
The doctor reminds: After the age of 60, the elderly would rather sweat for a while than do these 3 things in a hurry

author:Dr. Liang popularized science
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"You body, you have to pay attention!" Doctor Zhang pushed his glasses, and his tone was serious.

In other words, our protagonist, Uncle Li, got up early last morning and came to the bank with great expectations. After he retired, he went to the park every morning to do tai chi, but today he changed his itinerary. The reason is very simple, he wants to apply for a large certificate of deposit and participate in a lottery by the way. If you want to talk about this lottery, he is really lucky to win a physical examination coupon!

The doctor reminds: After the age of 60, the elderly would rather sweat for a while than do these 3 things in a hurry

This physical examination coupon came just in time, Uncle Li usually doesn't pay much attention to his body, and he always feels that he is strong and strong, and there is no major illness or pain. But now that he has this ticket, he decided to go to the hospital to have a look.

When he arrived at the hospital, Uncle Li was arranged to do various detailed examinations, such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and electrocardiogram, all of which were done for him. When the results came out, Dr. Zhang looked at the report, and his expression suddenly became serious.

"Uncle Li, your blood pressure is a little high, your blood sugar is also high, and the electrocardiogram shows some irregular heartbeat. You have to pay attention to your body, especially when you are sweating, there are a few things that you must not rush to do. ”

These words made Uncle Li stunned, is there anything you can't do when you sweat? He wiped the sweat from his forehead while listening to Dr. Zhang continue.

"First, don't rush to take a cold shower." Dr. Zhang said very seriously, "After people sweat, their pores are open, and taking a cold shower at this time can easily let the cold invade, leading to colds and even joint pain." Older people, in particular, are more susceptible to the problem because of their reduced ability to regulate their bodies. ”

The doctor reminds: After the age of 60, the elderly would rather sweat for a while than do these 3 things in a hurry

As soon as his words fell, Uncle Li remembered that last summer, an old friend took a cold shower after exercising, but he caught a cold for a week, which also caused a recurrence of the old disease of old arthritis, and he hummed in pain.

"Second, don't rush to drink ice water after sweating." Dr. Zhang continued, "After sweating, the temperature of the body is high, and suddenly drinking ice water will cause irritation to the stomach and intestines, which can easily cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, and may even cause cardiovascular accidents. This is especially important when many older people have cardiovascular problems. ”

Uncle Li nodded, remembering that after playing basketball in the summer when he was young, he always liked to drink a bottle of cold soda, and he was young and had nothing to do at that time. But now I can't, I drank a glass of ice water last time, and my stomach hurt all day.

"Third, don't go into an air-conditioned room right after sweating." Dr. Zhang sighed, "Now that the weather is hot, many people rush into the air-conditioned room as soon as they sweat, and it is cool to be cool, but the alternation of cold and heat is a great challenge to the cardiovascular system."

The doctor reminds: After the age of 60, the elderly would rather sweat for a while than do these 3 things in a hurry

Especially in the elderly, the cardiovascular function is already weakened, which can easily cause angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. ”

Hearing these words, Uncle Li was afraid for a while. He has the air conditioner on all year round at home, and he enters the house from the outside at every turn in summer, and he feels very comfortable as soon as he turns on the air conditioner. But when I heard Dr. Zhang say this, I really have to pay attention.

In order to make Uncle Li more clear, Dr. Zhang also talked about a few specific cases.

"There is an old Zhang, who is about the same age as you, and he is also an old athlete. Last summer, he went straight home after a run every day, took a cold shower, and drank a glass of ice water, which was very refreshing. As a result, one day, he suddenly felt severe pain in his chest, and was sent to the hospital by his family, only to find out that it was a myocardial infarction and was almost not saved. ”

"There is also an aunt Wang, who likes to dance square dances, and is always in a hurry to go into the supermarket to blow the air conditioner after dancing. Once she fainted in the supermarket and was sent to the hospital for a check-up, because of angina pectoris caused by alternating hot and cold. Now she doesn't dare to do that, and every time she sweats, she waits for her body to return to a normal temperature before entering the air-conditioned room. ”

The doctor reminds: After the age of 60, the elderly would rather sweat for a while than do these 3 things in a hurry

After hearing this, Uncle Li nodded again and again, thinking that he would have to pay attention in the future, don't hurt himself because of these little things.

In order to better understand for everyone, we have to talk about the scientific principles of these questions in detail.

The first is the issue of cold showers. After a person sweats, the pores open, the temperature of the skin surface rises, and suddenly encounters cold water stimulation, the pores shrink rapidly, which is easy to cause rapid contraction and expansion of blood vessels, which leads to blood pressure fluctuations and even cardiovascular problems. In addition, cold water will prevent the heat in the body from being dissipated in time, and accumulate in the body, which will make people feel uncomfortable and even cause headaches, muscle pain and other problems.

The second is the problem of drinking ice water. After sweating, the body loses water and salt, and the body needs to replenish warm water or salty beverages to restore balance. Ice water can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause symptoms such as stomach cramps and diarrhea. Especially for those who have stomach problems and intestinal diseases, it is even worse. In addition, the rapid cooling effect of ice water, which can cause a response in the cardiovascular system, especially in those with cardiovascular disease, may induce serious cardiovascular events.

The doctor reminds: After the age of 60, the elderly would rather sweat for a while than do these 3 things in a hurry

Finally, there is the problem of air-conditioned rooms. The cold air of the air conditioner will cause the body surface temperature to drop rapidly, but the heat in the body cannot be dissipated in time, resulting in uneven heat and cold in the body. Especially for the elderly, the regulatory function of the cardiovascular system is weakened, and the alternation of cold and heat will cause violent contraction and expansion of blood vessels, thereby inducing serious consequences such as angina pectoris and myocardial infarction. Therefore, after sweating, you should let your body cool down naturally, and wait for your body temperature to return to normal before entering an air-conditioned room, so as to better protect your cardiovascular health.

Dr. Zhang's words made Uncle Li feel a burst of emotion in his heart, and he felt that this physical examination was really timely. These seemingly inconspicuous little things turn out to hide such a big health hazard. After returning home, Uncle Li immediately told his wife and friends about these "golden rules", and everyone said that they should pay more attention in the future.

Finally, in response to the content of the article, a question arises: So, in addition to these precautions after sweating, what are the other daily habits that we tend to ignore, but have a significant impact on health?

The doctor reminds: After the age of 60, the elderly would rather sweat for a while than do these 3 things in a hurry

Let's dig a little deeper.

In fact, there are many healthy habits that we tend to ignore in our daily lives. For example, irregular diet, lack of exercise, staying up late for long periods of time, excessive use of electronic devices, etc., can all have serious health effects.

The first is the problem of irregular diet. Irregular diet can lead to metabolic disorders in the body and increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other diseases. Especially for the elderly, the diet should be light and regular, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less high-salt and high-fat foods.

The second is the problem of lack of exercise. Long-term lack of exercise can lead to muscle degeneration, osteoporosis, and weakened cardiopulmonary function. Consistent exercise every day, such as walking, tai chi, etc., is very important to maintain good health.

Again, it's a matter of staying up late for a long time. Staying up late can disrupt the body's biological clock, affect the endocrine system, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, etc. The elderly should pay special attention to going to bed early and waking up early to ensure adequate sleep time.

The doctor reminds: After the age of 60, the elderly would rather sweat for a while than do these 3 things in a hurry

Finally, there is the problem of excessive use of electronic devices. Prolonged use of electronic devices can lead to problems such as eye strain, vision loss, and cervical spondylosis. The use time should be reasonably arranged, and the rest should be taken every once in a while to perform eye exercises to protect eyesight.

In conclusion, healthy lifestyle habits are essential for maintaining good health. I hope that everyone can start from the small things in daily life, develop good living habits, stay away from diseases, and enjoy a healthy old age.

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[1] Zhang Wenjue, Discussion on the nursing method of physical cooling of patients with high fever, 2012 Henan Provincial Academic Conference on New Business and New Technology of Stroke Rehabilitation Nursing, China Conference, 2012-07-26

The doctor reminds: After the age of 60, the elderly would rather sweat for a while than do these 3 things in a hurry

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