
Is seaweed an "innate nemesis" for blood pressure? The doctor warned: When you are old, you can eat more of these 3 things

author:Dr. Liang popularized science
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"Your blood pressure is a little high." The doctor pushed his glasses as he looked at the report in his hand. Uncle Li raised his head, his eyes a little confused. Just last week, Uncle Li went to the bank to apply for a large-amount certificate of deposit for the sake of a small convenience in financial management, but he didn't expect to be lucky enough to win the physical examination coupon. Early this morning, he came to the hospital in a hurry, but he was in a complicated mood.

Uncle Li, who is over the age of six, was an old teacher before retiring, and he usually likes to play chess, fishing, and live a leisurely life. After listening to the doctor's words, I muttered in my heart: "High blood pressure? Doesn't it say that fish soup lowers blood pressure? Why am I still drinking fish soup every day? Seeing this, the doctor put down the report in his hand and smiled: "Teacher Li, you have been misled. Come on, let's have a good talk, and I'll open your eyes today. ”

Is seaweed an "innate nemesis" for blood pressure? The doctor warned: When you are old, you can eat more of these 3 things

Next, the doctor gave a small lecture on blood pressure. It turns out that high blood pressure is not only due to diet, but also due to genetics, lifestyle habits, and psychological stress. Moreover, many so-called "blood pressure foods" have no scientific basis.

"What should I do, doctor? I won't dare to eat anything from now on. "Uncle Li is a little anxious.

The doctor smiled: "Don't worry, I have a few foods here, you can eat more to ensure that it is beneficial and harmless." ”

Speaking of this, the doctor took out a piece of paper from the pile of papers on the table and handed it to Uncle Li. The paper reads: seaweed, carrots, onions.

Uncle Li glanced at it and asked puzzledly, "Seaweed?" Isn't this a soup stock? Can it also lower blood pressure? ”

The doctor nodded: "Don't underestimate this seaweed, a small piece is rich in nutrients." Let's talk about them one by one. ”

Seaweed, this seemingly ordinary seaweed, is actually the "invisible killer" of high blood pressure. It is not only rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, but also has a special substance - fucoidan.

Is seaweed an "innate nemesis" for blood pressure? The doctor warned: When you are old, you can eat more of these 3 things

According to scientific research, fucoidan has a significant antihypertensive effect, which can effectively inhibit vasoconstriction, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, and thus reduce blood pressure.

Data show that the incidence of hypertension in people who consume seaweed for a long time is significantly lower than that in people who do not consume seaweed. This discovery amazed many scientists and strengthened their enthusiasm for seaweed research.

Uncle Li listened attentively: "This is really the first time I've heard of it." ”

The doctor nodded: "Yes, this discovery is still relatively new, and many people don't know about it." Seaweed can be used not only to cook soup, but also to make cold salad and sushi, and there are many ways to eat it, so you can try it. ”

Next, the doctor pointed to the carrot: "Carrots are not only rabbits' favorite, they are also very good for human health, especially for people with high blood pressure. ”

Is seaweed an "innate nemesis" for blood pressure? The doctor warned: When you are old, you can eat more of these 3 things

Carrots are rich in β-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that scavenges free radicals in the body and prevents hardening of the arteries. In addition, carrots are also high in potassium, which is an important element for the body to balance sodium. Too much sodium can increase blood pressure, and potassium can help flush out excess sodium from the body and lower blood pressure.

The doctor also mentioned an interesting experiment: a hospital study on a group of patients with high blood pressure found that after two months, their blood pressure dropped significantly after two months, even more than some drugs.

Uncle Li raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Then I eat a carrot every day, wouldn't it be good?" ”

The doctor nodded: "Yes, you can eat it raw, make soup, make a salad, whatever you like." ”

Finally, the doctor talked about the onion: "This onion is a good helper for blood pressure." Did you know? Onions contain a substance called quercetin, which effectively dilates blood vessels and reduces the viscosity of the blood, thereby lowering blood pressure. ”

Is seaweed an "innate nemesis" for blood pressure? The doctor warned: When you are old, you can eat more of these 3 things
Is seaweed an "innate nemesis" for blood pressure? The doctor warned: When you are old, you can eat more of these 3 things

The doctor gave an example: there is an old Wang, who is about the same age as you, and he is also a patient with high blood pressure. Lao Wang listened to my advice, ate onions every day, and went for a follow-up check three months later, and his blood pressure dropped a lot. Lao Wang himself couldn't believe it, saying that it was the onion that gave him a second life.

Uncle Li listened to this, and his heart was a little relieved: "I usually eat these onions, but they are all used for stir-frying, it seems that I will eat more in the future." ”

The doctor nodded: "Yes, onions can be eaten raw, cold, or soaked in water." There are many ways to eat, there is always one that suits you. ”

Uncle Li left the hospital with confidence, thinking that he would have to adjust his diet in the future and eat more of these foods that are good for his body. However, Uncle Li still has a question in his heart: "Can this blood pressure be completely lowered?" Is there a cure? ”

With this problem, Uncle Li came to the hospital again and found the doctor for a solution. The doctor looked at Uncle Li and sighed: "Teacher Li, we have to seek truth from facts, at present, there is no cure for high blood pressure." However, you can control it well through diet, exercise, and mental regulation. The key is to persevere and not rush things. ”

Is seaweed an "innate nemesis" for blood pressure? The doctor warned: When you are old, you can eat more of these 3 things

The doctor explained in detail that hypertension is a chronic disease that can greatly improve the quality of life if properly controlled. Even if there is no cure, it is possible to live a healthy life with high blood pressure peacefully through scientific methods.

Uncle Li suddenly realized, and his heart suddenly brightened: "It seems that health preservation is really a science." ”

Through this physical examination, Uncle Li not only learned about his physical condition, but also learned a lot of health knowledge. The doctor's words were like an enlightenment, making him realize that scientific diet and lifestyle habits are the key to maintaining health.

So, Uncle Li decided to start today, conscientiously implement the doctor's advice, eat more seaweed, carrots and onions, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and be a smart fighter against high blood pressure.

Although Uncle Li has mastered a lot of knowledge about blood pressure lower foods, a new question has emerged in his mind: In addition to food, is there any other way to help control blood pressure?

Is seaweed an "innate nemesis" for blood pressure? The doctor warned: When you are old, you can eat more of these 3 things

Seeing Uncle Li's confusion, the doctor smiled slightly: "Of course, there are many ways to control blood pressure, in addition to diet, exercise, psychological adjustment and medication." ”

First of all, exercise is one of the important means to control blood pressure. The doctor recommended that Uncle Li do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day, such as brisk walking, jogging, swimming, etc., which can enhance heart function and improve the elasticity of blood vessels, thereby helping to lower blood pressure.

Secondly, psychological regulation is also important. In modern society, stress is everywhere, and long-term psychological stress can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, learning to relax and regulate emotions is especially important for patients with high blood pressure. The doctor suggested that Uncle Li could try to practice yoga, meditation, or participate in some hobby activities, such as calligraphy and painting, to help relax and unwind.

Finally, for patients with high blood pressure that cannot be fully controlled by lifestyle, doctors will recommend medication. Doctors especially emphasize that drug treatment needs to be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and it is important not to adjust or stop the drug on its own.

Is seaweed an "innate nemesis" for blood pressure? The doctor warned: When you are old, you can eat more of these 3 things

After listening to this, Uncle Li gratefully shook the doctor's hand: "Thank you, doctor!" I will definitely follow your advice and control my blood pressure well. ”

The doctor smiled and nodded: "Maintain good living habits and cooperate with scientific treatment, you will definitely be able to live a healthy life." ”

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[1] Li Yaqiong. Self-management ability of hypertensive patients and its potential category predictors, Hainan Medicine, 2024-06-25

Is seaweed an "innate nemesis" for blood pressure? The doctor warned: When you are old, you can eat more of these 3 things

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