
Waking up in the early hours of the morning may reduce your life! Again: After the age of 65, remember 4 things to do before going to bed to live a long life

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Waking up early in the morning may reduce your life, you should pay special attention!" Dr. Liu said solemnly in the consultation room of the community hospital.

Uncle Zhao, who had just woken up, felt a little confused, looked around and found himself lying on a hospital bed. Uncle Zhao, a retired bus driver, went out to the bank early this morning to withdraw money, but the road was so hot that he fainted from heat stroke. Fortunately, he was taken to the community hospital in time by the bank's staff, so there was no major problem.

Waking up in the early hours of the morning may reduce your life! Again: After the age of 65, remember 4 things to do before going to bed to live a long life

As soon as Uncle Zhao came to his senses, his old neighbor Uncle Li came to visit him. After the two exchanged a few words, Uncle Li asked, "Brother Zhao, what's going on today?" Aren't you usually in good health? ”

Uncle Zhao said with a wry smile: "The weather was too hot, and after walking for a while, I fell down as soon as I got dizzy." It's really old and useless. ”

Dr. Liu walked over, patted Uncle Zhao's shoulder, and said: "Actually, the elderly get up early in the morning and at night to have a great impact on health, especially in hot weather, today I will tell you about four things to keep in mind before going to bed after the age of 65." ”

When Uncle Li heard Dr. Liu's words, he asked with concern: "Dr. Liu, how can you lose your life when you get up early in the morning?" ”

Dr. Liu patiently explained: "First of all, frequent waking up at night will interrupt sleep and lead to lack of sleep. The elderly do not have high sleep quality, and frequent waking up at night will lead to a decrease in deep sleep, and in the long run, the body will not get enough rest, and the immunity will decrease, increasing the risk of disease. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, which can affect longevity. ”

Waking up in the early hours of the morning may reduce your life! Again: After the age of 65, remember 4 things to do before going to bed to live a long life

Uncle Zhao nodded and expressed his understanding: "Indeed, I get up too much at night, and I don't have energy during the day." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "Secondly, getting up at night is easy to cause falls. Getting up at night, especially in the dark, the elderly have difficulty moving and are prone to falling, causing serious consequences such as fractures. In particular, the elderly with osteoporosis are difficult to recover from a fall, and may even lead to long-term bed rest, which seriously affects the quality of life. ”

Uncle Li frowned and said, "I didn't expect that there would be such a big risk in getting up at night, so I have to pay attention to it in the future." ”

Dr. Liu continued, "Finally, frequent waking up at night can affect kidney health. Kidney function gradually declines in the elderly, and frequent urination at night will increase the burden on the kidneys, which may lead to further deterioration of kidney function in the long run. One patient woke up several times during the night, and later the examination found that the kidney function was abnormal, and the condition improved by adjusting his lifestyle habits. ”

Waking up in the early hours of the morning may reduce your life! Again: After the age of 65, remember 4 things to do before going to bed to live a long life

Uncle Zhao suddenly realized: "It turns out that getting up at night has such a big impact on health, so I really need to pay attention to it." ”

Dr. Liu said with a smile: "That's right, by adjusting our lifestyle habits, we can reduce the number of nights we wake up and stay healthy." Especially after the age of 65, there are four things to keep in mind before going to bed. ”

Uncle Li asked, "Then what should we usually do?" ”

Dr. Liu smiled: "Actually, there are several ways to help you reduce getting up at night, and I will tell you today." ”

Uncle Zhao and Uncle Li both pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Dr. Liu's explanation.

"The first thing is not to drink too much water an hour before bedtime. Drinking too much water can increase the frequency of urination at night, leading to frequent waking up at night. Especially within two hours after dinner, it is necessary to control the amount of water you drink and avoid drinking a lot of water before going to bed. ”

Waking up in the early hours of the morning may reduce your life! Again: After the age of 65, remember 4 things to do before going to bed to live a long life

Uncle Zhao nodded in understanding: "This point is really important, and I usually have to pay attention to it." ”

Dr. Liu continued, "The second thing is to avoid eating too much food before bedtime. Eating too much will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines and affect the quality of sleep. Dinner should be moderate, avoid overfilling, and it is best not to eat a late-night snack before going to bed. If you're feeling hungry, eat some fruit or nuts in moderation. ”

Uncle Li smiled: "We all know this, I usually like to eat some fruits." ”

Dr. Liu continued, "The third thing is to keep the indoor temperature right. In hot weather, high indoor temperatures can affect sleep and increase the number of wake-ups during the night. You can use an air conditioner or fan to keep your room cool, but be careful to avoid direct blowing to prevent cold. ”

Uncle Zhao smiled: "This is really important, I will adjust the indoor temperature in the future." ”

Dr. Liu concluded: "The fourth thing is to relax and avoid over-excitement. Don't do strenuous exercise, watch overly stimulating TV shows or books before bed, and choose to listen to soft music or do some relaxing activities to help your body fall asleep. ”

Waking up in the early hours of the morning may reduce your life! Again: After the age of 65, remember 4 things to do before going to bed to live a long life

At this moment, a patient walked into the consultation room, Dr. Liu was busy receiving the consultation, and Uncle Zhao and Uncle Li also said goodbye to the community hospital and prepared to go home. On the way, Uncle Zhao sighed in his heart, it turned out that the details before going to bed have such a big impact on health, it was really an eye-opener.

However, this leads to a new question: in addition to bedtime habits, what other details do the elderly need to pay attention to in their daily lives in order to better maintain their health and prevent diseases?

The answer is that there are many details that the elderly need to pay attention to in their daily lives. First of all, pay attention to a varied and balanced diet. Older people consume a variety of nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Eat more fish, lean meat, soy products, dairy products, vegetables and fruits to keep your diet balanced and varied.

Second, maintain a moderate amount of exercise. Exercise can promote blood circulation and improve the body's immunity, but be careful to avoid excessive exercise, especially strenuous exercise during hot periods. Doing a moderate amount of aerobic exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, tai chi, etc., is very beneficial for the elderly.

Also, pay attention to maintaining a good work and rest routine. The elderly have poor sleep quality, so they should pay attention to going to bed early and getting up early, maintain a regular schedule and rest, and avoid staying up late. At the same time, you can take a moderate lunch break to replenish your physical strength and improve your body's immunity.

Waking up in the early hours of the morning may reduce your life! Again: After the age of 65, remember 4 things to do before going to bed to live a long life

Also, pay attention to your mental health. The elderly should keep a happy mood, relax appropriately, and avoid excessive tension and stress. You can participate in more social activities, maintain good social relationships, and improve your quality of life.

Finally, the elderly also need regular health check-ups. Through regular check-ups, potential health problems can be detected in time, early intervention can be carried out, and the occurrence and deterioration of diseases can be prevented. In particular, the elderly with a history of chronic diseases should pay more attention to regular physical health check-ups.

In short, the elderly should pay attention to a diversified and balanced diet, moderate exercise, good work and rest habits, mental health and regular health check-ups in their daily life, so as to better maintain health, prevent diseases and prolong life.

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