
The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

author:Enthusiastic amusement of the fox

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The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

Chen Geng: The transformation from a soldier of the Hunan Army to a revolutionary

In 1916, Chen Geng, who was only 13 years old, made a major decision, he chose to give up the study of book knowledge, joined the Hunan Army, and devoted himself to the magnificent national defense war of that era. Although his choice is out of concern for his family and country, it is also an ignorant teenager's exploration of the unknown in the future.

After joining the Hunan Army, Chen Geng was assigned to a basic infantry company. There, he had to adapt not only to rigorous military training and discipline, but also to the test of life and death on the battlefield. During this time, he participated in a number of melee battles between warlords, each of which was a test of his will and physical strength. Despite his young age, Chen Geng showed rare courage and tenacity on the battlefield, and he always fought side by side with his comrades to face the enemy's artillery fire.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

During his four-year military career, Chen Geng witnessed countless war cruelties and the sacrifices of his comrades, and these experiences made him think deeply about the future of the country and the nation. He began to question whether a purely military struggle could truly solve the country's problems, and gradually realized the importance and complexity of politics. He realized that in order to truly change the destiny of the country and the nation, it is necessary not only to use a gun, but also to have in-depth political insight and strategic thinking.

With the passage of time, despite still being a teenager, Chen Geng's thinking and vision have matured significantly. In the early 1920s, after careful consideration, he decided to leave the Hunan Army and return to school to continue his studies and find a new direction in life for himself. This decision was not based on fear or avoidance of war, but on a deeper consideration of the future of his country and individual.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

Chen Geng, who returned to school, faced a completely different life and environment. He began to systematically study political theory, history, and law, hoping to arm himself with knowledge and prepare him for a career in nation-building. During his studies, he actively participated in school seminars, exchanged national events with teachers and classmates, and drew nourishment from them to enrich his ideas and strategies.

Join the Revolution: Youth Salvation and Early Activities

In 1921, Chen Geng stepped into the political arena of Changsha and joined the "Youth Salvation Association". It is a passionate and dynamic organization, with mostly students and intellectuals who are passionate and dreaming about the future of the country. This organization became the starting point of Chen Geng's political career, where he first became acquainted with many comrades who would later become important revolutionary leaders.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

Chen Geng was very active in the activities of the "Youth Salvation Association". He participates in organizing lectures, seminars, and working with members to study domestic and foreign political theories and discuss China's current situation and future. These activities not only enhanced his political sensitivity, but also honed his organizational and leadership skills. Chen Geng quickly rose to prominence in the organization and became an activist recognized by everyone.

During this year, Chen Geng got acquainted with a group of like-minded revolutionaries such as Chairman Mao. These young talents often get together to discuss national events and exchange ideas. Their interaction was full of collisions of ideas and inspiration, and each discussion deepened their understanding and determination of the Chinese revolution. Such exchanges have established a deep friendship and trust between Chen Geng and Chairman Mao.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

In the daily activities of the "Youth Salvation Association", Chen Geng was often sent to do some mass mobilization and propaganda work. He visited factories, schools, and even rural areas to explain the current state of the country to ordinary people, calling on them to recognize the need and urgency for change.

In addition, Chen Geng also participated in some protests organized against imperialist aggression and the secession of warlords in the country. During a march against the encroachment of foreign forces, Chen Geng, as a member of the ranks, spoke out loudly and inspired the masses to protest.

Officially joined the party organization: devoted himself to the revolutionary struggle that lasted for 20 years

In 1922, Chen Geng officially joined the Communist Party of China, and after joining the Communist Party of China, Chen Geng was quickly included in the important tasks of the party. He participated in organizing and leading many underground activities aimed at expanding the party's influence and mobilizing more people to participate in the revolution. Chen Geng's organizational ability and unremitting efforts made him quickly emerge in the party and become a leading cadre valued by the party organization.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

As the agrarian revolution progressed, Chen Geng was sent to the countryside to lead the land reform work. He went deep into the countryside to live with farmers and understand their living conditions and needs. During the agrarian revolution, Chen Geng actively promoted the redistribution of land to ensure that land could be distributed to the landless or landless peasants. This series of actions greatly aroused the support and enthusiasm of the peasants for the revolution, and at the same time strengthened the party's foundation in the countryside.

When the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, Chen Geng, as a military commander of the Communist Party, participated in many battles against Japan. Chen Geng not only achieved many successes in tactics, but more importantly, he was able to accurately grasp strategic opportunities and effectively mobilize and use limited resources and troops to resist the Japanese invading army.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

During the Liberation War, Chen Geng's role was even more important. He was entrusted with higher command responsibilities and led large-scale military operations. In many key battles of the War of Liberation, Chen Geng was able to make correct strategic decisions, effectively command the troops to fight, and contributed to the final victory. His military leadership skills were highly praised by the party and the army. In 1955, Chen Geng, who had made great achievements in the Chinese Revolution, was awarded the rank of general.

Early life and family background

Chen Geng was born in a family of landlords with status, and his family was very wealthy. In that era, landlord families tended to own a lot of land and wealth, so they had a high status and influence in society. Although the Chen family was a landlord, they were not strict or stingy in the usual sense. On the contrary, the Chen family is known for their generosity, often helping and supporting their long-term workers and poor neighbors.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

In Chen Geng's family, there is a special example, and that is Xu Kexiang. Xu Kexiang began as a long-term worker in the Chen family, working on the farmland and household chores. But the Chen family saw Xu Kexiang's smart and hardworking side, and thought that if he received a good education and training, he would definitely be able to make a difference in the future. Therefore, the Chen family decided to sponsor Xu Kexiang to enter the Hunan Lecture Hall to study military affairs.

Hunan Jiangwutang was a famous military academy at that time, which cultivated a large number of military and political talents. In the lecture hall, Xu Kexiang received systematic military training, learned strategy and tactics and military theory, and this experience laid a solid foundation for his future military career. During his time at the school, Xu Kexiang performed well, and his military talents and leadership skills gradually emerged, winning the recognition of teachers and students.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

After graduating, Xu Kexiang quickly rose to prominence in the army, gradually rising to the status of a senior general. Over time, however, his political views and behaviors began to diverge markedly from Chen's. Chen Geng threw himself into the revolution, adhered to the idea of communism, and devoted himself to overthrowing the old social system and inequality, while Xu Kexiang embarked on a conservative and even counter-revolutionary path.

Xu Kexiang: The transition from a revolutionary to a counter-revolutionary

In the spring of 1927, the Chinese political scene was undergoing drastic changes. On April 12, Chiang Kai-shek staged the infamous "April 12 Coup" in Shanghai, marking the beginning of a complete purge of the Communist Party within the Kuomintang, an event that quickly spread throughout the country.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

Xu Kexiang served as the commander of the 35th Army in Changsha at this time. Upon receiving orders from his superiors, he immediately sprang into action and began a large-scale purge of communists and supporters in the city of Changsha. On May 21, 1927, the operation officially began. Xu Kexiang led his troops and quickly sealed off all the offices of trade unions and peasant associations in Changsha. These organizations were important fronts of the working class and peasant movement at that time, as well as an important support force for the Communist Party in the cities.

During the blockade, Xu Kexiang's troops showed great efficiency and brutality. Not only did they close down the organization's premises, but they also arrested all those present, whether they were union leaders or ordinary members. Xu Kexiang's orders were severe, and anyone suspected of being associated with the Communist Party should not be spared. In the days that followed, there were a large number of arrests in Changsha, and according to statistics, more than 1,000 revolutionaries and people were arrested, and more than 100 of them were brutally murdered while in detention.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

This brutal crackdown has had a profound impact on Changsha's social and political ecology. Many social organizations that had been active were forced to dissolve, and a large number of revolutionary forces were hit. As a result, Xu Kexiang's reputation became a symbol of terror among revolutionaries, and his actions were widely condemned as cruel and ruthless.

Between 1929 and 1937, Xu Kexiang's anti-communist campaign did not stop. He led his troops in many sieges of the Red Army, and these actions also demonstrated his resolute attitude towards the Communists and his military brutality. Over the years, Xu Kexiang's performance on various battlefields gave him more trust and power in the Kuomintang army.

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people

However, in 1937, Xu Kexiang's health deteriorated dramatically, and he was diagnosed with a serious illness that forced him to retire from active military positions. Despite retiring from the front line, his name and actions have left an indelible imprint on the memories of many.

By 1949, as the victory of the Chinese revolution approached, Xu Kexiang realized that he would have no place in the new political landscape. Shortly before the liberation of the country, he chose to flee the mainland and eventually went into exile in Macau, ending his turbulent military and political career. The rest of his life as a former military general passed slowly in a foreign land, in stark contrast to the stern orders he had once executed in Changsha.

References:[1]Wang Kaiyang. Language Construction,2007(12):48-49

The landlord young master became the founding general, but the long-term workers of his family became anti-communist executioners, creating and making people