
I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

author:Light Dream said

With the arrival of the finale of "Ink Rain and Clouds", the scolding of many netizens also came.

It was originally a TV series with a good ending, the villains died, the male and female protagonists also walked together, and they got married and entered the cave room.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

As a result, in the last ten minutes, the style of painting suddenly changed, the male protagonist Xiao Yu was going to go to war, and in the end, he didn't know whether the male protagonist won or lost, leaving the audience with a lot of reverie.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

This made the audience shout that they couldn't accept it.

In fact, not only the finale is unfinished, which makes the audience unbearable, but also the various face-slapping shots in the play.

Netizens commented: "I really can't stand the big head transition, I put aside what I learned, and it's really stupid to look at the two big heads with a scowl face." ”

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

"They always stare at the camera and say cruel things, as if they are going to climb out and eat the audience."

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

It makes people feel very uncomfortable, and patting the actor's big face suddenly comes out, which can startle people.

Let's see how many face-slapping shots there are in this drama.

The beginning is a very explosive existence, the heroine Xue Li is lying on the bed, she still has a strange man lying on her stomach, she wants to forcibly violate her, she keeps resisting, but a woman is no stronger than a man.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

No matter how hard Xue Li struggled, he couldn't break free from the other party's shackles, until his mother-in-law and sister-in-law caught rape on the spot.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

After locking her up, her husband Shen Yurong pretended to take her away, but in fact, he was drugged and planned to bury her alive directly.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

Then suddenly the first big close-up of the face appeared, this expression really scared people.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

Listening to the terrifying background music, the color of the whole shot is gray and dark, and the camera slowly moves up, and the audience finds that Xue Li is lying in a dirt pit, and there is a feeling that he is not watching a TV series, but watching a horror movie.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

After that, the second face shot is from the second male.

After Shen Yurong buried Xue Li alive, he went to see the eldest princess who coerced him in the rain, and then there was a big face, Shen Yurong looked at the eldest princess with a gloomy face, and seemed to have complaints about the eldest princess for letting him force his wife to death.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

Shen Yurong's eyes were dull, he had a good face but was skinny, the flesh on his cheeks was sunken, and his eye sockets were sunken, giving people the feeling that he had been hungry for five days and hadn't eaten.

In fact, at this time, he couldn't complain about the eldest princess at all, it was all his own choice, wasn't it.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

The eldest princess fell in love with him, and contacted his mother and sister to design a frame-up for Xue Li, but for the sake of his own future, he directly buried his wife alive, and now he is still complaining that others forced him, in fact, he doesn't have to kill his wife at all, can't you let her escape?

Soon the third face-slapping shot appeared, the eldest princess stared fiercely, this look should be staring at Shen Yurong according to the development of the plot.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

But the filming must be that the actor has to watch a black camera performance, and the picture shot by this shooting technique makes the audience unable to enter the play at all, but is very playful, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

In the end, which of the crew came up with the shooting technique, and who taught you to use it like this.

Then there is the fourth face-slapping scene of the first episode.

Xue Li didn't die, he was saved by Jiang Li after he came out, Jiang Li was beaten half to death by the Virgin Hall in order to go out to take care of her, Jiang Li, who felt that he was about to die, went out to see the pear tree that was falling flowers.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

When he was enjoying the beautiful scenery, there was a shot of Jiang Li's face in the next second, the corners of his mouth were bleeding but he was looking at it with a smile, his hair was still flying everywhere, and then he fell to the ground in the next second.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

The background music is very sad, and the heroine Xue Li's tears have been falling, but because of such a sudden face-slapping shot, people can't substitute this sad story at all, okay, but it looks particularly weird and inexplicable.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

When the hall master of the virgin hall came to trouble Jiang Li, he found that Jiang Li was dead, and just when he was panicking and about to escape, another face-slapping shot appeared.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

The hall master just turned around to run, but when he looked up, he found that Xue Li was standing behind him without knowing when, staring at the hall master expressionlessly.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

Xue Li's hair was scattered, dressed in white, and she was a female ghost in white, and she was also startled by the hall master, I don't know if any audience was also startled by the sudden appearance of the face shot when they watched it.

What the hell are you going to do, just shoot a TV series well, what do you have to do with a horror effect?

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

The picture of the virgin hall master being startled by Xue Li is also a slapping face shot, this actor is startled when performing in front of a camera, and it is also a very test of acting skills, just imagine performing the plot in front of a black camera and performing seven emotions and six desires, it is definitely not an easy task.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

After Xue Li's coercion and lure the hall master, the two negotiated and Xue Li took Jiang Li's identity and became the concubine of the Jiang family.

After the Jiang family took Jiang Li home with great fanfare, Jiang Li walked in front of his father and stepmother, and there were two slapping shots, both of which were substituted for Jiang Li's perspective to see the expressions of his father and stepmother.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

Jiang Li walked up the steps to the two of them, first Jiang Li looked at his father first, Jiang's father looked at this daughter who had not seen him for ten years with a curious face, and was surprised by curiosity, as if he didn't expect that his daughter who was so young in the past has now grown so big and so good-looking.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

Then Jiang Li looked at the stepmother, and the stepmother looked at Jiang Li with a smile on her face, it seemed that the corners of her mouth were really smiling, but she smiled very reluctantly, and there was no smile in her eyes at all, this expression felt a little unbearable.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

Because Jiang Li had a big battle to go home this time, her stepmother simply calculated and found several sets of expensive, exquisite and gorgeous clothes for Jiang Li.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

Let her battle be too big, try to kill Jiang Li, and let Jiang Li get a first impression of extravagance and waste in front of Jiang's father and grandmother.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

These two shots obviously let the actors perform in front of the camera, and such shots really let the audience directly substitute Jiang Li and feel the situation she is facing.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

But substituting such a feeling is really easy to make the audience feel uncomfortable, after all, the audience is not Jiang Li, and they don't want to experience the feeling of being targeted.

After Jiang Li entered the house smoothly, her stepmother didn't want Jiang Li to visit the old lady at that time, so she used the excuse that Jiang Li had a tiring journey to rest first, but if Jiang Li was really according to her, she would leave an impression of disrespecting her elders at her grandmother.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

Fortunately, Jiang Li did not put on the set, but insisted on visiting her grandmother first, and when she saw her grandmother, her grandmother's few words made the stepmother's face pale.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

Grandmother asked Jiang Li how she was doing over the years and whether she had received any items from her, and when her stepmother heard this, her face immediately changed, because everything was detained by her.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

But Jiang Li did not choose to pierce the mask of her stepmother's hypocrisy at this time, because her stepmother must have a hundred reasons to wait for the pot, so Jiang Li exposed this matter.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

In this episode of Jiang Li's homecoming, as long as the actors say their lines, almost all of them are shot in close-ups, and when they say important words, they are all shot with their faces, which makes the audience really unable to accept the TV series being filmed like this.

Netizens commented: "I really want to continue watching it, but the director of the whole drama always likes to shoot with his face, and half of his godless big eyes are there, so I really can't appreciate it." ”

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".


There are many such face-slapping shots in "Ink Rain and Clouds", although this kind of shooting technique allows the audience to see the changes in the actors' expressions when playing the role to the greatest extent, but it is easy for people to play and even make the audience feel uncomfortable.

I'm sorry I gave up the show, I can't bring all the gods, these headshots of "Ink Rain Clouds".

But the plot of this cool film is compact, and the actors' appearance and acting skills are online, and they still received a lot of praise.

Do you like this kind of face-slapping shot?