
Doctor's appeal: Drink more than 3 kinds of tea in summer, rich in tea polyphenols, cool and detoxify and lower blood pressure!

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Drinking more tea rich in tea polyphenols in summer can cool and detoxify, and can also lower blood pressure!" Dr. Liu emphasized in the consultation room of the community hospital.

Uncle Zhang had just woken up from a coma, opened his eyes, and found himself lying on a hospital bed with several concerned faces next to him. It turned out that Uncle Zhang was a retired bus driver who went out to the bank to withdraw money early this morning, but it was too hot on the road and he fainted from heat stroke. Fortunately, he was taken to the community hospital in time by the bank's staff, so there was no major problem.

Doctor's appeal: Drink more than 3 kinds of tea in summer, rich in tea polyphenols, cool and detoxify and lower blood pressure!

Uncle Zhang had just woken up and was still a little dizzy, and his old neighbor Uncle Wang came to visit him. After the two exchanged a few words, Uncle Wang asked, "Brother Zhang, what's going on today?" Aren't you usually in good health? ”

Uncle Zhang smiled bitterly and said, "The weather was too hot, and after walking for a while, I fell down as soon as I got dizzy." It's really old and useless. ”

Dr. Liu walked over, patted Uncle Zhang's shoulder, and said, "Actually, in hot weather, it is particularly easy to suffer from heat stroke, especially for the elderly with high blood pressure. ”

When Uncle Wang heard Dr. Liu's words, he asked with concern, "Dr. Liu, which teas are good for us old people?" ”

Dr. Liu patiently explained: "First of all, the first type is green tea. Green tea is rich in tea polyphenols, which have a strong antioxidant effect, which can help lower blood pressure, lower blood lipids, and clear heat and detoxify. Especially in summer, drinking a refreshing cup of green tea will not only quench your thirst but also prevent heat stroke. ”

Doctor's appeal: Drink more than 3 kinds of tea in summer, rich in tea polyphenols, cool and detoxify and lower blood pressure!

Uncle Zhang nodded and expressed understanding: "Green tea is really good, and I usually like to drink it." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "Secondly, the second is chrysanthemum tea. Chrysanthemum tea has the effect of clearing the liver and eyes, clearing heat and detoxifying, and for patients with high blood pressure, chrysanthemum tea can help lower blood pressure, relieve headaches and eye fatigue. Drinking a cup of chrysanthemum tea in summer can effectively prevent heat stroke and keep the body and mind happy. ”

Uncle Wang smiled: "We all know this, I usually like to drink chrysanthemum tea." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "Finally, the third type is lotus leaf tea. Lotus leaf tea has the effect of clearing heat and dampness, lowering fat and losing weight, especially suitable for drinking in summer. The alkaloids in lotus leaf tea can dilate blood vessels and help lower blood pressure. Drinking a cup of lotus leaf tea in summer can not only cool and relieve heat, but also promote digestion and prevent heat stroke. ”

Doctor's appeal: Drink more than 3 kinds of tea in summer, rich in tea polyphenols, cool and detoxify and lower blood pressure!

Uncle Zhang suddenly realized: "It turns out that lotus leaf tea still has so many benefits, and I will drink more in the future." ”

Dr. Liu said with a smile: "That's right, through the adjustment of tea drinking, we can effectively prevent heat stroke, especially in summer, and pay more attention in hot weather." ”

Uncle Wang asked, "Then how should we usually drink these teas?" ”

Dr. Liu said with a smile: "Actually, there are several ways to help you drink these teas better, and I will tell you all about them today." ”

Uncle Zhang and Uncle Wang both pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Dr. Liu's explanation.

"The first way is to drink it in moderation. Although green tea, chrysanthemum tea, and lotus leaf tea all have many benefits, they should not be excessive, and it is advisable to drink no more than three cups a day. Excessive consumption may cause stomach upset, especially on an empty stomach. ”

Doctor's appeal: Drink more than 3 kinds of tea in summer, rich in tea polyphenols, cool and detoxify and lower blood pressure!

Uncle Zhang nodded in understanding: "This point is really important, and I usually have to pay attention to it." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "The second method is to pay attention to the choice of tea. Choose high-quality tea leaves and avoid using low-quality tea leaves. Especially chrysanthemum tea and lotus leaf tea, it is necessary to choose fresh, pollution-free chrysanthemum and lotus leaves, so as to ensure the effect of drinking tea. ”

Uncle Wang smiled: "We all know this, I usually like to buy high-quality tea." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "The third way is to drink it together. According to the individual's physique and needs, the appropriate amount of different tea leaves. For example, green tea can be paired with a small amount of mint leaves to increase the cooling sensation; Chrysanthemum tea can be paired with wolfberry to improve the effect of brightening the eyes; Lotus leaf tea can be paired with hawthorn to increase the lipid-lowering effect. ”

Uncle Zhang smiled: "These matching methods are really good, I will try them in the future." ”

Doctor's appeal: Drink more than 3 kinds of tea in summer, rich in tea polyphenols, cool and detoxify and lower blood pressure!

Dr. Liu concluded: "In short, drinking more green tea, chrysanthemum tea and lotus leaf tea rich in tea polyphenols in summer can not only cool and detoxify, but also lower blood pressure and maintain good health. However, it is necessary to pay attention to drinking in moderation, choosing high-quality tea leaves and matching them reasonably, so as to better play the effect of tea. ”

At this moment, a patient walked into the consultation room, Dr. Liu was busy receiving the consultation, and Uncle Zhang and Uncle Wang also said goodbye to the community hospital and prepared to go home. On the way, Uncle Zhang sighed in his heart, it turns out that drinking tea has so many benefits for the body, especially in summer, which is really eye-opening.

However, this leads to a new question: in addition to drinking tea, what other ways can help the elderly prevent heat stroke and maintain good health in hot summer weather?

The answer is that in addition to drinking tea, there are many ways to help the elderly prevent heat stroke and maintain good health in hot summer weather. First of all, pay attention to maintaining a moderate amount of exercise. Exercise can promote blood circulation and improve the body's resistance, but be careful to avoid strenuous exercise during hot periods. Doing a moderate amount of aerobic exercise every morning and evening, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., is very beneficial for the elderly.

Doctor's appeal: Drink more than 3 kinds of tea in summer, rich in tea polyphenols, cool and detoxify and lower blood pressure!

Secondly, pay attention to maintaining indoor ventilation. In hot weather, it is very important to maintain indoor air circulation, you can open windows or use fans and air conditioners to increase air flow, lower indoor temperature, and prevent heat stroke.

Also, take care to maintain a good diet. In summer, the diet should be light, eat less greasy and spicy food, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and maintain a balanced nutrition. In particular, water-rich fruits, such as watermelon, cucumber, bitter gourd, etc., have a good effect on preventing heat stroke.

Also, take care to maintain adequate water intake. In hot weather, the human body is prone to sweating and losing a lot of water, so it is necessary to replenish water in time to avoid dehydration. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, and you can drink some light salt water or mung bean soup in moderation, which can not only replenish water, but also prevent heatstroke and cool down.

Doctor's appeal: Drink more than 3 kinds of tea in summer, rich in tea polyphenols, cool and detoxify and lower blood pressure!

Finally, the elderly should also pay attention to regular health check-ups. Through regular check-ups, potential health problems can be detected in time, early intervention can be carried out, and the occurrence and deterioration of diseases can be prevented. In particular, the elderly with chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes should pay more attention to regular physical health checks.

In short, in the hot summer weather, the elderly should pay attention to moderate exercise, maintain indoor ventilation, good eating habits, adequate water intake and regular health checks, in order to effectively prevent heat stroke and maintain good health.

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[1] Zhou Xi. Correlation Analysis and Validation of TCM Pattern Scores and Serum Differential Proteins of Different Syndrome Types of Heat Stroke, Fujian Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024-06-07

Doctor's appeal: Drink more than 3 kinds of tea in summer, rich in tea polyphenols, cool and detoxify and lower blood pressure!

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