
Mom and Dad's wallets were emptied by them!

author:Trivial Tracks

The city routines are deep, and there are so many tricks.

If we go back a few years, I'm afraid it's hard for us to imagine that the short drama of "one episode in a few minutes, one episode in hundreds of episodes, one reversal in 15 seconds, and one advance in 30 seconds" can become a new outlet in the Internet content industry, let alone that there are so many people who can't help but keep paying.

Parents who are usually frugal and frugal, reluctant to lose overnight dishes, and have to shop around to buy a green onion, are willing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars a month to chase short dramas, and they are also addicted, spending money like running water, and there is no sign of stopping the car at all.

From TV shopping in the early years, to the micro-business, Pinduoduo slashing, live broadcasting, and then to the short dramas of the past two years, although the old man is no longer the old man of the year, no matter how the times change, the routines prepared for the old people are never outdated.

Mom and Dad's wallets were emptied by them!
Mom and Dad's wallets were emptied by them!

The worse the economic situation, the more cheating and stealing there will be. It is no wonder that in the past two years, people have been keeping an eye on the sunset red economy, after all, the old man who has a pension and savings, does not worry about eating and drinking, but is difficult to solve the loneliness in his heart, is a rich mine that has yet to be dug deeply.

Whoever captures the hearts of the old people will open their money bags and master the future.


If you think that the routine is only for the elderly, then you think too simply, and the situation they set on the young parents who "do everything for the children" is even more irresistible.

Chinese really live a rich life without worrying about food and clothing, and it is not more than 40 years to be full, and the parents who work hard to get rid of poverty and become rich are most afraid of their children and grandchildren falling back to the original point, however, most people are not able to lift their children to continue to go up, and the only thing they can do is to roll up education.

Mom and Dad's wallets were emptied by them!

It is in this social context that the education and training industry has flourished in the past few years. Although the education and training has fallen, the demand is still there, and people's anxiety still cannot be alleviated, so the original wave of people who did education and training have invented a new concept of cutting leeks: research.

Humanistic tours, famous school tours, famous enterprise tours, natural scenery tours, overseas tours, a variety of research projects are becoming more and more popular, a look at the price, really not low, from thousands of yuan to tens of thousands of yuan, the Internet celebrity teacher Zhang Xuefeng launched the next 6 days and 5 nights of the research camp for 9999 yuan.

Mom and Dad's wallets were emptied by them!

Parents who dare not let their children lose at the starting line, even in the face of a variety of studies that exceed their financial capacity, have to rush up, after all, who dares to let their children feel that their own family is inferior to others? Although most children will have to be tortured by the real society one day, parents still want their children to have a bright future.

If you go back a few years, parents who have eaten the dividends of the times may still have reason to believe that as long as they do not hesitate to train their children to become talents and be admitted to good universities, then they will almost have a bright future.

However, in today's uncertain economic outlook, even graduates of 985 and 211 schools may be unemployed after graduation, and then let them spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars every year for their children to go on study tours, and there is nowhere to comfort the pain in many people's hearts. money, still to spend; Spit on, still have to spit out.

Mom and Dad's wallets were emptied by them!

Therefore, as long as parents still have strong expectations for their children's future, the diverse and mixed research market will continue to prosper for a while. Even if the study suddenly fails one day, there will be another form of project that will continue to empty the parents' wallets.

After all, as long as you can keep anxiety disturbing your parents' hearts, they're going to have to pay for it.

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