
Teary-eyed! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died in the game, and he was supposed to go to college in September, but his sister spoke out for justice

author:The fisherman chats

On July 1, there was sad news in the badminton world, in the Asian Youth Badminton Championships that ended yesterday, Zhang Zhijie, a 17-year-old rising star of the Chinese badminton team, suddenly became unwell in the game and was rushed to the hospital after fainting, but unfortunately, after all-out rescue, he still failed to survive this hurdle, and his life was forever fixed at the young age of 17.

Teary-eyed! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died in the game, and he was supposed to go to college in September, but his sister spoke out for justice

Rescue process

According to the online game, Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground suddenly, and then, the body began to twitch uncontrollably, during this period, the organizer was completely indifferent to life, the medical team saw such a scene, and did not rush to the field for first aid, about 7 seconds later, a coach wearing a red T-shirt, probably Zhang Zhijie, came on the field to observe the situation.


Zhang Zhijie at this time, in fact, seems to be interesting, he seems to raise his head and try to support the ground with his hands.

At this time, the referee didn't know what the reason was, and actually let the coach leave.

It took about another 30 seconds for paramedics to be called onto the field. Everyone can see that the medical personnel entered the venue, only conducted a simple examination of Zhang Zhijie, and then carried Zhang Zhijie away from the scene on a stretcher.

Teary-eyed! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died in the game, and he was supposed to go to college in September, but his sister spoke out for justice

In other words, within 2 minutes from Zhang Zhijie's fainting to being lifted away from the scene, the on-site first responders did not give Zhang Zhijie effective first aid, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation, such as other scientific measures.

According to the video on the Internet, a tertiary emergency doctor in Chongqing speculated that Zhang Zhijie should be sudden death due to exercise, and in this case, the most important thing is to rescue as soon as possible, do cardiopulmonary resuscitation as soon as possible, and use a defibrillator.

Teary-eyed! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died in the game, and he was supposed to go to college in September, but his sister spoke out for justice

The best time for sudden cardiac death rescue is the golden 4 minutes, and medical treatment is an indispensable part of the guarantee work for the holding of international comprehensive events, which can not only escort the health of athletes and delegations. The organizers of this event did not reflect it at all.

And I feel that the people present are so indifferent.

My sister spoke up

Zhang Zhijie's sister was devastated when she learned of her brother's death. She posted on social platforms to remember:

"So can someone give us an explanation?"

"Zhang Zhijie, you are only 17 years old, and you only sent home the certificate you sent to the university yesterday."

Teary-eyed! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died in the game, and he was supposed to go to college in September, but his sister spoke out for justice

The sister also revealed that yesterday was her birthday, and she was looking forward to her brother's blessing and companionship, but her brother has now left this world in a hurry.

Teary-eyed! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died in the game, and he was supposed to go to college in September, but his sister spoke out for justice

She recalled that Zhang Zhijie has always been a well-behaved and sensible child, and the first prize he got this year was all used to buy gifts for his family without hesitation.

My sister said that she couldn't accept that her brother's accident was caused by an untimely medical team and poor medical care.

In fact, my sister's doubts are reasonable, and I must seek justice for my younger brother! What a heartache my sister and family must have.

Mother, Zhang Zhijie's mother already knew the bad news. According to insiders, Zhang Zhijie's father died very early, and his mother dragged him and his sister to grow up. How uncomfortable this mother must be now.

Teary-eyed! The 17-year-old national feather teenager died in the game, and he was supposed to go to college in September, but his sister spoke out for justice

Write on the back

The Chinese national team must pay attention to this bloody lesson, and it is a pity that it missed the golden three minutes.

Any sport, no matter how big or small, must be equipped with a defibrillator, and football is mandatory for both teams, this is the number one sport in the world, and other sports should really be learned.