
Can red dates and brown sugar really "replenish blood"? Doctor: The real blood replenishment is 7 kinds of food

author:Dr. Zeng is a general practitioner of internal medicine
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In people's daily diet, red dates and brown sugar have always been considered good products for blood supplementation. Especially in some traditional families, elders often advise women to eat more red dates and brown sugar, believing that this can effectively prevent and improve anemia.

So, do red dates and brown sugar really have such a magical blood tonic effect? Doctors say that there are many foods that really replenish blood, including some foods that you may not be familiar with but have significant effects.

Can red dates and brown sugar really "replenish blood"? Doctor: The real blood replenishment is 7 kinds of food

The traditional concept of blood tonic with red dates and brown sugar

In China, jujube is known as a "natural vitamin pill" and is rich in vitamin C, iron and a variety of minerals. Folklore has it that jujube can replenish qi and nourish blood, especially for women. Brown sugar, on the other hand, is also regarded as a warm food because it is not highly refined, retains many of the nutrients found in sugar cane.

From the perspective of nutrients, jujube does contain a certain amount of iron, but the problem is that most of these irons are non-heme iron, and the absorption rate is relatively low. Although brown sugar also contains some minerals and trace elements, its main component is sugar, and its direct effect on blood replenishment is not significant.

The blood tonic effect of red dates and brown sugar from a scientific perspective

So, what is the blood tonic effect of jujube and brown sugar? According to some scientific studies, jujube has some effect in increasing hemoglobin concentration and iron absorption.

Can red dates and brown sugar really "replenish blood"? Doctor: The real blood replenishment is 7 kinds of food

A study conducted by Nadir A.S. et al showed a significant increase in hemoglobin concentrations in participants after supplementation with jujube and iron salts. This effect relies heavily on the antioxidants in dates, such as vitamin C, zinc, and biotin, rather than just their iron content.

Another study pointed out that brown sugar does not have a significant effect on hemoglobin concentration, but more of a role in providing energy and a small amount of trace elements. While jujube and brown sugar are helpful for blood replenishment to some extent, they are not the best choice.

A real blood nourishing food recommended by a doctor

In order to better prevent and improve anemia, doctors recommend some really effective blood-replenishing foods, which are not only high in iron, but also have a high absorption rate, and have a significant blood-replenishing effect on the human body.

Animal liver: such as pig liver, chicken liver, etc., rich in heme iron, high absorption rate. Studies have shown that iron in the liver can quickly replenish iron stores in the body and increase hemoglobin levels.

Red meat: such as beef, lamb, etc., these foods are not only rich in heme iron, but also rich in protein, which helps to improve iron absorption and utilization.

Can red dates and brown sugar really "replenish blood"? Doctor: The real blood replenishment is 7 kinds of food

Dark green vegetables, such as spinach and kale, although these vegetables contain non-heme iron, can be eaten with vitamin C-rich foods to significantly improve iron absorption.

Legumes and their products: such as red beans, soybeans, tofu, etc., these foods are not only rich in iron, but also rich in protein and fiber, which can help improve overall nutritional status.

Dried fruits: such as dates, raisins, etc., these foods are not only good sources of iron, but also contain other nutrients that help with iron absorption. Jujubes, in particular, have been shown to have antioxidants that help increase iron utilization.

Can red dates and brown sugar really "replenish blood"? Doctor: The real blood replenishment is 7 kinds of food

Whole grain foods: such as oats, whole wheat bread, etc., these foods are not only rich in iron, but also rich in fiber and vitamins, which help to improve the nutritional status of the body in general.

Fruits rich in vitamin C: such as citrus fruits, strawberries, etc., vitamin C can significantly improve the absorption rate of iron, and it is recommended to eat it with foods high in iron.

Combination of blood-nourishing foods and dietary advice

In the daily diet, a reasonable combination of these blood-replenishing foods can enhance their effect. Foods high in iron can be consumed with foods rich in vitamin C and can significantly improve iron absorption. It is also very important to avoid eating with some foods that inhibit iron absorption, such as tea, coffee, etc.

Can red dates and brown sugar really "replenish blood"? Doctor: The real blood replenishment is 7 kinds of food

It is recommended to include the above blood-nourishing foods in your daily diet in moderation, while maintaining a balanced diet with adequate intake of protein, vitamins and minerals. For people at risk of anemia, especially women and the elderly, iron supplementation or iron-rich dietary supplements can be reasonably supplemented under the guidance of a doctor.

Individual cases and clinical observations

In real life, many successful cases of improving anemia through diet also confirm the effectiveness of these foods. For example, a middle-aged woman with long-term anemia significantly improved her anemia symptoms by adjusting her diet to increase her intake of liver, red meat, and green leafy vegetables.

Clinical observations have also found that dietary iron supplementation can not only increase hemoglobin levels, but also improve overall health, enhance immunity, and reduce fatigue. These practical effects have made more people believe that anemia can be effectively prevented and improved through scientific dietary conditioning.

Can red dates and brown sugar really "replenish blood"? Doctor: The real blood replenishment is 7 kinds of food


Although red dates and brown sugar are helpful for blood nourishment to a certain extent, there are many truly effective blood-replenishing foods, especially animal liver, red meat and dark green vegetables. By combining these foods reasonably and maintaining a balanced diet, you can effectively increase the level of iron in the body and prevent and improve anemia.

A healthy diet and comprehensive nutrition can not only help us replenish our blood, but also strengthen our body and improve our quality of life. In your daily diet, you may wish to pay more attention to these blood-replenishing foods to protect your health.

Finally, what experiences and insights would you like to share? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area!


● Nadir A.S. et al., "Date Supplement and Iron Salts Plus Physical Activity on Efficiency of Iron Absorption", Int.J. Pharm. Res. Allied Sci., 2019.

● Sturtzel B. et al., "Effects of an enhanced iron dense foods offering in the daily meals served in geriatric institutions on measures of iron deficiency anemia", BMC Geriatrics, 2018.

● Zimmermann MB, Hurrell RF, "Nutritional iron deficiency", Lancet, 2007.

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