
Yin Guoming: For the sake of Japan, they won't pretend this time

author:The headline of Kunlunce Research Institute
Yin Guoming: For the sake of Japan, they won't pretend this time

Recently, on the Chinese Internet, some people have taken advantage of the criminal case in Suzhou to advocate Sino-Japanese friendship but continue to clamor the Chinese against Russia. Some even portray Chinese opposition to militarism as hate education, extreme, populist, and narrow nationalism.

But these people will not tell you that Russia now unequivocally supports China's reunification, and now Japan is also unequivocally obstructing China's reunification. The first two countries that are most opposed to China's reunification are Japan and the United States, and Japan is ahead of the United States.

These people will not tell you that on December 16, 2022, the Cabinet of the Japanese government deliberated and approved the new version of the National Security Strategy, the National Defense Strategy, and the Defense Force Rearmament Plan. The new version of the National Security Strategy declares that Japan should have the "ability to attack enemy bases." Who is the enemy here?

The document also positions China as "the greatest strategic challenge to date," and the last time Japan used the term "greatest strategic challenge to date" was the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Analysts have pointed out that in the field of security and defense, Japan usually only lists "hostile countries" as "threats." Therefore, there should be no doubt who the "enemy" in Japan's three defense documents is.

The "National Security Strategy" is a top-level strategic document guiding Japan's foreign and defense policy, and once it is decided, it will play a guiding role for a long time and can be called the "steering wheel" and "compass" of Japan's foreign strategy for the next five to 10 years.

It can be seen that Japan's hostility to China has risen to the strategic level of the government.

The anti-Chinese sentiment among the Japanese people is also being consciously guided and shaped. On November 17, 2020, a Japanese organization released the results of a survey showing that 89.7% of the Japanese surveyed had a bad impression of China. In April 2022, a survey by Japanese media showed that 74% of the Japanese people supported the Japanese government's involvement in Taiwan Strait affairs. In 2023, a poll conducted by Japanese institutions and the China International Propaganda Group showed that 92% of the Japanese people have a bad impression of China. One reason is that the Japanese believe that Chinese should not stop importing Japanese seafood because of the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea.

The Japanese media, like the media in the United States and the West, have done nothing less to smear China, and it has also affected the Japanese people's feelings and perceptions of China.

It can be seen that Japan, which has invaded China and refuses to reflect on it, is consciously hostile to China, which has not invaded Japan, from the government to the media to the people.

And some people deliberately ignore these key information, because they are worried that it will affect the basic logical validity of these people's spiritual PUA for Chinese. They believe that no matter how hostile Japan is to China, it is all right, and it does not affect the fact that the Chinese must adhere to friendship with Japan and must forget historical hatred, otherwise, they will be populist, narrow-minded, and radical.

In the eyes of these people, Japan does not need to apologize to the Chinese for historical issues, but the Chinese must choose to forgive; Japan is obstructing our reunification, and it does not affect us from maintaining friendship with Japan. However, they have seized on the historical problems of China and Russia, and asked the Chinese to join them in hating Russia, which is standing shoulder to shoulder with us in the US containment strategy.

People who are pro-Japanese are basically pro-American, and some people are pro-Japanese because they are pro-American. After all, the United States is the father of the Japanese. These people are also pro-Israel, after all, Israel is the father of the Americans.

In short, whoever stands with the United States, they want the Chinese to choose a bottomless concession.

The Americans violated the theory of free competition and free trade, did not hesitate to de-globalize and damage the international division of labor system, used sanctions to suppress Chinese enterprises, curb China's industrial upgrading, reconstructed the global industrial chain with "decoupling" and "de-risking", created "small courtyards and high walls", isolated China, and hit China's manufacturing industry. However, these people have never criticized the United States, but they are still shifting the responsibility for the cooling of Sino-US economic and trade relations to China. For example, an economist who has been advocating a free market economy for decades has described the reason for the invasion of China by the great powers in modern history as China's refusal to open up the market and reject the logic of the market. As for the current U.S. rejection of market logic for China's leading enterprises, they dare not criticize a word.

As soon as they encounter the US and Western camps, these people who talk a lot about civilization stop paying attention to facts and logic, and continue to worship the United States, which openly supports the use of force against civilians, as a model of civilized countries. Israel, which is slaughtering civilians in reality, and Japan, which has slaughtered civilians on the mainland in the past but refuses to reflect and repent, are all members of civilized society in their hearts.

Many of them are extremely hostile to China, but they have a strong voice on the Chinese Internet. They can elevate a criminal case involving Japanese people in Suzhou to the level of China's overall international image, and they can also use individual cases to ask Chinese people to reflect on the whole through topic operation, and label Chinese who have never been xenophobic as a whole.

This time they used this criminal case in Suzhou to give the Chinese a large-scale spiritual PUA. Ms. Hu, who gave her life to save the Japanese, was also repeatedly consumed by them, using methods that infinitely exalted Ms. Hu, such as that she was "a redeemer for this country", to belittle all Chinese in disguise. In particular, there is a sentence that says that Ms. Hu's actions "saved the last bit of humanity of the Chinese", with particularly insidious intentions, as if the Chinese were all guilty of original sin because of this incident.

Yin Guoming: For the sake of Japan, they won't pretend this time
Yin Guoming: For the sake of Japan, they won't pretend this time

These people are indeed masters of public opinion warfare, and they can find such an angle and use one Chinese to save the Japanese to belittle and smear all Chinese, and to force all Chinese to reflect deeply.

Because of the existence of these people, the logic has become quite twisted, and right and wrong are often completely reversed, including:

1. The security of the United States is chaotic, and it does not affect the ideal country that they regard; China, which has one of the best public security conditions in the world, was caught by them in an accidental case and stepped on it again and again.

2. There are so many incidents of Chinese or Chinese being injured and killed in foreign countries, and these people turn a blind eye; Foreigners occasionally encounter criminal cases in China, which they hype up as Chinese xenophobia.

3. Russia and North Korea, which support China's reunification, must find ways to incite Chinese hatred; The United States and Japan, which obstructed China's reunification, were called upon by them to be friendly for generations.

The contra-nationalist stance of these people is clearly discernible, and their rhetoric does not stand up to a little logical scrutiny. But they just rely on having an unusually strong voice to speak, so they can arbitrarily decide the heat of the topic and set the topic as needed.

There are too many such people in our public opinion arena, and we are afraid that China will not be chaotic and that China will not collapse. This is why public opinion is our biggest shortcoming, and public opinion warfare is the most difficult form of war.

Because our opponents in public opinion warfare are not only outside the borders, but our opponents in China also have a strong right to speak, and they are amateurs in engaging in public opinion warfare externally, but they are professional in engaging in public opinion warfare internally, and they are organized and systematic, showing obvious characteristics of internal and external linkage.

If there is a traffic accident in the same new energy vehicle, if it involves a domestic head brand, especially a brand on the US blacklist, such as Huawei or its partners, which is regarded as the first "thorn in the eye" by the United States, it will be pushed to the hot search; If a foreign brand or joint venture brand is involved, the attention on the Internet is far behind, and many more serious accidents are not known to everyone.

If the Chinese or Chinese are harmed by the Americans or the Japanese in the United States or Japan, these people will automatically avoid it, so the heat is far less than the attention of the Americans or the Japanese being hurt in China, and no one will go on the platform to guide public opinion to reflect on the system problem.

Before, when I saw a retired editor-in-chief criticizing the Chinese national football team, I commented that everyone in China is qualified to criticize and ridicule the national football team, but many media people really don't have this qualification. The level of the national football team is again, and it will not deliberately kick into the door of its own country like some media people.

Football is definitely not the worst, because at least they don't dare to blatantly help their opponents score their own goals.

The football circle, when standing with the media circle, the financial circle, and the literary circle, at least does not seem to be the most obscene.

This time in this case in Suzhou, the main thing is that the people in these circles are holding the heads of the Chinese and asking the Chinese to reflect.

You say that they care about public security, but the United States, which is obviously inferior to China, has become a country that they greatly admire.

You say they are concerned about justice, and they are vigorously defending Israel's encroachment on Palestinian land and the killing of Palestinian civilians.

You say that they yearn for civilization, and they worship Israel, which is now killing civilians, and the United States, which supports Israel's killings, as the top class of the civilized world.

These people are very political. They only allow the Chinese to follow them and praise the United States, and they do not allow the Chinese to criticize the negative aspects of the United States; Only the Chinese are allowed to follow them to smear China, and the Chinese are not allowed to be proud of the development of their country; They are only allowed to tell us how free and democratic the United States is, but they are not allowed to talk about the mailgate in the United States, Loli Island, and the zero-dollar purchases, the homeless, the drugs, the hunger, ......

The United States has so many problems in terms of economy, social security, and other aspects, and they don't think that Americans need to reflect on it.

The United States is making every effort to contain China, and these people blame China for not satisfying Americans, and even blame the Chinese movie "Wolf Warrior" series for making foreigners unhappy.

Foreign-funded companies have withdrawn because they cannot compete with local companies in the Chinese market, and they also want Chinese to reflect.

Yin Guoming: For the sake of Japan, they won't pretend this time

Some time ago, there was a director in China, because the Chinese are not very interested in Hollywood blockbusters now, and even asked the Chinese to reflect. The box office record of imported Hollywood films is dismal, because the narrative of Hollywood movies is always so old-fashioned, and now there is an LGBT political correctness that people can't stand it. The director blamed China's cultural market for not being able to accept more diverse international film and television products, which would lose market performance.

Some of our cultural elites, when the United States and the West were still far ahead of us, once they knelt down, they could no longer stand up, but they blamed other Chinese for not continuing to kneel like them, saying that this was "national narrow-mindedness + xenophobia".

The reason why a large part of our discourse power is doing the work of helping Americans fight Chinese is mainly because some of our cultural elites refuse to remove the ideological steel seals of "Western-centrism" and "American cult theory", starting from education and spreading outward. Public opinion has become the biggest shortcoming, mainly because of this.

You see that China has started from the fifth generation of directors to the so-called sixth generation, and it always feels awkward to shoot China's main theme theme, because their three views can't understand our main theme, and their mainstream values are excluded from the heart. Many of them have won awards set by the West and achieved status in China by writing politically correct novels that cater to foreigners, making films that cater to the political demands of foreigners, and engaging in art that caters to the aesthetics of Westerners. Pandering to the West and belittling China is the foundation of their survival. Only when the West is on top can the cultural compradors maintain their superior position in their own country.

When many of us fall into the bitter battle of public opinion, it is because many cultural "elites" have become cultural compradors and stand on the opposite side of us, leading to China's public opinion counterattack, mainly relying on the righteous people to spontaneously carry out the online people's war.

The reason why the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression lasted for 14 years was because more than 2 million puppet troops defected to Japan and helped the Japanese fight the Chinese.

The form of modern warfare has changed, and in the modern three-dimensional warfare mode, the importance of public opinion warfare has risen, and public opinion warfare is a struggle for air supremacy in three-dimensional warfare, and its importance is self-evident.

If you lose the dominance of public opinion, no matter how well you do, you can be erased by public opinion.

The Soviet Union was the main force in defeating the Nazis in the European theater of World War II, and 90% of the Nazi elite were annihilated by the Soviet army on the Eastern Front, and at most 10% were wiped out by the United States, Britain and France. However, the United States and the West, with their strong discourse, took credit for the liberation of Europe after the disappearance of the Soviet Union. And the bad deeds of American capital that supported the Nazis to come to power before World War II and broke ties with the Nazis in the early stage of World War II have been hidden. In the current Western-led narrative of World War II, the United States is the world's greatest savior, and the Soviet Union, the main force in the fight against the Nazis, has become the initiator of World War II, just like the Nazis.

The same is true in the Asian theater. After the September 18 Incident, the United States chose to support Japan, helped Japan build a military industry, and provided 54 percent of the main strategic materials needed for Japan's invasion of China before the Pacific War. It was only after the United States was countered by Japan that it officially joined the world anti-fascist camp and became the biggest reaper of the fruits of victory in World War II. A Flying Tigers hired by Chinese money has been portrayed as a totem for the United States to help China in the war of resistance, making Chinese almost a household name. However, few people know about the deeds of the Soviet Volunteer Air Force, which is much larger than the Flying Tigers.

This is the power of the discourse of public opinion, which can tailor history to be completely different from the basic appearance of what really happened.

It was this method used by the United States to bring out the Soviet Union by cooperating with the outside world.

Yin Guoming: For the sake of Japan, they won't pretend this time

I'm not too worried about Japan's third military adventure against China. There are three particularly important reasons for the success of Japan's first two ventures: first, because Japan's industrialization was ahead of China's; Second, China is not united internally and is in a de facto state of division, which affects the formation of external synergy; Third, Japan has received de facto support from Britain and the United States. The First Sino-Japanese War was supported by the United Kingdom, and the War of Aggression against China was supported by the United States in the early stage. Now, of these three conditions, only the last one still exists, but the first two crucial conditions do not exist, which determines that Japan has no chance of winning in its military adventure.

Many people may know that the United States is very good at engaging in public opinion warfare, but they do not know that Japan is also an expert in this field, and although its national strength is not as good as that of the United States, it is also its traditional artistic ability that is infiltrated by its ideology. Before the outbreak of the September 18 Incident, Japan had carried out a long-term ideological infiltration into China, and its main methods were to run newspapers, infiltrate education and publishing, and buy comprador literati.

To conquer a large country at the least cost, it is more effective than killing people to punish the heart. Japan's cultural infiltration preceded military adventures, and cultural infiltration added weight to the success of military adventures.

Japan is familiar with cultural infiltration. It is not natural for China to speak for Japan, not to allow Chinese people to remember the hatred of history, and to ask Chinese to ignore Japan's current hostility towards China.

Japan is very willing to spend money on ideological infiltration, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs allocates a lot of funds every year. In 2020, Japan released a set of data, in which an expenditure of 80 billion yen was spent to guide public opinion. In 2022, the list of donations of Chinese intellectuals released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan totaled 176, and another 164 were not announced.

Japan's money has not been spent in vain, and there are indeed a group of people in China who want the Chinese to forgive Japan when Japan has not deeply reflected on its war of aggression against China, and want the Chinese to maintain peace and friendship with Japan when Japan is hostile to China.

Harbin's tourism is on fire, many tourists go to the 731st Unit of the Japanese Invasion of China to learn about history and carry out patriotic education.

All of these incidents remind us of how powerful the pro-Japanese forces in China are. In the face of this general situation of high storms and even turbulent waves, the intensity of anti-infiltration and counter-espionage should be strengthened.

(The author is a senior researcher at Kunlun Ce Research Institute; Source: Kunlun Ce Network [Author's authorization], reproduced from "Mingren Mingli", revised and released)

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