
Love is not as deep as long-term companionship: the love of elderly couples

author:Top Noodle X

Professor Qu Limin's profound insight reveals the most real and simple emotional state between elderly couples: "As long as a man dies of his wife, within a week, he wants to marry again, he is not because of empathy, he has nothing to love at this time, he is just making trouble, because there is no one to take care of his life." Although this sentence is straightforward, it tells the truth about men's dependence on their partners in old age.

Love is not as deep as long-term companionship: the love of elderly couples

Warm old age

The relationship between elderly couples often transcends the passion and romance of their youth and transforms into a deep and solid companionship. At this stage, they no longer pursue thrilling love stories and instead yearn for a partner with whom they can spend the rest of their lives together. This kind of companionship does not need flowery words and expensive gifts, but only needs to think about and support each other in the trivialities of life.

Professor Qu's statement that "men need to be taken care of all their lives" is not a belittling of men, but a deep understanding of human nature. In old age, both men and women need a partner with whom they can spend the rest of their lives and face life's challenges together. This need stems from the deep loneliness and pursuit of security in the human heart.

Love is not as deep as long-term companionship: the love of elderly couples

The most beautiful is sunset red

The mutual affection between elderly couples is the best embodiment of this kind of companionship and understanding. They have experienced the baptism of years and the tempering of life together, and the tacit understanding and understanding between each other have been deeply rooted in the bone marrow. In each other's eyes, each other is not only a partner, but also the most important person in life. This emotional bond is stronger and more lasting than any form of love.

Therefore, we can say that love is not as deep as long-term companionship. In the old age, the emotion between husband and wife is no longer covered by simple love, but a deeper and more lasting companionship and understanding. This emotion is more precious and rare than any form of romance.

Love is not as deep as long-term companionship: the love of elderly couples

Happy times in old age

At the same time, Professor Qu also reminded us to cherish the people around us, especially those who spend the rest of our lives with us. Because in this rapidly changing world, it is a great blessing and happiness to be able to find someone to spend the rest of your life with hand in hand. Therefore, let us cherish this hard-won companionship and understanding, and use our actions to care for and protect this precious emotional bond.