
Auntie, what an insight! Don't give retirement salary increases, many young people earn less than 5,000 yuan

author:The Secret History of Fukan
Auntie, what an insight! Don't give retirement salary increases, many young people earn less than 5,000 yuan

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

The words of the Chinese aunt triggered the bitter tears of countless young people. The elderly who know the overall situation deserve everyone's respect, and the aunt advocates not to raise the salary of the retired elderly.

There should be more care for young people, who need money at this time.


Moved by the Chinese aunt proposed not to increase the pension

The aunt was in high spirits in the video, and she pointed out that young people are now under great pressure to work and find employment. Life is not easy, the aunt said that her monthly pension of 5,000 yuan can not be spent at all, and many young people work for a month and cannot earn these at all.

Auntie's words directly exploded the Internet, and she also became an Internet celebrity with a sentence, and some people were moved by Auntie's remarks to support her idea.

Auntie, what an insight! Don't give retirement salary increases, many young people earn less than 5,000 yuan

Some people were also dissatisfied with the aunt's proposal to reduce her pension, which put her on the hot search. The pension incident can continue to ferment, which is inseparable from the current pension adjustment rules.

Auntie's words won the praise of many young people, and they spoke the voice of young people for a long time. However, not all elderly people have a high retirement salary, and there are many elderly people with a monthly pension of less than 1,000 yuan.

It is very difficult for them to survive and heal, and many elderly people prefer to hide the news of their unwellness. A serious illness often involves the entire family, leaving them all in a financial quagmire.

The aunt said that she wanted to reduce the pension of the elderly, but did not exclude these low-income elderly people, and the old lady's words deeply stung these elderly people.

The rise and fall of the pension is not a matter that one person can decide, and the pension was originally set up to ensure the quality of life of the elderly. The retirement salary of tens of thousands of dollars a month far exceeds the necessary consumption of life, and young people need money to work and get married.

Auntie, what an insight! Don't give retirement salary increases, many young people earn less than 5,000 yuan

Nowadays, some people do not get married or have children because of the pressure of work, and the negative effects caused will be manifested in the future. Perhaps it is this public opinion turmoil, and the increase in pensions in recent years is limited.

In the past, pensions rose by about 5% per year, but with the pandemic, it has become difficult all over the world. The increase in pensions is gradually decreasing, which is also a matter of no choice.

If pensions are forcibly raised regardless of the global economic situation, it may trigger inflationary currency depreciation. At that time, prices will skyrocket, and the rising purchasing power of pensions will be the same as before, and there will be no meaning in essence.

In 2020, the price of pork and vegetables skyrocketed, and people were reluctant to eat pork.

Auntie, what an insight! Don't give retirement salary increases, many young people earn less than 5,000 yuan

This series of vicious operations has led to the closure of many restaurants due to high operating costs. Later, after the country stabilized prices, the prices of pork and vegetables fell again.

Pensions are still rising steadily, but the increase is not as high as before, and always sending money does not mean good, after all, purchasing power is unchanged.

It is natural for young people to want their wages to go up, and for older people to want their pensions to go up.


Rejuvenate the country through science and education and rejuvenate the country through industry

Auntie, what an insight! Don't give retirement salary increases, many young people earn less than 5,000 yuan

The most unhappy group are today's college entrance examination candidates and college students who are about to graduate. As the number of new college students increases each year, the depreciation of academic qualifications is likely to outpace the decline in housing prices.

At a time when it is difficult to find a good job, there are a group of 11.79 million college students who need to enter the society to find a job. Of course, it is not all the fault of college students who are unemployed after graduation, just adjust their mentality in time to face the next challenges.

The cultivation of a college student often requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and the child carries the ardent hope of the whole family. I was admitted to a provincial key university, but I regretted that I didn't go to 211.

I was lucky enough to be admitted to 211 and regretted that I was not admitted to 985, and my life is always full of regrets. After entering the society, most people choose to take the civil service examination, but the recruitment ratio of civil servants is less than 1%.

Auntie, what an insight! Don't give retirement salary increases, many young people earn less than 5,000 yuan

Even if you go to the university of your choice, you may not be able to find the job you want. Parents believe that knowledge changes their fate, and in the context of the depreciation of university enrollment and academic qualifications, they still want to give their children a big school.

After all, my regret was that I didn't get into the ideal university, or I couldn't even get into the school at all. However, university degrees are not as rare as they once were, and many graduates are squatting at home and unable to find a way out of the future.

It would also be a good way for children to learn a skill and be able to rely on professional skills to eat in the future. However, many parents of children do not approve of this program, after all, in everyone's general perception, the higher the education, the better.

Even if some college students can find jobs in super first-tier cities, their salaries will be different from those of their dreams. Moreover, the cost of living in big cities is high, and there is not much money left from these salaries if you rent a house to eat.

Simply some college students choose jobs that can be done after graduating from junior high school, such as food delivery and express delivery, but unfortunately the parents of these children spend hundreds of thousands of yuan to train them.

Auntie, what an insight! Don't give retirement salary increases, many young people earn less than 5,000 yuan

In the end, after graduation, I worked part-time for half my life, and I couldn't even earn back the original tuition fees. Those high-paying jobs are in short supply, and the average college graduate has to settle for the next best thing.

Many parents finally discovered the truth, and it turned out that the era of getting ahead by academic qualifications has passed. It's time to get rid of the old notion that getting into a university is just the beginning of life.

We have to lower our expectations, and winning the college entrance examination is not necessarily the same as winning life. Graduating from a prestigious university does not necessarily lead to prosperity.

Studying in college is more about enriching your life experience and communicating with friends from all over the world. If you study hard during college, you can fill in the empty mind and improve your overall quality.

Auntie, what an insight! Don't give retirement salary increases, many young people earn less than 5,000 yuan

As the saying goes, science and education rejuvenate the country and industry prosper the country, a big country cannot rely only on science and technology, and the real industry is also an indispensable link. High-level and highly educated skilled workers are also a key force supporting the real economy.

The transformation of a manufacturing country into a manufacturing power requires more capable senior technicians, and developed countries such as Germany and Japan have a high proportion of senior skilled workers.

There is a huge shortage of skilled workers in the mainland, and for a long time, the old adage that everything is inferior and only high in reading has always occupied our minds. It is our constant pursuit to enter the imperial examination, and only when this concept is changed, can the technical work be valued. [White-eyed]


The post-50s aunt talked about her own point of view, to be sympathetic to young people, the elderly should not raise their wages anymore, just spend enough money, and save it for young people.

Auntie, what an insight! Don't give retirement salary increases, many young people earn less than 5,000 yuan

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