
The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held

author:Shore thoughtful

In order to further promote the healthy and standardized development of the county's childcare service industry, continuously improve the basic knowledge and basic skills of employees, and improve the overall quality of childcare personnel, on the morning of June 29, Boxing County held the 2024 county's second childcare service industry vocational skills competition, and Zong Yanhong, executive vice president of Boxing County Family Planning Association, participated in the event.

The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held

This competition invites experts Wang Haiyan and Zhang Meiyu from Boxing County People's Hospital as judges. 21 nursery teachers and 9 infant development instructors from various registered childcare institutions in Boxing County participated in the competition.

The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held
The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held
The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held
The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held

The competition is divided into two parts: written test and skill operation, including policies and regulations for infant and child care services under the age of 3, educational theories, care and care knowledge, first aid practical skills, and comprehensive professionalism of childcare personnel.

The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held
The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held

It's time for the awards

The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held

In the end, the first, second and third prizes of nursery teachers and instructors were selected respectively, and the best players were selected to form a team to participate in the municipal finals.

The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held
The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held
The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held

The successful holding of this competition not only provides a platform for practitioners in the childcare service industry to show themselves and exchange learning, but also promotes the development of the childcare service industry in Boxing County to a higher level.

The 2nd Vocational Skills Competition of the Childcare Service Industry in Boxing County in 2024 was successfully held

In the next step, Boxing County will take this skills competition as an opportunity to continue to do a good job in the guidance of childcare services, actively promote the talent training and vocational education of the county's childcare service industry, and promote the healthy, scientific, standardized and sustainable development of the county's childcare service industry.

Reporter Yao Xingbin and correspondent Shu Ping report

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