
When your blood sugar is high, your skin will "notify"? For 5 changes in the skin, it is recommended to do a blood test

author:Life is a bit of a material

Uncle Li likes to walk and play chess on weekdays, has a harmonious relationship with his neighbors, and has a good life. Recently, Uncle Li found that there were some subtle changes in his body, and these changes were precisely his skin that was "quietly" transmitting some kind of signal to him.

One afternoon, Uncle Li, as usual, was playing chess with his old friend in the park.

When your blood sugar is high, your skin will "notify"? For 5 changes in the skin, it is recommended to do a blood test

Uncle Zhang, an old friend, suddenly noticed that his face seemed to be a little wrong, so he asked with concern: "Lao Li, why is your face a little red recently, is there anything wrong with your body?" ”

Uncle Li touched his face and said with a smile: "Really? I really didn't pay attention. Maybe it's because it's hot. ”

Uncle Zhang frowned, and continued: "Not only is your face red, but the skin on your hands is also very dry." I've heard that this can be a sign of high blood sugar, so don't be careless. ”

When Uncle Li heard this, he chuckled in his heart. He remembered that he had been feeling thirsty a lot lately, and that he had been urinating more than before, and he felt a little uneasy.

He followed his old friend's advice and prepared to go to the hospital for a check-up.

How high does a blood sugar level have to be to be considered diabetes?

In the hospital, the doctor conducted a detailed examination for Uncle Li.

The results showed that his blood sugar level was indeed high and had met the diagnostic criteria for diabetes.

The doctor explained: "The fasting blood sugar of a normal person should be between 3.9~6.1 mmol/L, if the fasting blood sugar exceeds 7.0 mmol/L, or the blood sugar exceeds 11.1 mmol/L two hours after a meal, diabetes can be diagnosed." ”

When your blood sugar is high, your skin will "notify"? For 5 changes in the skin, it is recommended to do a blood test

When Uncle Li heard this, he was shocked. He didn't expect that he was usually quite strong, how could he suddenly suffer from diabetes?

When blood sugar is high, will the skin give a "signal"?

The doctor comforted: "Uncle Li, don't worry too much. Although diabetes is a chronic disease, as long as we control our blood sugar, we can effectively delay the progression of the disease. ”

Then, the doctor explained to Uncle Li in detail the five changes that may occur in the skin when blood sugar is high:

Redness: When blood sugar rises, blood vessels in the face may dilate, causing redness.

Dry, itchy skin: High blood sugar can affect the skin's ability to retain moisture, resulting in dry, scaly, and itchy skin.

Skin infections: The high-glycemic environment favors bacterial growth, so the skin is susceptible to infections such as boils, carbuncles, etc.

Slow wound healing: High blood sugar can affect blood circulation and immune function, causing wounds to heal more slowly.

Cutaneous xanthelasma: Some people with diabetes develop cutaneous xanthelasma, which appears as yellow, orange, or brownish-red papules or nodules.

"These skin changes are 'signals' of high blood sugar, and once they are detected, they should be tested in time," the doctor stressed. ”

When your blood sugar is high, your skin will "notify"? For 5 changes in the skin, it is recommended to do a blood test

Doctor's advice: control diabetes, start with these 4 points

After learning about diabetes, Uncle Li began to actively adjust his lifestyle. The doctor gave him four tips to help him prevent and control his diabetes:

Eat a reasonable diet: reduce the intake of high-sugar, high-fat foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and increase whole grains, legumes and other foods rich in dietary fiber.

Moderate exercise: Moderate intensity exercise for at least 30 minutes a day, such as brisk walking, swimming, cycling, etc., can help control weight and blood sugar levels.

Regular testing: Regularly check blood glucose levels to detect and manage abnormal blood sugar in a timely manner.

Uncle Li took these suggestions to heart and began to put them into practice. He adjusted his diet, reducing the intake of desserts and greasy foods, and increasing the ratio of vegetables and fruits.

At the same time, he also started walking for an hour every day, and he felt that his body gradually became lighter.

Recommended by the National Health Commission: These five types of sugar-controlling foods can make your blood sugar more stable

In the process of adjusting his diet, Uncle Li also specially consulted a dietitian to learn about some foods that can help control blood sugar. The dietitian told him that the National Health Commission recommends the following five types of sugar-controlled foods:

Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and celery, are rich in dietary fiber and vitamins that help lower blood sugar.

When your blood sugar is high, your skin will "notify"? For 5 changes in the skin, it is recommended to do a blood test

Whole grains, such as brown rice and oats, are rich in dietary fiber and B vitamins, which help control the rate of blood sugar rise.

Beans and their products, such as soybeans, black beans, tofu, etc., are rich in high-quality protein and dietary fiber, which help stabilize blood sugar levels.

Nut foods, such as walnuts and almonds, are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, which help improve blood sugar metabolism.

Low-sugar fruits: such as apples, oranges, etc. (pay attention to the amount of consumption), rich in dietary fiber and vitamin C, which can help control blood sugar fluctuations.

Uncle Li has incorporated these foods into his daily diet, and he feels that his physical condition is getting better and better. A few months later, he went to the hospital again for a blood sugar test, and it turned out that his blood sugar level had dropped to the normal range.

The doctor praised him for the change and encouraged him to continue his good lifestyle habits.

Now, Uncle Li has become a "health expert" in the community. He often shares his experience in sugar control with his neighbors, encouraging them to pay attention to their physical health and detect and deal with abnormal blood sugar in time.

Through this little story, we can see that when blood sugar is high, the skin will indeed give us a "notification". As long as we pay attention to the changes in our body, seek medical attention in time, and take effective preventive measures, we can effectively control blood sugar levels and maintain our health.

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