
What does the old man's eyebrows show when they are longer? The longer the tail of the eyebrow becomes, the longer it will live? The doctor gives the answer

author:Dr. Liang popularized science
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"Mr. Zhang, the results of your physical examination are out." As soon as the doctor's words fell, Old Man Zhang was stunned for a moment, as if he had recovered from the excitement of the bank handling a large certificate of deposit.

It all started last week. Old man Zhang, over 60 years old, is a retired engineer from a state-owned enterprise, and his life is so comfortable. Last week, he decided to take his family's savings to the bank to apply for a large certificate of deposit, and by the way, he participated in the lottery held by the bank to try his luck. Who knows, it really made him win the jackpot - a free medical examination coupon.

What does the old man's eyebrows show when they are longer? The longer the tail of the eyebrow becomes, the longer it will live? The doctor gives the answer

Old man Zhang was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth, thinking that this physical examination coupon was just right, and there was nothing wrong with him, so he went to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, and he was steady. So, he set out on his way to the hospital. During the physical examination, the doctor asked him to pay special attention to his eyebrows.

After the physical examination, Old Man Zhang sat in the waiting area of the hospital, waiting to get the physical examination report. It wasn't long before the doctor called his name. He walked into the doctor's office, and the doctor looked at his report and said, "Mr. Zhang, your indicators are basically normal, but there is a phenomenon that needs your attention, that is, your eyebrows have become longer, especially the tail of your eyebrows. ”

When Old Man Zhang heard this, he was a little disapproving: "Isn't it a good thing that this eyebrow has grown?" I've heard that the longer the eyebrows, the longer you live. ”

The doctor smiled, "That's a misunderstanding." Longer eyebrows, especially at the end of the eyebrows, while it is true that in some cases it is considered a symbol of longevity, it is actually associated with health problems. ”

What does the old man's eyebrows show when they are longer? The longer the tail of the eyebrow becomes, the longer it will live? The doctor gives the answer

At this time, Old Man Zhang began to get serious, thinking to himself, this is not a joke. He asked the doctor, "What does this eyebrow growth sign?" ”

The doctor began to explain: "Eyebrow lengthening, especially eyebrow tail lengthening, can actually be an outward manifestation of some underlying problem inside the body. For example, changes in hormone levels in the body can cause abnormal eyebrow growth. ”

The doctor continued: "First of all, to understand the effects of hormones. As we age, hormone levels in the body change. For example, a decrease in testosterone levels and a decrease in growth hormone can affect hair growth. The growth rate and length of eyebrows is often a direct reflection of changes in the body's hormone levels. ”

What does the old man's eyebrows show when they are longer? The longer the tail of the eyebrow becomes, the longer it will live? The doctor gives the answer

Old man Zhang listened a little foggy, and the doctor then explained in more layman's language: "To put it simply, the length of your eyebrows may be a sign of some hormonal imbalance in your body, such as hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones are essential for maintaining metabolic balance in the body, and if the thyroid gland is not functioning properly, it can affect the growth of hair and eyebrows. ”

Old man Zhang nodded, feeling that he understood a little, but he was still a little worried: "Then is there any serious consequence of this?" ”

The doctor reassured: "Don't worry too much, this change is generally chronic and will not have a major impact on health all at once. However, it is important to note that if you have other symptoms, such as weight gain, fatigue, dry skin, etc., you need to have your thyroid function checked further. ”

What does the old man's eyebrows show when they are longer? The longer the tail of the eyebrow becomes, the longer it will live? The doctor gives the answer

Patients are encouraged to maintain good lifestyle habits, including eating a sensible diet, exercising moderately, and reducing stress. These healthy lifestyles are very important for maintaining the normal functioning of the body and overall health. The doctor also reminds the patient that they can always communicate with the doctor if they have any other questions or concerns.

In order to let Old Man Zhang understand thoroughly, the doctor told a case: "There is an Aunt Li, like you, whose eyebrows have become very long when she is older. At first she thought it was a symbol of longevity, but then she began to feel tired and her skin was dry. Later, it was found that she had a problem with thyroid function, and after treatment, the symptoms were relieved. ”

Hearing this, Old Man Zhang suddenly realized. He asked the doctor, "Are there any other possible causes?" ”

What does the old man's eyebrows show when they are longer? The longer the tail of the eyebrow becomes, the longer it will live? The doctor gives the answer

The doctor continued: "There is also a possibility related to malnutrition. In particular, there is a deficiency of some trace elements, such as zinc and iron. These elements are essential for healthy hair growth. If there is a lack of these elements in the diet, it can also lead to abnormal growth of eyebrows and hair. ”

Old man Zhang smiled: "It seems that you have to pay attention to what you usually eat, and you can't just eat meat." ”

The doctor nodded in agreement: "Yes, a balanced diet is very important. In addition to zinc and iron, vitamins A, C, E, etc. are also beneficial for hair health. Eating foods rich in these nutrients, such as fish, nuts, green leafy vegetables and fruits, is good for your body. ”

Old man Zhang gradually had a number in his heart, but he still had a question: "Is it true that all old people's eyebrows have become longer and there is a health problem?" ”

The doctor shook his head: "Not really. Everyone's physique is different, and the speed and length of hair growth are also different. Some people are born with long eyebrows, which does not mean that they have a health problem. The key is to make a comprehensive judgment based on other symptoms and the results of the physical examination. ”

What does the old man's eyebrows show when they are longer? The longer the tail of the eyebrow becomes, the longer it will live? The doctor gives the answer

Old man Zhang suddenly realized that this physical examination was really worth it, not only to understand his physical condition, but also to learn a lot of health knowledge. He decided that when he returned home, he must pay more attention to his diet and rest and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The doctor was also relieved to see the relaxed smile on the old man's face. He finally instructed: "Mr. Zhang, pay more attention to rest, eat a balanced diet, and if you have any discomfort, come to the hospital for examination in time." As long as you maintain good lifestyle habits, your body will get better and better. ”

Old man Zhang nodded again and again, secretly glad in his heart that the lottery for this physical examination was really a big benefit.

At the end of the story, the doctor asks an extended question: "Since longer eyebrows may indicate a health problem inside the body, can we judge the health of the body by looking at changes in other hairs?" ”

What does the old man's eyebrows show when they are longer? The longer the tail of the eyebrow becomes, the longer it will live? The doctor gives the answer

In fact, the answer is yes. Changes in human hair can indeed serve as an important indicator of physical health. For example, hair loss and abnormal scalp oil production may indicate endocrine disorders or malnutrition. Abnormal growth of beard and body hair may also be associated with changes in hormone levels. Therefore, regular observation of hair changes, combined with the results of physical examinations, is an effective way to maintain good health.

When Old Man Zhang returned home, he took the doctor's words to heart. He decided to pay attention not only to the eyebrows, but also to the rest of the body to the changes in the hair, in time to detect potential health problems. In this way, he took another solid step on the road to health.

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[1] Xuan Yingli. Correlation between blood pressure, thyroid hormone and cognitive function in patients with hypothyroidism, Prevention and Treatment of Endemic Diseases in China, 2024-06-05

What does the old man's eyebrows show when they are longer? The longer the tail of the eyebrow becomes, the longer it will live? The doctor gives the answer