
In the Korean War, 7 volunteer soldiers who ran out of ammunition and food were surrounded by 200 British soldiers

author:Mo Lan

In the Korean War, 7 volunteer soldiers who ran out of ammunition and food were surrounded by 200 British troops, and at this critical moment, the 19-year-old soldier Zheng Qi used his last strength to blow the trumpet of the charge.

In 1950, the flames of war on the Korean Peninsula had drawn the young republic into an arduous struggle. Among them, the sound of a military horn blowing a charge has left a strong mark in the long river of history.

In January 1951, the Korean battlefield was at a critical moment in the third battle, and the 116th Division of the 39th Army of the Volunteer Army received an important task: to seize Bugok-ri and cut off the enemy's retreat to the south.

Garrisoned in Bugok was not the expected small force, but the famous aces of the British army, the Royal rifle Regiment and the Royal Heavy Tank Battalion. These two units have made great achievements in World War II and have never suffered defeats, and their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

In the face of a strong enemy, the commander of the 116th Division did not flinch in the slightest, he knew the importance of Pugu-ri and must take it at all costs. As the key to the blocking mission, a high ground in the north of Bugok-ri has become the focus of contention between the two sides.

Time was pressed and there was no time to mobilize more troops, so the division commander handed over the task of blocking the attack to the battle-hardened 3rd Battalion and 7th Company, a heroic team known as the "Iron Hero Company". Before leaving, the soldiers silently wrote a suicide note, they knew that there was no good luck in this place, but for the safety of the motherland, in order to complete the task, they did not hesitate to live and die with the position.

19-year-old Zheng Qi is a commander of the 7th Company, and his childish face is full of determination and bravery. He knew that if he went, he would probably never come back, but he did not have the slightest fear, and had only one thought in his heart: to complete the task to the death and never disappoint the expectations of the motherland and the people!

After the battle began, the British army, with its strong firepower and superiority in troops, launched a fierce attack on the position of the 7th Company. The artillery fire was in the sky, the smoke of gunpowder was filled, and the entire highland seemed to have become a purgatory on earth. Faced with an enemy several times their size, the soldiers of the 7th Company did not flinch in the slightest and repelled the enemy's frantic attacks again and again.

But the British offensive came wave after wave, seemingly endless. As the battle continued, the 7th Company had less and less ammunition and suffered more casualties. The company commander and instructor died one after another, and in the end, only 7 fighters remained, holding their positions, and their bullets were only a pitiful few.

"Yes, and the bugle!" Zheng Qi seemed to grasp the last straw, and the light of hope was rekindled in his eyes.

He gathered the only six remaining comrades-in-arms together and said loudly: "Comrades, the company commander and instructor have all died, and now I will command!" ”

Soon, the British army attacked again, and Zheng Qi held the trumpet in his hand tightly, his eyes firmly fixed on the front, waiting for the best opportunity.


This sudden trumpet, like a thunderclap, exploded in the British army.

The British soldiers immediately panicked, and the pace of the attack slowed down. They couldn't believe that under such a fierce attack, this Chinese army had not collapsed, but sounded the trumpet of the charge.

The soldiers of the 7th Company who heard the sound of the horn were like being injected with a shot in the arm, and they were all in high spirits, and their eyes were full of faith in victory.

Zheng Qi took the lead, holding a bayonet, and was the first to rush out of the trench, followed by the other six soldiers, like a fierce tiger descending the mountain, launching a final charge against the enemy.

An incredible scene appeared, in the face of the charge of 7 Chinese soldiers, the British soldiers were so frightened that they abandoned their armor and fled in all directions.

In the previous battles, the heroic tenacity and unafraid of sacrifice spirit of the volunteers had already left a deep shadow in the hearts of the British army, and the sound of the charge horn had become a lingering nightmare for them.

The British soldiers, unable to resist any longer, dropped their weapons and fled backwards without their lives.

Zheng Qi and his comrades-in-arms miraculously held their positions in this way. What made them even more excited was that reinforcements from the main forces also arrived in time to launch a full-scale counterattack against the British army.

The battle ended with a complete victory for the Volunteers, and the British ace troops suffered an unprecedented defeat, and Zheng Qi and his military horn became the most legendary symbol of this battle.

After the war, Zheng Qi was awarded the special merit and won the title of "second-class combat hero", and the military horn he used was also treasured in the military museum, becoming a spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation's indomitable, heroic and tenacious.

A military horn blew out the heroism of the volunteer soldiers, the iron backbone of the Chinese nation, and the triumphant song of New China's victory!

(Reference source: Chinese military number - "Memories of Veterans of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea|.") Zheng Qi: Blow the trumpet of the charge and scare off a battalion of enemy troops)

In the Korean War, 7 volunteer soldiers who ran out of ammunition and food were surrounded by 200 British soldiers
In the Korean War, 7 volunteer soldiers who ran out of ammunition and food were surrounded by 200 British soldiers
In the Korean War, 7 volunteer soldiers who ran out of ammunition and food were surrounded by 200 British soldiers

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