
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition

author:Shore thoughtful

The song is dedicated to the party

In order to comprehensively study, publicize and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, carry forward and cultivate the national spirit, enrich the cultural life of the campus, and show the spirit of the school's teachers and students who love the motherland, are vibrant, healthy and progressive, on June 29, Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st and Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Chorus Competition.

Don't forget the original intention and go all out

Celebrate July 1st, sing red classics, and inherit the revolutionary spirit; Praise the party's grace, recall the century-old history, and keep in mind the original mission. On the occasion of "July 1st", the sound of red singing resounded throughout the campus of No. 6 Middle School.

Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition

Preparation for the choir competition

From the demeanor of the teacher of the faculty choir to the youthful vitality of the Dream Building Student Dance Team, in the process of rehearsals again and again, the teachers and students were full of energy, their eyes were like torches, waving bright red flags, and they had their own piety in their chests; The voice is like a bell, the straight spine is straightened, and the face overflows with confidence.

Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition

Sing and forge ahead, and present China

Teachers and students reviewed the magnificent journey with a full mental state and affectionate and loud singing, and felt nostalgic for the eventful years.

Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition

Documentary of the choir competition

A touch of Chinese red, thousands of patriotic feelings. The team of Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School generously sang the praises of "The Power of Rejuvenation" and performed "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China".

Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition
Bincheng District No. 6 Middle School participated in the "Celebration of July 1st, Singing to the Party" Bincheng District Teachers' Choir Competition

The teachers and students of No. 6 Middle School turned their enthusiasm for the motherland and their enthusiasm for the party into a string of beautiful melodies and integrated them into passionate singing. In the next step, our school will take this event as an opportunity, keep in mind the mission of "educating people for the party and educating talents for the country", work hard and forge ahead, devote ourselves to the work with more enthusiasm and high morale, and contribute to the construction of a strong socialist city in the new era.

The singing is rippling, the red classics will be passed on forever, I wish our party, happy birthday, bless the great motherland, prosperity!