
Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"

author:Xia Yuji

These days, seeing that Wang Liang's career has improved, he has established a correct media, and his grandfather and aunt have come to cheer. I went out with my family the other day and seemed to be in a good mood.

However, within two days, Wang Liang began to break down again, and this mood was like a June day, which changed when he said it.

Wang Liang also posted the drugs he was taking, zopiclone is a sedative and hypnotic drug, and he has always said that he has anxiety disorders.

Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"

Since Wang Liang had a quarrel with his father and stepmother, Wang Liang found that there were many "little black fans" in the live broadcast room, so he organized a "wolf protection brigade" to protect him and support him.

Now, Wang Liang suddenly realized that the "Wolf Guard Brigade" was just a joke, and he decided to disband.

This time, he was a little calm, and he didn't scold. Although it was a bit of a collapse, I kept my emotions under control.

Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"

In the eyes of outsiders, Wang Liang is the second generation of stars, with the blessing of his father Wang Xiaoli's halo and the financial support of his mother Wen Meiling.

Not long ago, I performed with my mother and wife Xiao Nan in the small courtyard of the farmhouse, talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was high.

The small courtyard is very well furnished, the environment is pleasant, there are melons and fruits, pavilions, and full of life. Wang Liang said that he wanted to buy the small courtyard and give it to his grandfather, a piece of filial piety.

Wen Meiling and Xiao Nan's "sister flower" outfit is also very eye-catching, and her mother is also willing to give up for her son.

Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"
Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"

Stepmother Li Lin is also good, dignified and generous, she burst into tears when she attended Wang Liang's wedding, and there has been no negative information.

For Wang Liang's various revelations, his father and stepmother did not respond, but his master Zhao Benshan and Wang Liang had a long talk all night, and finally resolved the grievances, and Wang Liang also came forward to apologize.

Now, where is the face of Zhao Benshan?

Wang Liang is very restrained, he is well aware of the impact of the last incident, and he can only complain in a small area.

Li Lin's own son is married, and the family is still living a happy life, and has little contact with Wang Liang's family.

Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"

Wang Liang once posted a hospital diagnosis certificate, suffered from anxiety, and sincerely apologized with Xiao Nan.

Today's children are really squeamish, either anxious or depressed, Wang Liang is much better than ordinary people's families.

When they got married, their parents bought a house, and there were two nannies at home.

The two husbands and wives should be satisfied with live streaming to make money, maybe it is a heart disease, and they need heart medicine to treat it. Wang Liang attaches great importance to feelings, and only his father can open his heart knot.

Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"
Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"

However, the divorce of parents since childhood has hurt children a lot, although they are accompanied by grandparents, there is still a lot of harm.

The divorce of the parents, the pain of the children, all the regrets, it takes a lifetime to heal.

Many apprentices in Zhao's class are divorced, and Zhao Benshan can't control them, so it has more or less an impact on the children.

Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"
Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"

Wang Liang has two sons, a virtuous wife, and a beautiful mother who has always supported him, and life is enough.

We should seize happiness, seize business opportunities, and give full play to our strengths, rather than being unable to get out of the endless abyss.

Wang Liang's mood collapsed again, and he posted sedative and hypnotic drugs to lift the "wolf protection brigade"

Their own shortcomings can only be healed by themselves, and they have nothing to do with others, and adults need to be responsible for their own lives, both old and young, and they must be reinvigorated.

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