
Is there a hint of longevity or not, the amount of dinner is suggested? Doctor: If you have 3 characteristics, you have a greater chance of longevity

author:Dr. Liang popularized science

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"Whether you live long or not, there is also a hint of the amount of dinner meal, you have to pay attention!" Dr. Liu said in the consultation room of the community hospital.

Uncle Zhao, who had just woken up, blinked in confusion, looked around, and found himself lying on a hospital bed. Uncle Zhao, a retired postman, went out to the bank early this morning to withdraw money, but the road was too hot and he fainted from heat stroke. Fortunately, he was taken to the community hospital in time by the bank's staff, so there was no major problem.

Is there a hint of longevity or not, the amount of dinner is suggested? Doctor: If you have 3 characteristics, you have a greater chance of longevity

Uncle Zhao just woke up, and he was still a little dizzy, and his old neighbor, Uncle Li, came to visit him. After the two exchanged a few words, Uncle Li asked, "Brother Zhao, what's going on today?" Aren't you usually in good health? ”

Uncle Zhao said with a wry smile: "The weather was too hot, and after walking for a while, I fell down as soon as I got dizzy." It's really old and useless. ”

Dr. Liu walked over, patted Uncle Zhao's shoulder, and said, "Actually, in hot weather, it is especially easy to suffer from heat stroke, especially for the elderly with underlying diseases. Today I will tell you about the importance of dinner, and the amount of dinner has a lot to do with longevity. ”

When Uncle Li heard Dr. Liu's words, he asked with concern: "Dr. Liu, how can the amount of dinner have anything to do with longevity?" ”

Dr. Liu patiently explained: "First of all, eating too much dinner can easily lead to obesity. Obesity is a major cause of many chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, etc., which will affect life expectancy. Studies have found that the average life expectancy of obese people is several years shorter than that of people of normal weight. ”

Is there a hint of longevity or not, the amount of dinner is suggested? Doctor: If you have 3 characteristics, you have a greater chance of longevity

Uncle Zhao nodded and expressed understanding: "Indeed, I ate too much for dinner, and I don't feel comfortable sleeping." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "Secondly, eating dinner too late will affect the quality of sleep. Eating dinner too late will take time for food to digest in the stomach and will affect falling asleep. Long-term sleep deprivation can lead to weakened immunity and increase the risk of disease. There was a patient who often ate late at dinner, but as a result, he suffered from gastritis and poor sleep quality, and the situation improved after adjusting the dinner time. ”

Uncle Li frowned and said, "I didn't expect dinner time to have such a big impact on sleep, so I have to pay attention to it in the future." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "Finally, the amount of dinner should be moderate, not too full. Eating too much will increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, lead to indigestion, and easily cause gastrointestinal diseases. Especially for the elderly, whose digestive function is gradually declining, it is necessary to pay more attention to controlling the amount of food at dinner. There was an elderly patient who often ate a lot of dinner, but as a result, he had symptoms of stomach distension and stomach pain, and only after adjusting his diet did he get better. ”

Is there a hint of longevity or not, the amount of dinner is suggested? Doctor: If you have 3 characteristics, you have a greater chance of longevity

Uncle Zhao suddenly realized: "It turns out that the amount of dinner has such a big impact on longevity, I really need to pay attention to it." ”

Dr. Liu said with a smile: "That's right, by controlling the amount and time of dinner, we can effectively improve our physical condition and improve our quality of life." ”

Uncle Li asked, "Then how should we usually have dinner?" ”

Dr. Liu smiled: "Actually, there are several ways to help you better arrange dinner, and I will tell you about it today." ”

Uncle Zhao and Uncle Li both pricked up their ears and listened carefully to Dr. Liu's explanation.

"The first way is to have a fixed time for dinner, preferably between six and seven o'clock in the evening. This ensures that the food has enough time to digest and does not interfere with sleep. If you really want to eat later, try to solve it before 8 o'clock. ”

Is there a hint of longevity or not, the amount of dinner is suggested? Doctor: If you have 3 characteristics, you have a greater chance of longevity

Uncle Zhao nodded in understanding: "This point is really important, and I usually have to pay attention to it." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "The second method is to have a light dinner. Eat less greasy and spicy foods and more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to maintain a balanced diet. Especially in the elderly, the digestive function is weakened, and the dinner is lighter, which helps digestion and absorption. ”

Uncle Li smiled: "We all know this, I usually like to eat some vegetables." ”

Dr. Liu continued: "The third method is to control the amount of dinner, which is seven minutes full. Being too full can increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, affecting digestion and sleep. You can eat smaller, more frequent meals, and if you eat early at dinnertime, you can eat some fruits or nuts in moderation an hour before bedtime to supplement your nutrition. ”

Uncle Zhao smiled: "These methods are really good, I will try them in the future." ”

Dr. Liu concluded: "In short, the timing of dinner, the amount of meals and the choice of food have a great impact on health, especially for the elderly, who should pay more attention to these details. Maintaining a good diet can help improve your quality of life and increase your life. ”

Is there a hint of longevity or not, the amount of dinner is suggested? Doctor: If you have 3 characteristics, you have a greater chance of longevity

At this moment, a patient walked into the consultation room, Dr. Liu was busy receiving the consultation, and Uncle Zhao and Uncle Li also said goodbye to the community hospital and prepared to go home. On the way, Uncle Zhao sighed in his heart, it turned out that the details of dinner had such a big impact on longevity, which was really eye-opening.

However, this leads to a new question: in addition to the amount and time of dinner, what other details do the elderly need to pay attention to in their daily diet in order to better stay healthy?

The answer is that there are many details that the elderly need to pay attention to in their daily diet. First of all, pay attention to the variety of your diet. Older people consume a variety of nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Eat more fish, lean meat, soy products, dairy products, vegetables and fruits to keep your diet balanced and varied.

Second, pay attention to the right amount of your diet. The metabolic function of the elderly gradually declines, and excessive calorie intake can lead to obesity and related diseases. Therefore, each meal should be moderate, not too full, you can use the way of eating less and more meals, and you can eat seven minutes full at each meal.

Is there a hint of longevity or not, the amount of dinner is suggested? Doctor: If you have 3 characteristics, you have a greater chance of longevity

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the hygiene of the diet. Older people have lower immunity and are susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Pay attention to food washing and cooking, avoid eating unclean food, especially in the summer when the temperature is high, and pay attention to prevent food poisoning.

Also, pay attention to the water you drink. The elderly are prone to loss of water in their bodies, so they should maintain adequate water intake every day, especially after getting up in the morning and before and after each meal, you can drink some warm water in moderation to help digestion and metabolism.

Finally, the elderly also need regular health check-ups. Through regular check-ups, potential health problems can be detected in time, early intervention can be carried out, and the occurrence and deterioration of diseases can be prevented. In particular, the elderly with a history of chronic diseases should pay more attention to regular physical health check-ups.

In short, the elderly should pay attention to the diversification, moderation, hygiene, drinking water and regular check-ups in their daily diet, so as to better maintain their health and prolong their lives.

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