
Who should be banned in the S36 season? Doria still don't let go, this big brother let go and lost half

author:Ling dared to dare

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It's the 4th day of the S36 season update, and there are many changes in the new season, and the strength of different heroes has been adjusted accordingly. Judging by past experience, it seems that the changes to this season are not very friendly, especially some heroes, the changes are relatively large, many players have not played for a long time, and as soon as they download it back, it feels like the sky has changed, and they can't understand it. So what's next, I'll give you an inventory of a few heroes who were strong at the beginning of the season and must be banned.

Who should be banned in the S36 season? Doria still don't let go, this big brother let go and lost half


First of all, the first hero to be banned,It's Doria.,This hero has been on the line since the launch,The ban rate is particularly high,The reason why this hero has such a high ban rate is mainly because of her mechanism,Although she doesn't have much control,But it's a very functional auxiliary,2Skills have a strong endurance,Especially the ultimate,With some specific heroes,It's really fierce,Many people may think that with Lu Bu this,The two ultimates are earth-shattering,But in fact,He is paired with Zhao Yun,Skill CD is shorter, On the contrary, there will be a better effect, as long as you play an advantage, Doria cooperates with her teammates, and it is really difficult to counter. So the qualifying match still has to ban Doria, it's still too strong.

Who should be banned in the S36 season? Doria still don't let go, this big brother let go and lost half

Big Joe

The second hero to be banned is Big Joe, although this hero has changed back and forth, but she is still a very strong support hero, but many people can't play it. Da Qiao has changed so much, and the mechanism of the ultimate is still very different, but it's okay to control and damage the new version of Da Qiao, plus the ultimate and the skills of returning to the city, it can be online, or play a better effect than other auxiliaries when changing lines, especially the changes to the new version of the auxiliary equipment, you can pick up gold coins, and the characteristics of the wandering position are displayed at a glance, and in this season, Cai Wenji is actually strong, but I still recommend banning Da Qiao, this hero is more annoying.

Who should be banned in the S36 season? Doria still don't let go, this big brother let go and lost half

Hundred miles to keep the promise

And the hero who should be banned the most is actually a hundred miles of keeping the promise. The reason why the new version of the 100-mile covenant will rise, the ban rate is so high, mainly because his strength is too high, the ultimate is shared with the 2 skill layers, the basic attack can reduce the 2 skill cooldown, and the big move of the 100-mile covenant can also increase the range of the general attack, when playing a team battle, the 100-mile covenant only needs the basic attack, and someone can use the ultimate to escape. Now Baili Shou basically doesn't use 2 skills, they are all output with basic attacks, but if there are teammates who insist on using 2 skills, you have to be careful, you may encounter pits. Another thing that is stronger is that it now comes with penetration, although it is not much, but it is enough, and it is a hundred times better than the original without standing still to add penetration.

Who should be banned in the S36 season? Doria still don't let go, this big brother let go and lost half

In the past, there was a lot of public opinion about the 100-mile covenant, and it is the same now, but because it is too strong, the jungler is the most touched, and he has never cut such a male shooter, and the error tolerance rate is not inferior to Marco Polo, it is so fierce.

In addition to these heroes that need to be banned, you can share which heroes you think are also forbidden to play ranked.