
The doctor said bluntly: Most of the elderly who suffer from gout but rarely have attacks have these 3 habits

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Most of the elderly who suffer from gout but rarely have attacks have a few good habits!" Dr. Liu said in the consultation room of the community hospital.

Uncle Zhao went to the bank last week to apply for a large-amount certificate of deposit, and was lucky to draw a physical examination coupon, so he came to the hospital for a physical examination. It turned out that uric acid was high and there was a risk of gout, which made him a little worried. After all, he has always thought that his eating habits are quite healthy.

The doctor said bluntly: Most of the elderly who suffer from gout but rarely have attacks have these 3 habits

Uncle Zhao is a retired calligrapher who likes to practice calligraphy and write calligraphy at home, and lives a leisurely life. The physical examination report showed that his uric acid level was high, and Dr. Liu advised him to pay more attention to his diet and lifestyle habits, otherwise it may cause gout.

Today he came to the hospital for a re-examination, and his old neighbor Uncle Li also accompanied him, and after the two exchanged a few words, Uncle Zhao asked: "Doctor Liu, how can I reduce the attack of gout?" I've heard of some elderly people who have gout, but they rarely have a gout. ”

Dr. Liu patiently explained: "It is true that although some elderly people suffer from gout, through some good habits, they can effectively reduce the number of attacks. Today I will tell you how these old people did it. ”

When Uncle Li heard Dr. Liu's words, he asked with concern, "Dr. Liu, what are those good habits?" ”

Dr. Liu said with a smile: "First of all, the first habit is to pay attention to dietary control. The main cause of many gout attacks is excessive intake of high-purine foods, such as seafood, animal offal, thick broth, etc. Older people, who rarely have seizures, usually avoid these high-purine foods and choose low-purine foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. ”

The doctor said bluntly: Most of the elderly who suffer from gout but rarely have attacks have these 3 habits

Uncle Zhao nodded and expressed understanding: "Diet is really important, I usually pay more attention." ”

Dr. Liu continued, "Secondly, the second habit is to maintain adequate water intake. Drinking water can help flush out uric acid from the body and reduce the risk of gout. Older people who rarely have seizures usually drink enough water every day to maintain their body's water balance. Studies have shown that drinking eight glasses of water a day can significantly reduce the chance of a gout attack. ”

Uncle Li smiled: "We all know this, I usually like to drink more water." ”

Dr. Liu continued, "The third habit is to insist on exercising in moderation. Exercise can promote blood circulation, help expel uric acid from the body, and also improve the body's immunity. Those elderly people who rarely have seizures usually choose an exercise method that suits them, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., and insist on doing an appropriate amount of exercise every day. ”

Uncle Zhao suddenly realized: "It turns out that these good habits can effectively reduce gout attacks, so I really need to pay attention to them." ”

The doctor said bluntly: Most of the elderly who suffer from gout but rarely have attacks have these 3 habits

Dr. Liu said with a smile: "That's right, through these good habits, we can effectively control uric acid levels, reduce the number of gout attacks, and maintain good health." ”

Uncle Li asked, "Doctor Liu, what should we usually do?" ”

Dr. Liu said with a smile: "Actually, there are several ways to help you better control gout, and I will tell you all about it today." ”

Uncle Zhao and Uncle Li both pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Dr. Liu's explanation.

"The first way is to adjust the diet. Reduce your intake of high-purine foods and eat more low-purine foods, such as vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Avoid alcohol, especially beer, as alcohol increases uric acid production and inhibits the excretion of uric acid. ”

Uncle Zhao nodded in understanding: "This is really important, I usually pay more attention to my diet." ”

Dr. Liu continued, "The second way is to maintain good habits. Maintain adequate hydration every day, try to avoid staying up late, and get a good night's sleep. Adequate sleep and good sleep habits can help the body better excrete uric acid and reduce the risk of gout. ”

The doctor said bluntly: Most of the elderly who suffer from gout but rarely have attacks have these 3 habits

Uncle Li smiled: "We all know this, I usually like to go to bed early and get up early. ”

Dr. Liu continued: "The third way is to stick to a moderate amount of exercise. Choose an exercise method that suits you, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., and insist on doing an appropriate amount of exercise every day to help the body excrete uric acid and reduce the onset of gout. ”

Uncle Zhao smiled: "These methods are really good, I will try more in the future." ”

Dr. Liu concluded: "In conclusion, by adjusting the diet, maintaining good lifestyle habits and insisting on moderate exercise, we can effectively control uric acid levels, reduce the number of gout attacks, and maintain good health. ”

At this moment, a patient walked into the consultation room, Dr. Liu was busy receiving the consultation, and Uncle Zhao and Uncle Li also said goodbye to the community hospital and prepared to go home. On the way, Uncle Zhao sighed in his heart, it turned out that some good habits can effectively reduce gout attacks, which is really eye-opening.

However, this begs a new question: in addition to diet control, staying hydrated and exercising, what other details do older people need to pay attention to in their daily lives to better prevent gout and other chronic diseases?

The doctor said bluntly: Most of the elderly who suffer from gout but rarely have attacks have these 3 habits

The answer is that there are many details that the elderly need to pay attention to in their daily lives. First of all, maintain a balanced diet. Older people consume a variety of nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Eat more fish, lean meat, soy products, dairy products, vegetables and fruits to keep your diet balanced and varied.

Second, maintain a moderate amount of exercise. Exercise can promote blood circulation and improve the body's immunity, but be careful to avoid excessive exercise, especially strenuous exercise during hot periods. Doing a moderate amount of aerobic exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., is very beneficial for the elderly.

The doctor said bluntly: Most of the elderly who suffer from gout but rarely have attacks have these 3 habits

Also, pay attention to maintaining a good work and rest routine. The elderly have poor sleep quality, so they should pay attention to going to bed early and getting up early, maintain a regular schedule and rest, and avoid staying up late. At the same time, you can take a moderate lunch break to replenish your physical strength and improve your body's immunity.

Also, take care to maintain your mental health. The elderly should keep a happy mood, relax appropriately, and avoid excessive tension and stress. You can participate in more social activities, maintain good social relationships, and improve your quality of life.

Finally, the elderly also need regular health check-ups. Through regular check-ups, potential health problems can be detected in time, early intervention can be carried out, and the occurrence and deterioration of diseases can be prevented. In particular, the elderly with a history of chronic diseases should pay more attention to regular physical health check-ups.

In short, the elderly should pay attention to a balanced diet, moderate exercise, good work and rest habits, mental health and regular health check-ups in their daily life, so as to better maintain their health, prevent gout and other chronic diseases, and prolong their lives.

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[1] Liang Weidong. Serum metabolomics analysis of patients with spleen deficiency damp-heat refractory gout, New Drugs and Clinical Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024-06-24

The doctor said bluntly: Most of the elderly who suffer from gout but rarely have attacks have these 3 habits