
What are the benefits of eating onions in summer? Onions are good, but these 5 types of people are not suitable

author:Dr. Zeng is a general practitioner of internal medicine
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Summer is a sunny season and a good time to eat a variety of foods. When it comes to summer eating, onions are undoubtedly a topic that is often mentioned. This little ingredient, in addition to adding deliciousness to our dishes, hides many health benefits.

However, not everyone is suitable for eating onions, especially the following five groups of people need special attention. Let's explore in detail the benefits of eating onions in the summer and who should consume them with caution.

What are the benefits of eating onions in summer? Onions are good, but these 5 types of people are not suitable

The main nutrients of onions and their health benefits

Onions, are a regular at our table. It is rich in a variety of nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, folic acid, and rich in dietary fiber. These nutrients have a variety of positive effects on human health. The phytochemicals contained in onions, such as organic sulfides, phenolic compounds, polysaccharides, and saponins, are particularly noteworthy.

Onions have powerful antioxidant activity. This is because onions contain a lot of antioxidants, such as quercetin and thiosanesulfonate. These substances are able to effectively neutralize free radicals in the body, thereby reducing oxidative damage to cells. Studies have shown that quercetin not only slows down aging, but also has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anti-cancer effects.

What are the benefits of eating onions in summer? Onions are good, but these 5 types of people are not suitable

One study found that polyphenol-rich onion extract could improve hyperlipidemia in rats by upregulating low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR) and downregulating 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaric acid monoacyl-CoA reductase (HMGCR).

The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects of onions are also among its health benefits. Onion extract and its derived bioactive compounds, such as thiosulfonates and phenolic compounds, have significant antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral effects.

What are the benefits of eating onions in summer? Onions are good, but these 5 types of people are not suitable

Freeze-dried onion bulbs showed strong antimicrobial properties and were able to effectively inhibit the growth of a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. Onion extract is also able to reduce inflammation by regulating the expression of antioxidant enzymes and reducing levels of oxidative markers.

The hypolipidemic and anti-obesity effects of onions have also attracted much attention. Quercetin and other polyphenolic compounds in onions have been found to be effective in reducing total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol levels in rats on high-cholesterol or high-fat diets.

Li et al. (2021) found in experiments that onion extract can significantly reduce the blood lipid level of laboratory rats, thereby playing a role in preventing cardiovascular disease.

What are the benefits of eating onions in summer? Onions are good, but these 5 types of people are not suitable

Onions also have anti-cancer effects. Components such as onion A and quercetin in onions can exert anti-cancer effects by inducing apoptosis of cancer cells and inhibiting tumor cell proliferation. Tsuboki et al. (2016) found that onion A can inhibit the progression of ovarian cancer by inhibiting cancer cell proliferation and promoting apoptosis of cancer cells.

The protective effect of onions on cardiovascular health should not be overlooked. Onions can effectively improve blood lipid profile, inhibit platelet aggregation, and thus reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease.

What are the benefits of eating onions in summer? Onions are good, but these 5 types of people are not suitable

Chiu et al. (2016) investigated the cardiovascular protective efficacy of onion red wine extract in healthy subjects with hypercholesterolemia and found that onion extract was effective in reducing total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels.

Unique benefits of eating onions in summer

In summer, the temperature is high, the body's metabolism is accelerated, and it is easy to suffer from heat stroke and loss of appetite. Consuming onions has unique benefits.

The volatile oil content in onions helps to cool off the heat. The sulfides contained in onions not only increase the flavor of food, but also stimulate the secretion of gastric juice and promote appetite. Especially in summer, eating onions in moderation can help relieve the loss of appetite caused by high temperatures.

Onions have a strong antibacterial effect and are prone to infectious diseases in summer, and moderate consumption of onions can play a certain preventive role. Freeze-dried onion bulbs show strong antimicrobial properties and can effectively inhibit the growth of a variety of pathogenic microorganisms, thereby preventing gastrointestinal diseases that are common in summer.

What are the benefits of eating onions in summer? Onions are good, but these 5 types of people are not suitable

There are also many ways to consume onions in the summer. Raw onions retain their nutrients and bioactive compounds to the greatest extent possible, making them suitable for cold dishes.

Cold salad with shredded onions, onion tomato salad, etc. are all good products to cool off the heat in summer. Onions can also be used to cook soups, stir-fries, which are both delicious and healthy.

Potential side effects of onions and who are not suitable for them

Although onions have many health benefits, excessive consumption can also bring some side effects, especially the following five groups of people to be aware of.

People with sensitive gastrointestinal tract should consume onions with caution. Some of the ingredients contained in onions may cause gastrointestinal upset, such as heartburn and bloating. This is because onions contain a lot of fructans, a sugar that produces gas during digestion, causing bloating and discomfort.

People with allergies also need to be careful. Some people are allergic to certain ingredients in onions and may experience allergic reactions such as rashes, itching, etc., after consuming them. If you have a history of onion allergy, you should avoid it or consume it in moderation under the guidance of a doctor.

What are the benefits of eating onions in summer? Onions are good, but these 5 types of people are not suitable

Patients with hypoglycemia should be cautious about eating onions. Onions have a hypoglycemic effect, especially in patients who are undergoing glucose-lowering therapy, and the consumption of onions may cause further blood sugar reductions and even trigger hypoglycemic reactions. Patients with hypoglycemia should take care to control their intake when consuming onions.

People taking anticoagulant medications should also consume onions with caution. Onions have the effect of inhibiting platelet aggregation, which may increase the risk of bleeding in people who are taking anticoagulant medications. Certain compounds in onions can prolong the clotting time, making it difficult for bleeding to stop. Therefore, people who are taking anticoagulant medications should consult their doctor before consuming onions.

What are the benefits of eating onions in summer? Onions are good, but these 5 types of people are not suitable

People with irritable bowel syndrome should also be cautious about eating onions. The fructans and certain other ingredients in onions may aggravate the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, causing discomfort such as diarrhea and abdominal pain. Patients with irritable bowel syndrome should pay attention to the appropriate amount when consuming onions to avoid aggravating the condition.

Scientific Diet Recommendations

To get the most out of the health benefits of onions while avoiding potential side effects, sensible intake is key. In general, a moderate daily intake of onions, such as half to one onion, is relatively safe and healthy.

Attention is also needed to be paid to how onions are eaten. Eating raw onions retains their nutrients to the maximum, but for people with sensitive gastrointestinal tracts, it can be eaten cooked to reduce irritation to the gastrointestinal tract.

What are the benefits of eating onions in summer? Onions are good, but these 5 types of people are not suitable

Onions can be eaten in combination with other vegetables and fruits to form a balanced diet. Onions can be served cold with tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., which is both delicious and healthy.


As a healthy vegetable, onions have a variety of health benefits, especially in summer. Specific groups of people need to take special care when consuming onions to avoid possible side effects. With a reasonable intake and a scientific way to consume it, onions can be a healthy companion in our daily diet.

Finally, what experiences and insights would you like to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!


1. Li et al., 2021. "Effects of onion extract on lipid metabolism in rats". Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

2. Tsuboki et al., 2016. "Anticancer effects of onion A in ovarian cancer". Journal of Cancer Research.

3. Chiu et al., 2016. "Cardiovascular protection by onion wine extract in hypercholesterolemic subjects". British Journal of Nutrition.

4. "Consumption of brown onions (Allium cepa var. cavalier and var. destiny) moderately modulates blood lipids, haematological and haemostatic variables in healthy pigs". British Journal of Nutrition.