 planes have been lost. Since the inception of the Indian Air Force, a total of 1704 aircraft have fallen! I can't bear to look at it!

In 1971, the Indian Air Force lost 102 planes in a single year. Big brother, you can still buy the plane if it falls, I just want to know, are your pilots mass-produced in the factory?

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

In the early hours of June 29, an Indian T-72 tank was flooded while crossing a river in what they called "Ladakh" area! As a direct result, 5 soldiers inside the tank were killed.

No, 5 soldiers can fit in a tank? Oh, Indian army, that's fine. After all, a motorcycle can carry 20 Indian soldiers.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

There is an old Chinese saying: "Crossing the river by feeling the stones". India: "Touch it, step on the accelerator to the end, and it's over with a slam!" We're crossing the river by touching Hades! ”

It is estimated that India will dare to cross the river directly in tanks. Under normal circumstances, when we cross the river, we have to measure the depth of the water to see if it can be passed.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

India is different. In their eyes, there is no river in the world that Indians can't cross, and it's all over with a tank! The throttle stepped directly into the fuel tank, and it was a big deal that he would be a good man again after eighteen years!

Just as we were shocked by the accident in India, the Indian defense minister signaled for us to sit still. What's so shocking about this? Isn't that normal? That's what we do.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

More outrageous operations are yet to come! In the parachute accident in India, 33 soldiers participated in the parachute jump, and 34 people died! What the hell is going on?

In April 2013, India staged a parachute jump to showcase its powerful air force. Participating in this parachute jump are India's famous "Red Devils".

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

This "Red Devil Legion" is the "elite of the elite" of the Indian Air Force, and all of them are the top soldiers selected from various air force units.

From the lineup, you can see how much attention the Indian military attaches to this performance. And Modi also invited dignitaries from many countries to visit the Indian military's parachuting performance.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

If nothing else, there will definitely be an accident, because "there is an accident" is the routine operation of the Indian military. Airplanes flew over the theater, and paratroopers jumped out of them.

Seeing that it is getting closer and closer to the ground, the nerves of the dignitaries of various countries are getting tighter and tighter, because under normal circumstances, when you reach a certain height, you have to open the parachute, otherwise the parachute will easily not open.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

Modi, on the other hand, sat firmly in the Diaoyutai and saw the surprised expressions of dignitaries from various countries, and Modi became more and more proud. The army of one's own country can finally grow a face in front of other countries.

But Modi didn't expect that until these paratroopers landed, they didn't open their parachutes. When all 33 Indian paratroopers "landed with their faces," dignitaries from various countries stood up one after another and burst into thunderous applause.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

They originally thought it was an ordinary skydiving performance, but they didn't expect it to be a "plane jumping" performance. No wonder India has gone to such great lengths to invite them, and there is no need for ordinary skydiving performances.

But immediately after, the medical team went straight to the scene. It turned out that these paratroopers did not deliberately do not open the parachute, but because the parachute on their body could not be opened at all!

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

The Indian military later issued a report: 33 people parachuted and 34 died?!? What's going on?? Why did 33 people die when they skydived? It turned out that when a paratrooper landed, he stoned to death an old man who was watching from the sidelines.

Modi was furious at the incident and demanded a strict investigation by the military. In the end, I found out that these parachutes were originally purchased from the United States for tens of thousands of dollars, but they were stolen by the military leaders and replaced with defective parachutes, and the difference in price in the middle was embezzled by themselves!

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

This skydiving accident is jaw-dropping! Everyone in the world knows that the Indian Air Force likes to drop planes, but I didn't expect to like to drop people from planes!

Originally, the Sino-Indian border exercise was intended to "flex its muscles" to China and allow countries around the world to observe India's exercise. This is good, the ceremony directly turned into a funeral, which was ridiculed by netizens from all over the world.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

The "Ladakh" region is actually the southern Tibetan region of the mainland, when after the British withdrew from India, India got rid of its colonial status and restored itself as an independent state.

In order to prevent India from developing well, Britain deliberately drew several disputed border red lines for India, which led to a long-term territorial dispute with its neighbors.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

As the saying goes, "distant relatives are better than close neighbors", India stupidly followed the script arranged for it by the British, and offended all the neighboring countries around it.

According to India's face, it should have been beaten by its neighbors a long time ago, but the United States and Britain spared no effort to support India in order to prevent it from losing its role in Western countries.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

How else can it be said that India is "mud can't support the wall", India was vigorously supported by the United States and the Soviet Union back then, and the intensity of support was comparable to that of Japan and South Korea.

If you look at the current development of Japan and South Korea, and then look at the current India, you will know that India is really "Adou who can't be supported".

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

In fact, the United States and the Soviet Union spared no effort to support India in order to contain China's development. Because during the Cold War, in order to engage in bloc confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union wanted China to become a country like Japan and South Korea.

However, the central government of the mainland firmly wants its own national sovereignty, and we would rather not have your support than we want the independence and integrity of national sovereignty. In this way, the mainland has developed from being poor and white to becoming a superpower at present.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

Facts have also proved how wise the central government of the mainland is in its decision-making. The people of the mainland are self-reliant and work hard, which is an excellent gene in their bones.

Beginning with the "self-defense and counterattack war against India" in the 60s, the Chinese People's Liberation Army stubbornly subdued India, so that India did not dare to make a second attack on the mainland on the border for more than 60 years.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

At that time, India was all equipped with the United States and the Soviet Union, which was also the confidence for it to dare to invade the southern Tibetan region of the mainland. Unexpectedly, the war of aggression against the southern Tibetan region of the mainland was turned into a "capital defense war" by India.

When it comes to the war against India, it is still the laughing stock of people all over the world. "Instead of surrendering, the enemy dared to strike back at us."

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

The Indian battalion beaten by three Chinese volunteers made the Indian army a laughing stock of netizens from all over the world. Every time netizens are on the line with Indian netizens, they always have to mention this good story.

It's not that we deliberately hold on to this history, but the extreme expansion of Indian netizens makes netizens from all over the world very disgusted. Obviously it's nothing, so I have to boast that I am "No. 1 in Asia and No. 2 in the world".

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

In India's eyes, the only one that can be stronger than India is the United States. Why admit that the United States is stronger than India? Because the United States is a recognized superpower. Why does India think they are better than other countries? Because India has the largest population in the world!

There is no one in this Qingqi brain circuit, and it boasts that India's military strength is the third in the world, only with the United States and Russia. This is in stark contrast to the "strange accidents" that often break out in the Indian military.

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

There are always people who say that India should not be underestimated, but should be valued. I think if he could stand up, he would have gotten up a long time ago. India's conditions are much better than those of Japan and South Korea.

If you don't fight yourself, the mud can't support the wall, and no matter who helps, it's useless. And the Indian people are also brainwashed by the Modi government, and they are confused with self-confidence, and they have never faced up to their current positioning, and they want to catch up with and surpass China, which is India's unattainable dream!

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

Information sources: "Five Indian Soldiers Died in the Sino-Indian Border Area, Wading Training Tragedy"

Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!
The Paper: "The first fall in 23 years of the first flight! Indian fighter plane "Brilliant" crashed
Drop the plane and drown the tank! India vainly tried to invade Chinese territory, and 5 servicemen were killed in the exercise!

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