
My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

author:Sister October next door

Material/Yuan Qing Wen/Sister October next door

Statement: Original debut, rights protection on the whole network, plagiarism must be investigated.

Since the results of the college entrance examination were announced on June 25, I have not been in a good mood. Originally, I hoped that my son, like some children, would be able to take the exam with extraordinary performance, and find a job in the future, and it would be good to take the public examination.

Unexpectedly, he worked hard and saved money for his son to study for 12 years, but in the end he only scored 352 points, and he didn't even reach the score line of the second book.

My heart is full of mixed feelings, like a stalk in my throat......

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

I want my son to repeat his studies for a year, read the same books again, eat the same food for another year, and his college entrance examination score should increase by more than 100 points.

In that case, you can reach the two-book cut-off. No matter how the second book is, looking for a job, taking the postgraduate examination, taking the public examination, and taking the examination will have an advantage over the big one.

But his son didn't agree to repeat it, and said that the few classmates who played well with him only scored more than 300 points, and no one wanted to repeat it.

I reasoned with him and told him that the employment situation in society is grim, and that academic qualifications are an important stepping stone.

But the son still didn't eat oil and salt, and stubbornly stiffened his neck to the end. He also talked to me about the example of Bill Gates who was admitted to Harvard but dropped out, and it still did not prevent him from becoming the richest man in the world.

I had no choice but to compromise and agree to him going to college.

I hope he will fill in the majors of medicine, dentistry, acupuncture and massage. In the future, people pay more and more attention to health, doctors are iron rice bowls, and the older they get, the more popular they are, and they will never be unemployed.

But his son didn't want to study medicine, he said it was too difficult to study medicine, and it was too slow to make money. He wants to study finance, and in the future, he will speculate in stocks and buy funds, and the money he earns in and out is more than the salary of ordinary people in a lifetime.

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

Hearing his words, I was so angry that I almost vomited blood.

How can today's children have these radical ideas that want to make quick money? What kind of messy notion is this?

I want to take shortcuts in everything I do, make quick money, and refuse to put in the effort.

"Mencius" said: Therefore, the heavens will descend on people, and they must first suffer their minds, strain their muscles and bones, starve their bodies and skins, empty their bodies, and act chaotically.

The older generation also often teaches us: "Only when you suffer hardship can you become a superior person." ”

But today's children don't want to endure hardship, they just want to be superior.

Because there is only one child, we have regarded our son as a "pearl in the palm of our hands" since childhood. From the moment he was born, I vowed to train him to be a "dragon among men".

Since I was a child, I spent at least more than 100,000 yuan on my son's supplementary lessons. I never thought that 18 years later, he would give back such a "beautiful" result.

From the first grade of elementary school, art classes, taekwondo classes, and swimming classes are all arranged. I want to develop my son's intelligence and potential as much as possible to promote all-round development.

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

In the third grade of primary school, my son ranked in the lower middle of the class. I was very anxious and enrolled my son in Chinese and mathematics tutoring classes outside of school.

Seeing that my son didn't like sports, I enrolled him in basketball and badminton classes on weekends.

When I was in junior high school, my son's grades were still not improving, so I had to continue to hope for cram schools outside the school, and enrolled him in Chinese, English, physics and chemistry.

The son was a little resistant and said, "Mom, I don't want to go to class anymore." Every day after school and on weekends, I have to go to make-up classes, and I don't have any time for myself. "

I scolded my son angrily: "Your grades are so poor, don't you hurry up and make up for it, just thinking about playing." The admission rate for the high school entrance examination is only 60%, and 4 out of 10 people cannot go to high school. If you don't get into high school, you won't even be eligible for university. Do you know? "

The son pouted and did not speak.

Finally, my son was admitted to high school. It's just a regular high school, but I'm very happy. As long as his son works hard in high school, he still has a chance to counterattack.

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

So, I saved money and used my money outside the school to enroll my son in Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry and other cram classes.

Once, when I saw that it was about to rain, I rode an electric scooter to pick up my son from school at an off-campus training facility.

But when I walked to the classroom, through the glass, I found my son sitting in the back row of the classroom, lying on the table and asleep.

At that time, I was furious, more than 200 yuan for a class, did I buy you to sleep here? If you sleep, you might as well sleep at home.

But there are so many people in a classroom, I can't go in and curse the street. I had to quietly retreat outside the institution and wait for him to get out of class.

After class, my son walked to the bus stop with his classmates.

I stopped him, and my son asked unexpectedly, "Mom, why are you here today?" ”

I replied calmly, "I'm here to pick you up." What did the teacher talk about today? "

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

The son said indifferently: "It's about the same knowledge as the teacher in school." ”

I couldn't help but ask him directly, "Did you just not listen to the lecture and sleep on the table?" ”

I thought my son would be embarrassed, but he said unashamedly, "I'm sitting in the classroom." There were still 5 or 6 people in the class who didn't come, so they went to play. "It turns out that it's not that my son is not the only one who doesn't want to learn.

But I also hold out hope, as long as my son learns one more question, maybe he will take this question in the college entrance examination.

In this way, 3 years of high school passed in a flash. My son's grades have always hovered in the middle of the class, and he can occasionally be in the top 10, and he has also taken the 30th place when he is poor. I feel that the quality of the exam results is all supported by luck.

Originally, this college entrance examination, I wanted to take 3 days off to send my son to the exam and help him cheer him up.

When I told my son about my idea, he didn't hesitate to reject me.

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

He said, "Don't make a mess, okay?" We are taking exams at our school, and we need to ask the teacher for leave when we leave the school. And you have to go through 3 security gates. Besides, you're standing outside the school stupidly waiting for me, which is too much pressure for me. ”

Hearing my son's words, I had to dismiss the idea of sending the exam.

Finally, 3 days have passed since the college entrance examination. I ran to school to pick up my son.

When I asked him how he was doing, my son casually said, "It's okay, there's always a school anyway." ”

Seeing my son's relaxed face, my heart fluttered. If my son can get a copy, thank goodness. It's really not good, two books are also fine, and two books are also undergraduates.

After the exam, my son asked his father to buy a new mobile phone for 7,500 yuan, and asked me to give him 5,000 yuan, saying that he was going to go on a graduation trip to Yunnan with three classmates.

As long as my son does well in the exam, we will find ways to meet his requirements.

Seeing his son's circle of friends, they went to Yunnan for 7 days to play together, and they had a lot of fun.

When I came back, I smiled and asked my son, is there any of those two girls that you like? The son pursed his lips and smiled, but did not answer.

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

Finally, at 11:30 p.m. on June 25, our family gathered in front of the computer, waiting for our son to check his scores online.

My son wouldn't let us see it and asked everyone to wait in the room.

As a result, we waited for 5 minutes, and my son still didn't call us out. When I came out of the room curiously, I found that the door was open and my son had gone out.

When I looked at the computer screen, my god my son only scored 352 points, including 41 points in math and 38 points in English.

My eyes went dark and I sat down in my chair.

The admission score of the first college entrance examination is 538 points, and the second book is 446 points, which is 94 points short of the second book. This is the result I spent more than 100,000 yuan in make-up fees.

I thought I was so funny, I originally hoped that my son, like some children, could perform extraordinarily, and if he was lucky, he could get into one, but it was really not good, and two books were fine.

I didn't expect it to be just my crazy dream, wishful thinking.

Seeing my son's three melons and two dates, I was in a dilemma. Is this score going to junior college, or repeating it for another year?

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

Finally, it was almost dark before my son came back from outside.

As soon as I entered the door, my son happily told me: "Hahaha, I thought I would score more than 300 points, but the three of them only scored more than 300 points, so now I am down-to-earth." ”

When I heard this, I said angrily, "What kind of friends do you think you've made?" Can't you just play with your classmates who have good grades? ”

My son gave me a blank look and said, "Just you adults, you are all snobs and look down on those with poor grades." Isn't it a person who has poor grades? ”

I said, "Things gather like things, and people gather in groups." "Only by being with motivated people can we be more motivated.

My son glanced at me and didn't bother to pay attention to me.

I suppressed my anger and said to him, "You should repeat your grades for another year." Otherwise, with a college degree after graduation, you can only go to the production line to make screws. ”

The son shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "We'll see when the time comes." ”

Yesterday, June 30th, was the day to fill in the online volunteers.

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

I asked my son, "Have you thought about it?" Is it repeating, or going to junior college? If you go to a junior college, what will you study? ”

Unexpectedly, my son said without thinking: "I have thought about it, and I will not repeat it." I decided to go to college and study finance. ”

When I heard this, I couldn't believe my ears, and I looked at him suspiciously: "Studying finance? What do you do after graduation? ”

The son said yearningly: "Of course, I am helping others to speculate in stocks and buy funds." You only need to sit in front of the computer, buy when it's low, sell it when it's high, and you can earn the salary of an ordinary person for a lifetime. ”

When the husband heard his son's words, he strongly objected: "At your level, others dare to let you operate, you are daydreaming." Or learn a skill honestly. ”

My son said confidently: "No one is looking for me, so I will speculate in stocks and buy funds by myself." I'm sure I'll make some money. ”

I tried to recommend to my son: "Why don't you study medicine, dentistry, acupuncture and massage are all good." People are paying more and more attention to health, the population is getting older, and these occupations will never be unemployed in the future. ”

The son resisted, saying, "I'm not interested in any of this, so I don't want to study it." Anyway, I only studied finance, and I was only interested in how to make money. Don't worry about me. ”

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

I said to him, "I'm doing this for your own good, otherwise the day you graduate will be the day you lose your job." ”

The son roared, "Don't manipulate me every day under the banner of 'good for me.'" Ever since I was a child, I couldn't rest after school every day and on weekends, and I was almost throwing up and dizzy all day long when I went to class. "

"You want me to go to class all day long, and you never ask me if I'm interested. Can it be digested? I've had enough of you and self-righteously make decisions for me. In my junior year of high school, my teacher hosted a coming-of-age ceremony for us, and this time I made my own decisions. "

It turned out that I gave everything for my son. In the eyes of my son, all this was imposed on him by me, what he did not want, what he hated and tired of.

I woke up like a dream, and tears of grievance came out of my eyes......

My husband and I are usually reluctant to eat or wear, so we save money to enroll our son in various interest classes and cram schools, all of which I imposed on him.

I was heartbroken when I watched my son fill out the application and click the "submit" button, and I could almost have predicted that three years later, he would run into a wall everywhere.

Do you think your son's score of 352 is a good time to repeat a year? Or is it better to go to college? If you go to a junior college, finance or medicine, which major do you think is better?

Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, thank you!

My son scored 352 points in the college entrance examination, and spent more than 100,000 yuan on make-up classes since he was a child

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