
People with hot hands and feet are the hardest in summer! How to spend the summer comfortably?

author:Life is a bit of a material

Summer, for most people, is the season of sunshine and energy. But for some, it's an unbearable ordeal, especially those who get hot in the summer. Ye Xin, a 33-year-old working woman this year, is one such example.

Why do some people have hot palms and feet in the summer?

Ye Xin is a woman who has struggled in the urban white-collar class for many years, working hard and living at a fast pace. When it comes to summer, she has a hard time. The palms of her hands and feet were always hot, making her feel very uncomfortable whether she was typing on the keyboard in the office or lying in bed at night.

People with hot hands and feet are the hardest in summer! How to spend the summer comfortably?

"Why are my palms and feet so hot in the summer?" Ye Xin couldn't help but complain to her friend Tang Min.

Tang Min is a Chinese medicine enthusiast who likes to study all kinds of health knowledge. "You may have a yin deficiency constitution." Tang Min explained, "People with yin deficiency are especially prone to feeling hot in the palms and feet in summer, because the yin fluid in the body is insufficient, and the yang heat cannot be balanced, resulting in internal heat. ”

How do you determine if you have a yin deficiency constitution?

"Yin deficiency physique? How is this determined? Ye Xin asked curiously.

"Actually, there are some typical manifestations of yin deficiency physique." Tang Min explained in detail, "In addition to the heat in the palms and feet, there are also symptoms such as dry mouth, upset insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus, and dry stools. Do you usually feel that these symptoms are more obvious? ”

Ye Xin thought about it, indeed, she usually feels dry mouth, and she is prone to insomnia at night, and her stool is often dry. "So, I'm really yin deficiency physique?"

"Quite possibly." Tang Min nodded, "However, it's best to go to a professional Chinese medicine doctor for diagnosis, so that you can judge more accurately." ”

People with hot hands and feet are the hardest in summer! How to spend the summer comfortably?

On her day off, Ye Xin went to see an old Chinese medicine doctor. After a series of examinations and consultations, the Chinese medicine doctor confirmed that she was indeed yin deficiency and prescribed some Chinese medicine conditioning for her.

Yin deficiency physique is recuperated in this way, and it is easy and comfortable to spend the summer!

"People with yin deficiency physique, how should they recuperate in summer?" Ye Xin asked Chinese medicine.

"The recuperation of yin deficiency physique should mainly start from four aspects: diet, work and rest, exercise and psychology." TCM patiently explained.

1. Diet

"In terms of diet, it is necessary to nourish yin and clear heat. You can eat more yin-nourishing foods, such as lilies, white fungus, goji berries, duck meat, etc. At the same time, avoid spicy, greasy, fried foods so as not to aggravate the internal heat. ”

Ye Xin heard this and decided to buy more lilies and white fungus in the future to come back and cook soup to drink. She also specially found some recipes for nourishing yin on the Internet, and prepared to make some yin-nourishing food for herself every day.

People with hot hands and feet are the hardest in summer! How to spend the summer comfortably?

2. Adjust your schedule

"Routines are also important. People with yin deficiency are prone to insomnia, so try to ensure adequate sleep time. It is best to go to bed before 11 o'clock at night, and do not stay in bed in the morning, and maintain a regular routine. ”

Ye Xin used to always stay up late and work overtime, but now she decided to adjust her routine and try to go to bed early and get up early to ensure sufficient sleep time.

3. Exercise moderately

"Exercise is also essential. People with yin deficiency constitution are suitable for doing some gentle exercises, such as walking, yoga, tai chi, etc. These exercises can help regulate the balance of yin and yang in the body and enhance physical fitness. ”

After listening to the advice of traditional Chinese medicine, Ye Xin began to go for a walk in the park after work every day, and would go to a yoga studio to practice yoga on weekends.

She found that after exercising, not only did she feel more comfortable physically, but she also felt happier.

4. Relax

"Finally, psychological adjustment is also important. People with yin deficiency constitution are easily upset, so learn to relax and maintain a peaceful mind. You can try some relaxation methods, such as meditation, listening to music, reading, etc. ”

People with hot hands and feet are the hardest in summer! How to spend the summer comfortably?

Ye Xin began to try meditation and listening to music to relax. She found that these methods did help ease her irritability and keep her quiet during the summer.

The results are remarkable, and the summer is comfortable

After a period of recuperation, Ye Xin found that her palms and feet were no longer as hot as before, and her whole person felt much refreshed.

She specially asked Tang Min to come out and share her recuperation experience with her.

"Thank you so much, Minmin! If you hadn't told me that it might be a yin deficiency physique, I might still be struggling with hot palms in my hands and feet! Ye Xin said gratefully.

"No thanks, Shin Shin. I'm also glad to see you so comfortable now. Tang Min said with a smile, "Health preservation is to recuperate according to your own physique, so as to achieve the best results." ”

"yes, I'm finally getting that now." Ye Xin sighed, "In the past, I was always busy with work and neglected my body. Now I know that the body is the most important thing. ”

"That's right, the body is the capital of everything!" Tang Min echoed, "In the future, we will also pay more attention to health preservation and maintain a healthy body." ”

In this way, Ye Xin and Tang Min embarked on the road of health preservation together.

They not only pay attention to their own health care, but also often share health knowledge with their friends, so that more people can understand how to take care of their bodies according to their physique and spend each season comfortably.

Summer is indeed a challenge for people with yin deficiency physique. But as long as you master the right recuperation method, you can spend the season comfortably.

I hope that everyone can find a health regimen that suits them according to their own physique and have a healthy and comfortable summer!

Note: All images in this article are authorized by Visual China

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