
Wang Liang announced his retirement from the Internet, telling two regrets in his life, and being cyberbullied was one of them, and he had a nervous breakdown

author:Xia Yuji

Wang Liang had an emotional breakdown again, this is the second time, but the reason is unknown?

I saw him in a depressed mood in the live broadcast room, with tears in his eyes, and his hands folded to speak to the camera.

He said that he informed fans that Xiaoliang was going to retire.

Wang Liang announced his retirement from the Internet, telling two regrets in his life, and being cyberbullied was one of them, and he had a nervous breakdown

Wang Liang said that there are two regrets in life, and they are also the two things that have made him the most sad in the past 30 years.

One of them is because of the death of his grandmother, Wang Liang lost forty or fifty pounds at that time, although his grandmother was in her eighties when she died, and she was considered to be at the end of her life.

But Wang Liang was brought up by his grandmother, and he was very reluctant. Children who are brought up by their grandmothers can understand his good intentions.

At that time, Duanduan had already been born, and the old lady had also seen her great-grandson, which could be regarded as a consummation.

It's just that he hasn't been able to witness his grandson's wedding, which has more or less regrets in Wang Liang's heart.

Wang Liang announced his retirement from the Internet, telling two regrets in his life, and being cyberbullied was one of them, and he had a nervous breakdown

When his father Wang Xiaoli and his mother Wen Meiling divorced, Wang Liang was only six or seven years old.

Soon after, his father had a new love, that is, his current wife Li Lin, Wang Liang was still taken care of by his grandparents, but at this time he was already studying in art school in Shenyang.

Wang Liang used to be a little fat, but in recent years, he has become thinner and thinner.

Wang Liang announced his retirement from the Internet, telling two regrets in his life, and being cyberbullied was one of them, and he had a nervous breakdown

Especially during the Chinese New Year, he angrily scolded his father and stepmother in the live broadcast room, which caused a lot of controversy.

Some people think that Wang Liang is very unfilial, and he only has a grateful heart, bursts foul language, and occupies the resources of the public platform to tell family affairs.

Some netizens also believe that his father and stepmother are too harsh, which makes Wang Liang emotionally collapsed.

Whether a person's emotional stability is particularly important, and it is annoying to get angry at every turn.

It is recommended that people with emotional instability read more books to cultivate their sentiments, gain perception from books, and improve their understanding.

Wang Liang announced his retirement from the Internet, telling two regrets in his life, and being cyberbullied was one of them, and he had a nervous breakdown

Yesterday, he announced his withdrawal from the network and posted the drugs he was taking.

The medicine helps with sleep, and Wang Liang said that he has suffered from anxiety and long-term insomnia.

But it is not so easy to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine, and you need a doctor's prescription to buy it.

Insomnia is caused by a variety of reasons, the elderly are generally caused by mental weakness, while the young people are caused by the disorder of the biological clock due to staying up late for a long time, and the high pressure of mental work can also lead to insomnia.

Wang Liang announced his retirement from the Internet, telling two regrets in his life, and being cyberbullied was one of them, and he had a nervous breakdown

Now it seems that Wang Liang's announcement of his withdrawal from the network is just talking.

A day later, he was sleepy-eyed, and his wife Xiao Nan was full of smiles, and appeared in the live broadcast room again.

Wang Liang said that he couldn't be sorry for his daughter-in-law and two children, the family had a lot of expenses, and he had to stick to it no matter what.

Wang Liang announced his retirement from the Internet, telling two regrets in his life, and being cyberbullied was one of them, and he had a nervous breakdown

At the same time, Wang Liang and Xiaolan often had disputes during the live broadcast, and he often told his wife how to do it, but Xiao Nan sometimes didn't buy it, and Wang Liang was a meal.

Fortunately, he can find out his shortcomings in time afterwards and apologize to his wife immediately.

But after a long time, I'm afraid this is not good.

Wang Liang announced his retirement from the Internet, telling two regrets in his life, and being cyberbullied was one of them, and he had a nervous breakdown

Emotional stability is very important, perhaps Wang Liang's lack of security as a child and the company of his parents have created his current personality.

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