
Is pig liver a "catalyst" for high blood pressure? The doctor advises: The elderly who suffer from the three highs, do not touch these three things

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Pig liver is the 'catalyst' of high blood pressure, and the elderly with three highs should pay attention!" Dr. Liu said solemnly in the consultation room of the community hospital.

Uncle Zhao, who had just woken up, looked at Dr. Liu blankly. Uncle Zhao, a retired factory technician, went out to the bank early this morning to withdraw money, but the road was so hot that he fainted from heat stroke. Fortunately, he was taken to the community hospital in time by the bank's staff, so there was no major problem.

Is pig liver a "catalyst" for high blood pressure? The doctor advises: The elderly who suffer from the three highs, do not touch these three things

Uncle Zhao had just woken up, still recalling what had just happened, and his old neighbor, Uncle Wang, also rushed to visit him. Uncle Wang is over 70 years old this year, and his body is usually quite tough, but the weather has been hot recently, and he also feels a little unbearable. After the two exchanged a few words, Uncle Wang asked, "Brother Zhao, what's going on today?" Aren't you usually in good health? ”

Uncle Zhao said with a wry smile: "The weather was too hot, and after walking for a while, I fell down as soon as I got dizzy." It's really old and useless. ”

Dr. Liu walked over, patted Uncle Zhao's shoulder, and said, "Actually, in hot weather, the elderly with three highs should pay special attention to their diet, some foods seem to be nutritious, but they are very harmful to patients with three highs. ”

When Uncle Wang heard Dr. Liu's words, he asked with concern: "Dr. Liu, what foods are harmful to patients with three highs?" ”

Dr. Liu patiently explained: "First of all, the first type is pork liver. Pork liver is rich in iron and vitamin A, which is a good blood tonic food for ordinary people, but for patients with high blood pressure, the cholesterol content in pig liver is very high, which will increase the viscosity of blood, increase the burden of cardiovascular disease, and easily cause hypertension and coronary heart disease. ”

Is pig liver a "catalyst" for high blood pressure? The doctor advises: The elderly who suffer from the three highs, do not touch these three things

Uncle Zhao nodded and expressed understanding: "Indeed, I usually like to eat pork liver, so it seems that I have to pay attention." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "Secondly, the second type is pickles. Pickles are very high in salt, and excessive sodium intake can lead to an increase in blood pressure and increase the burden on the heart. Especially if you have high blood pressure, you should avoid taking too much sodium. There was an elderly patient who liked to eat pickles, but his blood pressure could not be controlled, and the doctor advised him to eat less pickles, and his blood pressure gradually stabilized. ”

Uncle Wang frowned and said, "I didn't expect pickles to have such a big impact on high blood pressure, so I have to pay attention to it in the future." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "Finally, the third type is thick soup. Many elderly people like to drink stewed soups, such as chicken soup, pork rib soup, etc., although these soups are delicious, but the fat content is high, especially the broth that has been stewed for a long time, there is more fat in it. Drinking these thick soups will increase blood lipids, lead to an increase in blood pressure, and even cause cardiovascular disease. ”

Is pig liver a "catalyst" for high blood pressure? The doctor advises: The elderly who suffer from the three highs, do not touch these three things

Uncle Zhao suddenly realized: "It turns out that these foods have such a big impact on patients with three highs, so I really need to pay attention to them." ”

Dr. Liu said with a smile: "That's right, through the adjustment of diet, we can effectively control the three highs, especially in summer, and in hot weather." ”

Uncle Wang asked, "Then what should we three-high patients eat?" ”

Dr. Liu said with a smile: "Actually, there are several foods that are very helpful to patients with three highs, and I will tell you all about them today. ”

Uncle Zhao and Uncle Wang both pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Dr. Liu's explanation.

"The first food is oats. Oats are rich in dietary fiber, which can lower blood cholesterol levels and help control blood pressure and blood sugar. Eating a bowl of oatmeal every morning is a good choice for patients with three highs. ”

Is pig liver a "catalyst" for high blood pressure? The doctor advises: The elderly who suffer from the three highs, do not touch these three things

Uncle Zhao nodded in understanding: "Oats are really good, and I usually like to eat them." ”

Dr. Liu continued, "The second food is green leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, which help lower blood pressure and blood lipids. For example, spinach, celery, bitter gourd, etc., all have a good health care effect on patients with three highs. ”

Uncle Wang smiled: "We all know this, I usually like to eat spinach." ”

Dr. Liu continued, "The third food is fish, especially deep-sea fish, which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can lower blood cholesterol levels and prevent cardiovascular disease. For example, salmon, mackerel, etc., are very beneficial for patients with three highs. ”

Uncle Zhao smiled: "The fish is really good, eat more in the future." ”

Dr. Liu concluded: "In short, patients with the three highs should pay attention to avoid foods high in cholesterol, salt and fat, and eat more oats, green leafy vegetables and fish, so as to effectively control the three highs and maintain good health. ”

Is pig liver a "catalyst" for high blood pressure? The doctor advises: The elderly who suffer from the three highs, do not touch these three things

At this moment, a patient walked into the consultation room, Dr. Liu was busy receiving treatment, and Uncle Zhao and Uncle Wang also said goodbye to the community hospital and prepared to go home. On the way, Uncle Zhao sighed in his heart, it turned out that the impact of diet on the three highs was so great, which was really eye-opening.

However, this leads to a new question: in addition to diet, what other habits do patients with the three highs need to pay attention to in order to better control the three highs?

The answer is that there are still many habits that patients with three highs need to pay attention to in their lives. First of all, pay attention to maintaining a moderate amount of exercise. Exercise can improve blood circulation, improve cardiovascular function, and help control blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids. Doing a moderate amount of aerobic exercise every day, such as walking, jogging, swimming, etc., is very beneficial for patients with three highs.

Second, take care to maintain a healthy diet. Patients with three highs should eat regularly and quantitatively, avoid overeating, especially eat light dinner, to avoid increasing the burden on the body. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the diversification of the diet to ensure a balanced nutrition.

Is pig liver a "catalyst" for high blood pressure? The doctor advises: The elderly who suffer from the three highs, do not touch these three things

Also, pay attention to maintaining a good work and rest routine. Patients with three highs have poor sleep quality, so they should pay attention to going to bed early and getting up early, maintain a regular schedule and rest, and avoid staying up late. At the same time, you can take a moderate lunch break to replenish your physical strength and improve your body's immunity.

Also, take care to get regular health check-ups. Through regular check-ups, potential health problems can be detected in time, early intervention can be carried out, and the occurrence and deterioration of the three highs can be prevented. In particular, patients with a family history of three highs should pay more attention to regular physical health check-ups.

Finally, patients with three highs should also maintain a good attitude. Mental health is equally important, and patients with the three highs should maintain a happy mood, relax appropriately, and avoid excessive tension and stress. You can participate in more social activities, maintain good social relationships, and improve your quality of life.

In short, patients with the three highs should pay attention to exercise, diet, work and rest, regular check-ups and mental health in their lives, so as to better control the three highs and maintain good health.

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[1] Cheng Fei. Correlation between serum microRNA-29b and -204 levels and vascular endothelial function in patients with essential hypertension, Chinese Journal of Hypertension, 2024-07-01

Is pig liver a "catalyst" for high blood pressure? The doctor advises: The elderly who suffer from the three highs, do not touch these three things