
July is coming, what kind of tea is good to drink on a hot day? Secretly tell you about 3 best teas to drink in summer!

author:Life is a bit of a material

On a summer day in July, the sun burns the earth like a flame. During such seasons, people are always looking for ways to beat the heat. Uncle Li, who is retired at home, has a unique secret to beat the heat, that is, to drink a cup of fragrant tea.

Uncle Li is a lover of tea culture, and he often says: "Tea is not only a thirst-quenching drink, but also an art of life." No, as soon as July arrived, he couldn't wait to start his "summer tea party".

On this day, Uncle Li invited a few old friends to come to his house as guests, and by the way, popularize the knowledge of drinking tea in summer.

July is coming, what kind of tea is good to drink on a hot day? Secretly tell you about 3 best teas to drink in summer!

"Old friends, do you know what is the best tea to drink in summer?" Uncle Li asked as he took out his treasured tea leaves.

"In summer, of course, it's green tea!" Uncle Wang, an old friend, answered first.

"That's right, green tea is indeed a good choice for summer." Uncle Li nodded in agreement, and began to brew green tea, "Green tea is not fermented, and it retains the natural ingredients of tea, which has the effect of clearing heat and quenching heat, and quenching thirst." Look at this tea soup, it is green and clear, does it feel very refreshing? ”

Everyone nodded, took the green tea handed by Uncle Li, took a sip, and suddenly felt a coolness coming from their throats.

"Oops, this tea is so good!" Aunt Zhang, an old friend, sighed.

"Of course, green tea can not only cool off, but also have antioxidant effects, and drinking it often is good for the body." Uncle Li said with a smile.

After drinking the green tea, Uncle Li took out another oolong tea.

"This oolong tea is also a good companion for summer." Uncle Li began to brew oolong tea, while explaining, "Oolong tea is semi-fermented tea, between green tea and black tea. It has both the fragrance of green tea and the mellowness of black tea. What's more, it can lower fat and lose weight, and beautify the skin. ”

July is coming, what kind of tea is good to drink on a hot day? Secretly tell you about 3 best teas to drink in summer!

"Oh? And this effect? Uncle Wang asked curiously.

"Yes, the tea polyphenols and a variety of nutrients in oolong tea can help digestion and reduce fat absorption. For those of us who are elderly, drinking some oolong tea can also help reduce blood lipids and prevent cardiovascular diseases. Uncle Li patiently explained.

Everyone listened to it with relish and tasted oolong tea one after another. The entrance of the tea soup is full of aroma and endless aftertaste.

"This oolong tea is really good, with a mellow taste and a fragrant aroma." Aunt Zhang was full of praise.

"Haha, right? This is a selection that I have carefully selected. Uncle Li said proudly.

Then, Uncle Li took out another Pu'er tea.

"Finally, I would like to introduce you to this Pu'er tea." Uncle Li began to brew Pu'er tea, and explained, "Pu'er tea is mostly fermented and dried, which has less irritation to the stomach. Pu-erh tea not only does not hurt the stomach, but can maintain the stomach. At the same time, Pu'er tea also has the effect of eliminating food and relieving greasyness, which is perfect for drinking in summer. ”

"Can Pu'er tea still nourish the stomach? That's good news! Uncle Wang's eyes lit up.

"Yes, there are many ingredients in Pu'er tea that can protect the stomach mucosa and promote digestion. For those of us who have a bad appetite, it is common for us to have a bad appetite, and drinking some Pu'er tea can alleviate a lot. Uncle Li said.

July is coming, what kind of tea is good to drink on a hot day? Secretly tell you about 3 best teas to drink in summer!

Everyone tasted Pu'er tea one after another, the tea soup is red and bright, the aroma is unique, and it makes people have endless aftertaste.

"The taste of this Pu'er tea is really unique!" Aunt Zhang sighed.

"That's right, the charm of Pu'er tea lies in its aged aroma and sweetness. Moreover, it has a high collector's value. Uncle Li said with a smile.

Under the guidance of Uncle Li, everyone not only tasted three teas suitable for summer, but also learned a lot of knowledge about tea culture. This afternoon was spent in the aroma of tea and laughter.

"What a harvest today!" Uncle Wang sighed, "Not only did I drink good tea, but I also learned so much knowledge." ”

"Yes, Lao Li really knows a lot." Aunt Zhang echoed.

"Haha, I'm also idle, I just like to study these." Uncle Li said modestly, "I will have the opportunity to introduce more good tea to you in the future." ”

Seeing off his old friends, Uncle Li sat on the balcony, looking at the city at sunset, and his heart was full of emotion. Tea is not only a drink, but also an emotional sustenance.

July is coming, what kind of tea is good to drink on a hot day? Secretly tell you about 3 best teas to drink in summer!

On this hot summer day, a cup of tea can bring endless coolness and tranquility. For Uncle Li, sharing the fun of tea culture with old friends is one of the great joys of his later life.

In this way, in the fragrance of tea, Uncle Li spent a pleasant afternoon. And the stories and knowledge about tea will continue in his life.

Tips: The following groups of people need to be cautious when drinking tea!

1. Pregnant and lactating women:

The caffeine in tea may have adverse effects on the fetus or infant, and it is recommended that both groups limit or avoid tea consumption. Especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, pregnant women should be extra careful to avoid consuming too much caffeine.

2. Patients with heart disease and high blood pressure:

The caffeine in tea may cause an increased heart rate and blood pressure, which may adversely affect people with heart disease and high blood pressure. Such patients should consult their doctor before drinking tea and choose low-caffeine teas.

July is coming, what kind of tea is good to drink on a hot day? Secretly tell you about 3 best teas to drink in summer!

3. Patients with gastric ulcer and gastritis:

Some ingredients in tea may irritate the gastric mucosa and aggravate the symptoms of gastric ulcers and gastritis. Such patients should choose weak or decaffeinated teas and avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach.

4. People with iron deficiency anemia:

Certain components in tea may affect iron absorption, which is not good for people with iron deficiency anemia. These people should avoid drinking a lot of tea during iron supplementation.

5. People with neurasthenia and insomnia:

The caffeine in tea has a stimulant effect and may worsen symptoms of neurasthenia and insomnia. This group of people should avoid drinking tea before bedtime, or choose low-caffeinated teas.

6. Patients with liver and kidney insufficiency: The ingredients in some tea leaves may have adverse effects on people with liver and kidney insufficiency. Such patients should consult their doctor before drinking tea and drink it in moderation.

Note: All images in this article are authorized by Visual China

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