
If you can't control your emotions, don't do it in the service industry?

author:Zhiqiu culture
If you can't control your emotions, don't do it in the service industry?

Text丨Dawn Reading Time

Adhere to the original, every morning at 8 o'clock with you to see the world, read life


It's not easy to live, it's not easy to live, and it's even harder to live.

Look at what a vulnerable migrant worker looks like when he is sometimes suppressed by life.

Just like some netizens complained:

"Many times, I am quite envious of the life of cattle and horses, at least don't be tired."

Some bitterness I know, destined to be unspeakable, more often can only be suppressed in the bottom of the heart, even if you say it, no one is willing to listen, the identity is not equal, your emotional catharsis and spit seems to be more likely to suffer a look of disdain and contempt.

Every industry should be equal, but industries are destined to be unequal.

Many times, in the field of short videos, I am used to seeing the glamour of the world, but I no longer have the ability to examine it, which is the ability of human suffering.

In the era of self-media and fast-paced lifestyle, a person rarely has enough time to slow down, read his emotions, soothe the wounds in his heart, and over time, he finally saved enough of the mountains of suffering in order to survive.

The world is not a pure land, each has its own suffering, and in these years, few people are easy.

A netizen said:

"If you can't control your emotions, don't do the service industry."

People in the service industry should inexplicably bear the grievances they shouldn't have, and people in the service industry should not be respected by others.

However, the service industry is not a choice to sacrifice one's own happiness as a bargaining chip, but the service industry is not a helpless life to be bullied and discriminated against.

If you can't control your emotions, don't do it in the service industry?


Recently, two MANNER coffee shops in Shanghai have clashed with customers, causing concern. Related topics have rushed to the hot search many times.

A clash occurred in the store of MANNER Coffee at No. 716 Weihai Road, Jing'an District, surveillance video shows that the customer urged and said "almost late", and the clerk replied "help you refund the order", causing customer dissatisfaction, and the two sides had an argument, the customer said that he wanted to complain about the clerk, and then the clerk suddenly lost control of his emotions, directly splashed the coffee powder on the customer and shouted "You complain!" ”。

Such a picture sometimes can't help but remind me of a lyric "Why should women be embarrassed by women?" What an ironic life it would be.

The relationship between buyers and sellers is supposed to be equal and respectful, but what I can't understand is who played the sign of perfectionism and told the argument that "the customer is God", what I don't know, or what I have personally experienced, is that people who have never done business really know that every customer you meet is so god-like.

When a person invisibly shows the concept of discrimination, there is no balance between equal buying and selling.

If you can't control your emotions, don't do it in the service industry?


Respect, empathy, more understanding and tolerance, as if there is no longer a figure in real life, but what we see is more difficult, harsh, suppressive, discriminatory, sarcastic, and coercive.

Just like the dispute in the café, I didn't see the parties on both sides of the party having mutual fulfillment because of such an encounter, or even a kind of lose-lose situation.

The ideal state of doing business should be a win-win situation, which is based on mutual respect and self-consistency in good harmony, and the harvest is real and warm.

The best business must be mutually fulfilling, you have a satisfactory evaluation of my service and products, and I am equally grateful for your kind words and interactions.

Perhaps it is these real-life cases that once again let us see the lack of traditional culture and the lack of good management of self-emotions.

As the old saying goes:

"A good word is warm in three winters, and a bad word is cold in June."

Give people roses, and there is a lingering fragrance in your hands.

A word can make a difference, and a word can fail.

The sea is tolerant of all rivers, and tolerance is great; The wall is thousands of feet, and there is no desire to be rigid.

The good is like water, the water is good for all things without fighting, and the husband is only indisputable, so the world can not compete with it.

In the era of self-media, if such content is used as a guide to life, in the face of disputes and conflicts, it may be replaced by more warm life pictures.

If you can't control your emotions, don't do it in the service industry?


A great enterprise is destined to be people-oriented, a steady stream of humanized care, in order to better promote the continuous progress of the company's products and technology.

Kazuo Inamori said:

"Doing business is actually about being a person and doing things, and if you do a good job, business will naturally be done."

Let's take a look at Yu Donglai, a famous entrepreneur in Henan, and the situation where the famous mining entrepreneur in Henan gave bonuses to employees if he didn't agree with him.

If in this life, we don't know what people are, people are people, or tools, no matter what kind of quarrels and arguments you have, if you don't have an essential understanding, the plan of life is destined to be greatly reduced.

A netizen said:

"Consumers and workers should respect each other, without being arrogant or whispering."

When I saw some employees complaining, my mood also began to tense, "1,000 yuan will be deducted for late arrival and personal leave", "many old employees are comparing themselves to cows and horses".

This has to make you realize that it is not easy for the people at the bottom, even if they are simply making a living, they have already consumed their own resources.

If you can't control your emotions, don't do it in the service industry?


In the face of grassroots migrant workers, I am often in awe.

It's like once brushing a video, such a migrant worker who gets off work, when he takes the subway, he is dirty because of work, and he brings a fresh cushion to make it convenient for himself, which makes us see the kindness of thinking about others.

Just like we will also see a takeaway brother, a roar when the road is uneven, see a woman who committed suicide by jumping into the river, summon up the courage in her heart to jump, bravely save the woman, at this moment we know what is the bravery and responsibility in the bones of a man.

In the end, people should be the goal, they should be free, the soul should be comfortable, and they should exert their own creativity, not a tool, and they should not be the repressed appearance of the soul, and they should not be the kind of grievances that can only be swallowed in the stomach.

Once a person does not feel happy, no matter how glamorous the work is, it may be a kind of prisoner's life, and if nothing happens, he will be Amitabha, let alone what kind of achievements he has.

In the conflict at Manner Coffee Shop, some people saw the helplessness and bitterness of the workers, who endured high-intensity work and a ruthless complaint system.

This incident also triggered a series of thoughts, the increase in speed should not be at the expense of harmonious relations; The expansion of enterprises should not come at the expense of employees' mental health; The progress of society should not come at the expense of the dignity of the individual.

The world needs such kindness, more kindness and respect for the workers at the bottom, because their existence supports the foundation of this society.

No one's legitimate professional dignity should be ruthlessly trampled on, those who are high up, in fact, should read the culture of their ancestors, the family of goodness, there will be afterglow, and the house of unkindness will have aftermath.

In the era of self-media, there will be countless eyes staring at all of us, taking the right path, doing the right thing, and having more good words and kind words, which is the best pass.

Look at the quality of a person to see how they treat the service staff.

It is necessary to respect every migrant worker with actions and warm every tired heart with understanding.

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If you can't control your emotions, don't do it in the service industry?

Dawn Reading Time

I am the dawn to read time, write some words, practice in life, not afraid of floating clouds, spread righteous thoughts, you come or not, I am there, never far away.

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The author of this article: Chenxi Reading Time, a freelance writer, countless original articles, writing tens of millions of words, solid writing craftsmen, accompanying the growth of thousands of readers with reason and wisdom, WeChat public account: Chenxi Reading Time.

Author | Dawn Reading Time Write some words, read life, understand life, and love life.

Editor-in-Chief | Dawn Reading Time

Typography | Dawn Reading Time

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