
Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Uncle Hu Zaiming is a construction worker, not young, just over the sixtieth birthday. At noon that day, he and a few colleagues sat around eating a light meal. A young man brought up a peculiar topic: "You know what? I've heard that seaweed can prevent lung cancer! As soon as the words fell, with a hint of joke, everyone burst into laughter, including a few jokes: "Yo, this seaweed is really omnipotent!" ”

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

This topic planted a seed in Hu Zaiming's heart. He is a cautious person, especially when it comes to health-related matters. There are people in the family who have suffered from chronic diseases due to long-term smoking, and he is always paying special attention to such topics.

Soon after, Hu went to the hospital for a routine physical examination. While waiting, he stumbled upon Dr. Gao, a doctor with considerable prestige in the Department of Pulmonology. He thought to himself, why don't you just ask this doctor to see if there is really any connection between seaweed and lung cancer.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

Doctor Gao looked at him with a smile on his face: "Uncle Hu, if you have any questions, don't be polite." ”

"That is, I heard that seaweed can control lung cancer, is there really a scientific basis for this?" Hu relayed the conversation between his colleagues to the doctor.

After hearing this, Dr. Gao first smiled slightly, and then explained: "Uncle Hu, seaweed itself is a very good ingredient, rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals. Indeed, some of the ingredients in seaweed, such as selenium and iodine, have certain health effects on the human body and may help improve the body's immune function, thereby helping to resist the formation or spread of cancer cells to a certain extent. ”

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

"However, this does not mean that nori can directly 'control' lung cancer. The formation and development of lung cancer is a complex physiological process, involving a variety of factors, such as environmental pollution, smoking, etc. Eating nori alone is not enough. Dr. Gao explained.

He asked, "So what should we pay attention to for lung health?" ”

Dr. Gao explained in more detail this time, mentioning suggestions such as a reasonable diet, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, and regular physical examinations. He carefully elaborated on every point, which benefited Hu Zaiming a lot.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

On the way out of the hospital, Hu Zaiming's mind kept echoing Dr. Gao's words. He decided to go home and do some research on how to keep his lungs healthy through his diet and lifestyle habits.

Although this conversation was short, it gave him a deeper understanding and importance of health. Since then, he has also paid more attention to his dietary choices and lifestyle, hoping to add points to his health.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

When it comes to lung health, general advice such as quitting smoking and avoiding pollution usually comes to mind, but in fact, maintaining lung health through daily diet is also a very important aspect. In addition to the oft-mentioned nori, there are a few other foods whose benefits may not be as well known, but are also extremely helpful for lung health.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

Apples are a well-known fruit that plays an important role in maintaining lung health. The quercetin and catechins contained in apples are effective in reducing inflammation in the lungs and repairing lung cells. This natural remediation process is especially important for people who are often exposed to urban pollution and tobacco smoke.

Moreover, the natural fibers in apples help to remove impurities from the respiratory tract, allowing for more unobstructed breathing, thereby improving overall respiratory quality.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

Carrots, this root vegetable is known for its rich β-carotene, a nutrient that is converted into vitamin A in the body, which greatly strengthens the defenses of the mucous membranes of the lungs. This protective effect of vitamin A not only blocks the invasion of harmful microorganisms, but also prevents lung damage caused by environmental pollution.

The antioxidants in carrots also regulate the level of inflammation within the body, which plays an important role in preventing chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

Don't overlook garlic as a superfood. The sulfide in garlic can effectively reduce the inflammatory response of the lungs and resist the attack of harmful substances from the outside. People who eat garlic regularly tend to have slower deterioration of lung function and are more resistant to external infections. In addition, the antimicrobial properties in garlic can also help the body fight off lung infections, especially during the winter when colds are high.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

There are a few other ingredients that should not be overlooked. For example, legumes and whole grains, which are high in high levels of fiber, have been shown to reduce chronic inflammation and are very beneficial for keeping your lungs healthy. The role of fiber is not limited to the digestive system, it can also help reduce inflammation in other parts of the body, including the lungs.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

Fish and other foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are powerful anti-inflammatory agents that are extremely important for cardiovascular health, but they are just as good for the lungs. Omega-3s can help reduce inflammation in the lungs and fight the development of certain chronic lung diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

By increasing the intake of these beneficial foods, not only can we directly affect the health of our lungs, but we can also boost overall immune function, which in turn provides better protection for our respiratory system. These foods are common in everyday life and are readily available.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

When we talk about maintaining lung health, in addition to focusing on diet, lifestyle adjustments are also very crucial. To ensure that our lungs remain healthy in the long term, in addition to the regular advice of not smoking and staying away from pollution, there are some daily habits that may not be so obvious but are equally important that can greatly improve our respiratory health.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

Increase outdoor activities. Moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling, in fresh air can enhance cardiorespiratory fitness and increase the efficiency of oxygen use by the lungs. In addition, outdoor activities can help the body excrete more carbon dioxide and other waste products, reducing the burden on the lungs.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

Maintain indoor air quality. Many people may overlook the importance of indoor air quality, especially in winter, when windows are often closed and indoor air often does not circulate well. Reducing indoor sources of pollution, such as avoiding cleaning products with strong chemical odors and reducing indoor smoking, are all effective ways to protect lung health.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

Maintain proper indoor humidity. Dry air can cause airways to dry out and irritate, while excessive humidity can promote the growth of mold and bacteria. Using a humidifier or dehumidifier to keep indoor humidity within a suitable range can help maintain respiratory health.

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

Through these adjustments to daily habits, we can effectively maintain lung health and improve quality of life. Therefore, it is worth the time and effort to protect it. Through these methods, we not only keep our lungs healthy, but we also contribute to our overall health.

(All names have been changed)

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Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods



[1] Shen Xiaojuan, The Effect of Whole-course Quality Care on Pain Levels and Quality of Life in Lung Cancer Surgery Patients, Journal of Rare Diseases, 2024-02-25

Is laver a lung cancer "controller"? Doctor: If you want to have healthy lungs, you can eat more of these foods

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