
Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years

author:Mo Yi Shi talks

In 1956, the movie "Shangganling" was released nationwide, allowing the Chinese people to dream back to the tragic Shangganling Battle again.

In the film, the 17-year-old female hygienist "Wang Lan" left a deep impression on everyone by virtue of her courage to win the body of martyr Huang Jiguang.

But in fact, this is only the tip of the iceberg of her battlefield experience for Wang Qingzhen, the prototype of "Wang Lan".

If you want to solve the question and know why Wang Qingzhen was praised by General Qin Jiwei, you have to start when she was 15 years old......

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years

The source of the information in this article comes from the official media (CCTV "[Waiting for Me] Heroic Hero - Wang Qingzhen", CCTV "Farewell! Wang Qingzhen, the old hero of the Shangganling Campaign, passed away", The Paper "The prototype of the hygienist in the movie "Shangganling": stepping on the battlefield, they are only 15 or 18 years old", the Communist Party of China News Network "Wang Qingzhen: "They are all the prototypes of Wang Lan""), but in order to improve the readability of the article, the details may be polished, please read sensibly, for reference only!

He joined the army at a young age and went to Korea

Wang Qingzhen was born in 1936 in Wuhan, Hubei, and moved to Weining County, Guizhou Province with his parents to escape the Japanese army after the Anti-Japanese War. When she was 14 years old, the handsome Wang Qingzhen was accidentally caught by local bullies, and the other party repeatedly threatened to kidnap her as a concubine. Wang Qingzhen's parents are honest farmers, and they are panicked all day long because of the coercion of the bullies, but fortunately, Qin Jiwei appeared in time with the People's Liberation Army.

The officers and soldiers of the 45th Division of the 15th Army of the People's Liberation Army liberated Weining, exterminated all the local bandits and bandits, and wiped out the remaining remnants of the Kuomintang. On the second day of Weining's recovery, Wang Qingzhen went out to see the PLA soldiers sleeping overnight on the roadside, and was deeply shocked by the strict discipline of the PLA. Thinking that the propaganda team of the 45th Division was spending the night at home, Wang Qingzhen made up her mind that she would also join the army as a soldier!

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years

Wang Qingzhen

Wang Qingzhen's idea was supported by her father, but the leaders of the army were worried that she was too young and worried that Wang Qingzhen would not be able to endure hardship. After thinking about it, the leader arranged Wang Qingzhen to be a field hospital as a health center, which made Wang Qingzhen very angry. She cut off her long hair without saying a word, disguised herself as a male soldier and blended into the army, relying on "women dressed as men" to follow all the way to the front line of the war.

The troops were initially embarrassed, but thinking that Wang Qingzhen would be harassed by bandits if she continued to stay in her hometown, they finally allowed her to serve as a hygienist in the 45th Division. In the blink of an eye, in March 1951, with the start of the third round of the campaign to resist US aggression and aid Korea, Wang Qingzhen's 45th Division was ordered to enter the DPRK to participate in the war. In the earth-shattering artillery fire, Wang Qingzhen, who had only been in the army for 4 months, set foot on that foreign land......

Sacrifice your life and forget your death Angel of the Battlefield

Wang Qingzhen was only 15 years old when she went to North Korea, and she was in her prime of life, but she shuttled with her sisters in the rain of bullets every day. During the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, the supply of food and medical supplies was cut off, which caused great difficulties for the medical team's medical treatment. But there are always more ways than difficulties, and by searching for first-aid kits on enemy corpses and pumping cotton wool from cotton clothes, supplies can always be found.

In October 1952, in order to increase the bargaining chips of the "United Nations Army" at the negotiating table, 60,000 US troops launched a large-scale attack on our army's Shangganling position. In a matter of moments, this land with an area of only 3.7 square kilometers was filled with flames, and the bombardment of planes, artillery and other heavy weapons every six seconds knocked down countless volunteer soldiers. Due to the fierce fighting, many of the wounded could not be evacuated and had to be transferred to the tunnels.

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years
"In the face of the intensive artillery fire of the US army, the volunteers in the tunnel were like riding a small boat on the turbulent sea, and the strong shock wave stirred the tunnel, many people broke their tongues and lips, and even a 17-year-old soldier was shocked to death......"

The wounded who were left in the tunnel were basically seriously injured, and they could not move independently because of their injuries, which required Wang Qingzhen to be everyone's "nurse" and "nurse". Wang Qingzhen was responsible for giving medicine and changing dressings for the wounded during the day, and at night he wiped and fed the wounded with water, and was busy going around the three tunnels. Although the war was cruel, Wang Qingzhen was never afraid, and she only wanted to restore the wounded to health.

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years
"She (Wang Qingzhen) took care of more than 20 seriously injured people in the tunnel ward behind Wusheng Mountain, feeding medicines, changing dressings, washing bandages, and carrying the wounded out of the hole to relieve urination and ......"

This is not the first time Wang Qingzhen has treated the wounded, as soon as she arrived at the battlefield, three seriously wounded people were sent to her. Among them, there was a soldier whose genitals were blown up, and in order to bandage his wounds, Wang Qingzhen repeatedly did psychological construction for himself. Although he knew that there was a difference between men and women, Wang Qingzhen, who was "not afraid of death", still overcame his shame and finally saved the life of the soldier.

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years

On the battlefield filled with gunpowder, Wang Qingzhen completely regarded himself as a "man", and never had the difference between men and women in his heart when he was treated. On one occasion, a platoon commander surnamed Cao was transported down from the frontline position, and his abdomen and intestines were blown out of his body, causing urine to be unable to pass normally. Because he couldn't go to the toilet normally, Cao Platoon's stomach bulged like a leather ball, and his painful appearance made Wang Qingzhen quite anxious.

Platoon Commander Cao wanted to solve it on his own at first, but because of the squeezing of his abdominal cavity, his hands couldn't even untie his pants. The lack of strength in his hands made it impossible to pick up the canned food box on the ground, but he was so anxious that he was sweating. Wang Qingzhen helped try it several times, but Cao Paichang still couldn't urinate, and his whole face was painful and deformed. Just when Wang Qingzhen was at a loss, the words of a wounded man reminded her.

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years
"Can't let Platoon Leader Cao be suffocated to death by urine! If any of us can move, suck it out with our mouths! ”

Wang Qingzhen knew that if this situation continued, it would lead to urine poisoning, and even worse, Cao Paichang would die due to a ruptured bladder. But the medical supplies in the tunnel are limited, and Platoon Leader Cao is not used to using canned food boxes, so how can he help him urinate? After thinking about it, Wang Qingzhen gritted her teeth and decided to go on her own, and with the help of a urinary catheter to help Cao Pai Chang urinate smoothly with her mouth. Afterwards, General Qin Jiwei fondly recalled:

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years

The third from the left is Wang Qingzhen

"In order to relieve the pain of her comrades-in-arms and help the wounded urinate, this girl is so noble that she is awe-inspiring!"

There was also a seriously wounded man, Cao Zhonglin, whose entire face had been hit by stray bullets from the enemy, and all but his nose and mouth were bandaged. Due to suppuration in his mouth, Cao Zhonglin was unable to eat on his own, and he couldn't open his mouth even after taking medicine. In order to let Cao Zhonglin recover his health as soon as possible, Wang Qingzhen first chewed the tablets and rice with his mouth, and then fed Cao Zhonglin one bite at a time. Cao Zhonglin was moved and choked up:

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years

Wang Qingzhen (first from left) feeds the wounded who are unable to eat

"I thank you, good sister!"

Treating the critically injured has become all Wang Qingzhen's everything, she never cares about personal gains and losses, and her reverence for life makes Wang Qingzhen not afraid of any terrible wounds. The wounded in the tunnel were of varying conditions, and Wang Qingzhen would do her best to provide them with assistance. If they can't eat, Wang Qingzhen feeds them with her mouth; If she can't control her urine and urine, she will help wash her clothes and pants, and she has never complained in the slightest.

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years

Battle of Shangganling

But Wang Qingzhen is not without regrets on the battlefield to resist US aggression and aid Korea, and every time she thinks of the martyr Huang Jiguang who died bravely, her mood will be extremely sad. Huang Jiguang, like Wang Qingzhen, was the third batch of personnel to enter the DPRK, served as a company correspondent in the 15th Army, and had been stationed at the forward position of Wusheng Mountain before the start of the Shangganling Campaign. After the battle began, Huang Jiguang's company was seriously reduced, and soon there were only a dozen people left.

As the company successively took positions No. 5, No. 6 and No. 4, our side also fell into a disadvantage on the battlefield. In the early morning of October 19, after several rounds of charges were declared unsuccessful, Huang Jiguang took the initiative to ask Ying and two other correspondents to form an assault team. In the face of the enemy's bullets, Huang Jiguang, who had been hit by several bullets, rushed to the vicinity of the pillbox and blocked the enemy's shooting port with his body......

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years

Huang Jiguang

When the comrades-in-arms found Huang Jiguang, his body had been beaten to a bloody blur, and Wang Qingzhen and his comrades-in-arms took advantage of the battle to carry Huang Jiguang back to the tunnel. With the help of the dim kerosene light, Wang Qingzhen, who saw Huang Jiguang's body clearly, gasped and found that the spine of his back had been pierced by bullets. The dried blood stains made the clothes and Huang Jiguang's body merge into one, and they couldn't be torn apart.

It can be said that Huang Jiguang does not have a piece of good meat left on his body, and bullet holes through the flesh can be seen everywhere. If it weren't for the water bottle and flashlight behind Huang Jiguang, I'm afraid the situation would be even worse, Wang Qingzhen was so distressed that she burst into tears. In order not to destroy the body, Wang Qingzhen used warm water to melt the blood stains, and then used scissors to reduce the clothes piece by piece, and finally changed into a new military uniform for the hero......

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years

Wang Qingzhen (front row, second from right)

The intermediate process was not easy, because Huang Jiguang's raised arms had become ossified, and Wang Qingzhen and the others had nothing to do for a while. In the end, Wang Qingzhen used a paint bucket to boil hot water, and then soaked the towel to wipe Huang Jiguang's arms. After tossing repeatedly for three days and three nights, Huang Jiguang's body was finally softened, so that Wang Qingzhen and others could successfully sort out the body. But even so, Wang Qingzhen still sighed:

"At that time, we had a prophetic preconception, if we could save his (Huang Jiguang's) bloody clothes, it would also be a precious spiritual wealth!"

Women heroes are immortal

In the entire process of resisting US aggression and aiding Korea, the Battle of Shangganling, which lasted more than 40 days and nights, produced countless heroes like Huang Jiguang. Of course, the victory in the battle was also inseparable from the efforts of the angels in white, who saved the lives of the wounded and recovered the bodies of those soldiers who died and buried them. Due to his outstanding contributions, Wang Qingzhen was awarded the second-class meritorious service and the second-class soldier Medal of Honor.

After the end of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Wang Qingzhen returned to China with the army in triumph, and attended the 1953 Heroic Model Combat Experience Exchange Meeting held as a representative of the 15th Army. In October of the same year, Wang Qingzhen and military doctor Liu Huanjie held a wedding in the original position of Shangganling, and the role of "Wang Lan" in "Shangganling" directed by Lin Shan in 1954 was based on Wang Qingzhen. But Wang Qingzhen has always been indifferent to his deeds.

Wang Qingzhen: He once used his mouth to help the wounded urinate, risked to retrieve Huang Jiguang's body, and regretted one thing in his later years

Wang Qingzhen (first from right) and his wife Liu Huanjie (first from left) in his later years

In 1958, Wang Qingzhen returned to her hometown to become a medical device factory worker, and two years later she was invited to attend the 50th anniversary celebration of International Women's Day. In 1966, Wang Qingzhen enlisted in the army for the second time in response to the call of the Central Military Commission, and has been responsible for the medical and health work of the army since then. In 1982, Wang Qingzhen retired as the deputy director of the military health department, and devoted all his energy to the cause of free clinics in his later years.

Since 1982, Wang Qingzhen and her wife have brought hope to patients in all walks of life by relying on the small outpatient clinic they set up. Many people regained their health with the help of the old couple, and those veterans who had been rescued in North Korea also wrote letters to express their gratitude to Wang Qingzhen. On October 27, 2023, 87-year-old Wang Qingzhen died of illness in Hubei, paying tribute to the old hero!



[1] CCTV "[Waiting for Me] Heroes - Wang Qingzhen";

[2] CCTV "Farewell! The death of Wang Qingzhen, the old hero of the Battle of Shangganling";

[3] The Paper, "The prototype of the hygienist in the movie "Shangganling": stepping on the battlefield, they are only 15 or 18 years old";

[4] The Communist Party of China News Network, "Wang Qingzhen: "They Are the Prototypes of Wang Lan",

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