
Gesture broke the news: The next Old Man's Cup will have LCK players, and all of them will be world champions

author:It's Qingzhu

在近日‬的LPL赛事直播中,两位前职业选手姿态和Pyl罕见合体,为观众带来了精彩的赛事解说。 On the sidelines of the competition, they not only shared their insights into the game, but also talked about their expectations for future events, especially the upcoming next Old Man Cup.

Gesture broke the news: The next Old Man's Cup will have LCK players, and all of them will be world champions

As a former veteran of the game, Pyl's passion for esports and insight into the game are still the same. When talking about the upcoming Old Man Cup, the gesture broke the news that there will be Korean players in the next tournament, which undoubtedly adds more highlights to the competition.

Gesture broke the news: The next Old Man's Cup will have LCK players, and all of them will be world champions

"The old guys in the LCK are all World Champions, and it's a lot of pressure on us." "To win the game, we might really need top players like TheShy and Uzi to join," he said on the air. ”

Gesture broke the news: The next Old Man's Cup will have LCK players, and all of them will be world champions

However, as the gesture says, it is not easy to invite such top players. TheShy hinted in a recent livestream that he might make a comeback in the summer, but didn't explicitly mention the Old Man Cup. Although Uzi has transformed into a streamer, his influence in the e-sports circle is still undiminished, and his joining will undoubtedly add more attention and topicality to the Old Man's Cup.

Gesture broke the news: The next Old Man's Cup will have LCK players, and all of them will be world champions

Of course, the outcome of the game is still full of unknowns. But in any case, the gesture and Pyl's combined commentary and their vision for the next Old Man's Cup have brought us a wonderful esports feast. Let's wait and see what exciting matchups will play out on the future of esports.

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