
Can't you eat corn often? The doctor reminded: It is best for these two types of people to eat less, and I also learned that eating corn is also contraindicated

author:Life is a bit of a material

Lao Wang is a native northerner, and corn is his favorite. Every time the corn is harvested, he cooks a large pot, and the sweet smell fills the whole house.

However, one day, when Lao Wang was chatting with his old friend Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang told him: "Lao Wang, although corn is delicious, not everyone is suitable for eating it." ”

Can't you eat corn often? The doctor reminded: It is best for these two types of people to eat less, and I also learned that eating corn is also contraindicated

Lao Wang was stunned: "What? Isn't corn healthy? ”

Lao Zhang smiled: "That's right, corn is indeed a good thing, rich in fiber, can help intestinal peristalsis, and also help prevent constipation, but there are two kinds of people who have to take it easy." ”

The health regimen of corn

Lao Zhang began to give Lao Wang science, corn is a coarse grain, which can not only make our stomach healthier, but also provide some essential vitamins and minerals for the body.

In traditional Chinese medicine theory, corn has the effect of strengthening the spleen and appetizing, and diluting water. Modern medical research has also shown that the plant fiber contained in corn can accelerate the elimination of carcinogens and other toxins, thereby reducing the risk of colorectal cancer.

The natural vitamin E in corn has the functions of promoting cell division, delaying aging, lowering serum cholesterol, preventing skin lesions, and alleviating arteriosclerosis and brain decline.

Nutrients such as progesterone and zeaxanthin contained in corn are helpful in fighting eye aging.

Can't you eat corn often? The doctor reminded: It is best for these two types of people to eat less, and I also learned that eating corn is also contraindicated

These two types of people should eat less

"But," Lao Zhang said, "there are two kinds of people who have to pay attention to eating less." ”

The first is people with a weakened digestive system. Corn is a coarse grain, which may be a bit "rough" for people with weak gastrointestinal function, and eating too much may cause stomach discomfort or even diarrhea.

This is because whole grains contain more dietary fiber, which can promote intestinal peristalsis, but may also stimulate the gastrointestinal tract.

The second type is diabetic patients with poor blood sugar control.

Corn contains a certain amount of starch and sugar, and although its glycemic index is relatively low, it should still be consumed with caution for diabetics with unstable blood sugar control. Excessive intake may cause blood sugar fluctuations.

Can't you eat corn often? The doctor reminded: It is best for these two types of people to eat less, and I also learned that eating corn is also contraindicated

Pay attention to eating corn

Lao Zhang also gave Lao Wang a few tips for eating corn:

Try to eat fresh corn. Fresh corn has a higher nutritional value and a better taste. Canned or frozen corn, while convenient, may have a reduced nutritional value.

Eating in moderation is key. Although corn is good, it should not be excessive. In general, one to two sticks are enough to eat at a time. Excessive consumption may cause gastrointestinal upset.

The way corn is cooked is important. It is recommended to choose healthy cooking methods such as steaming and boiling soup, and avoid excessive fat and salt.

Can't you eat corn often? The doctor reminded: It is best for these two types of people to eat less, and I also learned that eating corn is also contraindicated

Food pairings are also important. Corn is reasonably combined with other foods, such as beans, potatoes, etc., which can improve the nutritional value and be more conducive to health.

After listening to Lao Zhang's words, Lao Wang touched his chin: "Oh, it turns out that there are so many things to pay attention to eating corn!" Looks like I'm going to have to take it easy. ”

Lao Zhang patted Lao Wang's shoulder: "Yes, Lao Wang." Eating seems simple, but in fact, there is a lot of knowledge in it! ”

Since then, when Lao Wang eats corn again, he will always think of Lao Zhang's words and pay more attention to his eating habits.

Not only does he eat healthily himself, but he also often shares these tips with his neighbors, so that everyone can eat healthier and more scientifically.

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