
Linze County will carry out the 2024 Social Science Publicity and Popularization Week

author:Linze Fusion Media

On June 28, the 2024 Linze County Social Science Publicity and Popularization Week focused on publicity and display activities was held in the County Culture and Sports Square.

Linze County will carry out the 2024 Social Science Publicity and Popularization Week
Linze County will carry out the 2024 Social Science Publicity and Popularization Week
Linze County will carry out the 2024 Social Science Publicity and Popularization Week

At the event site, the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, the County Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, the County Cultural Center, the County Museum, the County Association for Science and Technology and other units carried out party history knowledge, the creation of civilized cities, archives and local chronicles related knowledge, scientific products, ecological civilization construction, agricultural pollution prevention and control, water-saving society construction and other laws and regulations and a number of social science publicity and popularization activities, so that the masses of people can enjoy the "feast" of social science knowledge at home. At the same time, activities such as handicraft skills, "intangible cultural heritage" project exhibitions and theatrical performances were also carried out.

"Experiencing the charm of traditional culture up close has given me a deeper understanding and respect for the profound connotation of traditional culture." Citizen Guo Lei said.

Linze County will carry out the 2024 Social Science Publicity and Popularization Week
Linze County will carry out the 2024 Social Science Publicity and Popularization Week

On the day of the event, the theme of the history of the West Route Army's conquest of Linze was carried out in the Yihe Community Organization, and the theme reading and sharing was carried out in the county library. It is understood that from now until July 5, our county will also focus on the theme of "in-depth study and implementation of Xi Jinping's cultural thought, and strive to write a new chapter in the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Linze", carefully organize and carry out Xi Jinping's cultural thought propaganda and interpretation activities, theme calligraphy and painting exhibitions, screening of red films and popular science propaganda films and other social science popularization activities. At the same time, we will organize experts, scholars and volunteers to go into government agencies, urban and rural communities, campuses, military camps, "two new organizations", and websites, and adopt an easy-to-understand and lively way to carry out theoretical lectures, policy publicity, consulting services, exhibitions, knowledge competitions, volunteer services and other activities, so as to innovate and promote the party's innovative theories at the grassroots level for in-depth publicity, widespread popularization, and rich practice.

"The purpose of this event is to deeply publicize the party's innovative theories and social science knowledge, set off an upsurge of social science popularization into the society and the masses, and let everyone share the value, wisdom and unique charm of philosophy and social sciences in the new era." Wu Yekun, a cadre of the Propaganda Department of the Linze County Party Committee, introduced. (Zheng Anbo, Shi Xueting)

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