
Revelation! Tear the truth behind the market, and predict the market tomorrow

author:Actual combat dragon coach

Confucius: The way of sincerity can be known in advance. It means that if you are sincere to the extreme, you can expect things to be like God! For investors, predicting the future and predicting things like a god is the highest level; Can it really be done?

Some top masters have such an experience, when they calm down and listen to the market sincerely, they will hear the "pulse" of the market and can roughly predict the next big market.

In the brewing process of every big market in the market, there will always be some signs to show, when a person completely calms down and observes the experience, it is possible to find which signs, so as to predict the next big market.

Of course, it takes time and energy to calm down, having fun, not being tired, not being too troublesome, and being willing to put in the effort to learn, think, and train.

Revelation! Tear the truth behind the market, and predict the market tomorrow

Encourage the warriors who are fighting in the A cargo!

Today's A goods, under the influence of the first battle in July and the party's birthday, a team struggled to protect the disk, and finally ushered in a good start, as of the close, the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.92%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.57%, the Growth Enterprise Market fell 0.04%, and the Science and Technology 50 fell 0.35%. The total turnover of the two cities was 658.1 billion, a decrease of 44.8 billion from last Friday, indicating that except for a certain team, there was no incremental capital entering the market.

Revelation! Tear the truth behind the market, and predict the market tomorrow

The market is seriously differentiated, and the market is expected to regain its upward momentum under the demand for stability at important meetings; On the technical side, the MACD technical indicator is about to form a golden cross, and the green column is about to shorten rapidly, and the red column is about to appear, which means that a new round of rebound is about to be opened.

Due to the lack of market confidence and the stock of capital game, a team used the trillion club to protect the disk, such as: Agricultural Bank of China hit a record high, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China rose by more than 2%, a new high in the year, Bank of Communications, Bank of China, and PetroChina all rose sharply; The siphon effect is too strong, resulting in serious "blood loss" of the double index, and the superimposed quantitative harvest, so the double index can only be left to fate. Today, domestic capital has smashed another 7.8 billion, and it can't be sold, it can't be sold at all.

If a team is only to protect the index, then it will not be able to boost investor confidence at all, and what investors need is to protect the stock market rather than the index; Over time, more and more people will leave the market.

Today's individual stocks performed quite well, with 3,581 turning red, 60 up limit, 1,619 down, and 18 up limit; The money-making effect has picked up, but there are not many people who really make money, and the daily whack-a-mole market is not sustainable at all.

Revelation! Tear the truth behind the market, and predict the market tomorrow

Among the varieties that rose today, it is either a trillion club of a certain team to protect the disk, and today's real estate-related industrial chains, rare earth permanent magnets and agriculture are leading the rise, these plates are all unpopular plates, and they are all rising in the direction that retail investors do not have.

This morning's live broadcast, video and pre-market strategy all mentioned the opportunity of rare earth permanent magnets, especially rare earth permanent magnet selected stocks rose sharply today.

Revelation! Tear the truth behind the market, and predict the market tomorrow

For rare earth permanent magnets after today's sharp rise, under the effect of quantification, tomorrow will definitely differentiate, so do not chase higher in the short term; The real estate-related industry chain is expected to be good for the meeting.

In the live class at 2.30 p.m. on Sunday, only two plates were shared: rare earth permanent magnets and memory chips, rare earth permanent magnets gave examples of Zhongke Magnetics and Longci Technology, Zhongke Magnetics clearly prompted the opportunity, and today it was directly 20cm up and down;

In addition, it also prompted the opportunity of ETF, and the related varieties of the prompt have risen sharply today, and the win-win ETF of Chinese enterprises has also hit a new high.

Recently, in the column "Coach's Selection", the leading companies of memory chips have been rising strongly. For example, in the article "Two Cooperative Enterprises with Samsung and Hynix, Net Profit Has Grown Significantly, and the Growth Space is Unlimited" on June 27, Mingdeli made a floating profit of 8% in two days.

Revelation! Tear the truth behind the market, and predict the market tomorrow

The three targets in today's column "Coach's Picks" article "The Dark Line with the Strongest Certainty in July, the Face Retreat Game, or Will Break Out into a Strong Outlet" are expected to break out into the strongest outlet in July.

The reason is very simple, the new rules for delisting, if the closing price of the stock price is below 1 yuan for 20 consecutive trading days, it will trigger the delisting of the face value, especially in May and June, the market has been falling endlessly, resulting in many stocks have touched the face value of the delisting, and the company is forced to start the battle of delisting at face value.

Once the delisting battle is opened, due to the small market value and low stock price, it is easy to get out of the continuous rising market, such as: ST Jinke, ST Dinglong, ST Wanlin, ST Quanzhu, etc.

Revelation! Tear the truth behind the market, and predict the market tomorrow

This year will become the first year of delisting and ST thunderstorms, once the "thunder" starts, it is more than a dozen one-word down limits, and dozens of one-word down limits are also common, causing market rumors that the grass and trees are soldiers; Especially under the influence of the National Nine Articles and the new rules on delisting, there has been a scene of mud and sand, and many stocks have been wrongly killed.

Through a comprehensive review of 104 stocks below 1.5 yuan in the two cities, three varieties that are expected to replicate the trend of ST East Park were finally selected. One of them, since last year's performance has been opened, every quarter is doubled, the first quarter of this year increased by more than 3.3 times, there is an agency predicts that this year's net profit will continue to grow nearly 13 times on the basis of last year's doubling, but the stock price is only 1 yuan, the future growth space is huge. If you want to know more, you can check it out.

Investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market!