
46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend has a round waist and fat hips, much stronger than Tong Liya

author:Little Coke

"Shocked! 46-year-old Chen Sicheng and his 25-year-old girlfriend are on vacation in Europe, and the comparison of their bodies is hotly discussed"


The entertainment industry has set off an uproar again! Recently, the European vacation photos of 46-year-old director Chen Sicheng and his 25-year-old girlfriend Ruan Ju were exposed, which aroused heated discussions among netizens. In the photo, Ruan Ju has a plump figure, which is in stark contrast to the slender figure of Chen Sicheng's ex-wife Tong Liya. The love affair of "old and young" not only aroused the public's attention to Chen Sicheng's emotional life again, but also made people think: Can love really transcend differences in age and stature?

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend has a round waist and fat hips, much stronger than Tong Liya

European holiday photos: accidental or deliberate?

On June 28, some netizens met Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju in Budapest. Although both of them were wearing sunglasses, Chen Sicheng was still recognized the moment he took off his glasses. In the photo, Chen Sicheng is dressed in black and wears a baseball cap, while Ruan Ju is wearing a long knitted sweater, and his back looks plump with obvious waist and hip curves.

Interestingly, the photographer did not come forward to say hello, but chose to quietly photograph the couple's backs. Is this "chance encounter" really just a coincidence? Or is it an intentional marketing ploy? What do you think?

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend has a round waist and fat hips, much stronger than Tong Liya

Ruan Ju: From a rookie actor to a "director's girlfriend"

Ruan Ju, a once unknown rookie actor, quickly became the focus of public attention because of his relationship with Chen Sicheng. She graduated from the Central Academy of Drama and has participated in works such as "Xi Bao" and "Tonight and Night", but what really made her popular was her relationship with Chen Sicheng.

From an actor to a "director's girlfriend", Ruan Ju's identity change has sparked a lot of discussions. Some people think that she got her chance based on strength, and others question whether she took advantage of the relationship. Do you think that in the entertainment industry, which is more important, strength or relationship?

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend has a round waist and fat hips, much stronger than Tong Liya

Chen Sicheng: From "cheating man" to "single-minded good boyfriend"?

Looking back on Chen Sicheng's relationship history, I have to mention his marriage to Tong Liya. At the beginning, Chen Sicheng was attracted by Tong Liya's innocence, but after marriage, he cheated many times, and even publicly expressed his acceptance of extramarital affairs. This kind of behavior has undoubtedly brought great harm to Tong Liya.

However, after being with Ruan Ju, Chen Sicheng seems to have become extraordinarily single-minded. He not only took Ruan Ju home to meet his parents, but also went abroad for a vacation together. Is this transformation really "reformed", or is it just because the novelty has not passed? What do you think?

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend has a round waist and fat hips, much stronger than Tong Liya

Age difference vs. size difference: the real test of love?

The age difference of 21 years, the very different figures... Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju's relationship seems to be full of "differences". Some say that this just proves the inclusiveness of love; Some people also questioned whether this difference would be a stumbling block to future relationships.

How important do you think external factors such as age, appearance, and body shape are in a relationship? Is there a "perfect match"? Or is true love transcendent to all external conditions?

Ex-wife Tong Liya: From victim to independent woman

Behind this new relationship, we can't help but think of Chen Sicheng's ex-wife Tong Liya. From being a victim of cheating, to bravely choosing divorce, to now an independent woman, Tong Liya's image has also changed significantly.

Interestingly, despite the failure of the marriage, the relationship between Tong Liya and Chen Sicheng after the divorce seems to be more harmonious than during the marriage. Not only do they support each other's work, but they also take their children on vacation together. Do you think this mode of getting along is worth learning?

The Private Lives of Public Figures: What Should We Say?

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend has a round waist and fat hips, much stronger than Tong Liya

As a public figure, Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju's relationship inevitably has become the focus of everyone's attention. Some support, some question, some mock... The voices variety. But should we reflect: Are we putting too much unnecessary pressure on public figures?

What kind of attention do you think should be paid to the private lives of public figures? Do we have the right to judge their choices? Or should we give them more understanding and tolerance?

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend has a round waist and fat hips, much stronger than Tong Liya

Conclusion: The diversity of love

The relationship between Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju once again shows us the diversity of love. Whether it is the age difference or the difference in size, it seems that it can't stop two people from falling in love. This may give us a revelation: love should be pluralistic and inclusive.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend has a round waist and fat hips, much stronger than Tong Liya

But at the same time, we also have to think: while pursuing love, should we also be responsible for ourselves and our partners? How to maintain independence and self-identity in a relationship? These questions may be worth pondering for everyone.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend has a round waist and fat hips, much stronger than Tong Liya

What do you think of Chen Sicheng and Ruan Ju's relationship? Feel free to share your views in the comment section! Let's explore the stories behind love and marriage.

46-year-old Chen Sicheng took his 25-year-old girlfriend on vacation in Europe, and his girlfriend has a round waist and fat hips, much stronger than Tong Liya

Welcome to everyone's reading, please brothers and sisters to move your rich little hands to pay attention, like, comment and forward, thank you! Here, I wish you all family harmony, filial piety, smiles, and happiness in your heart!

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