
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

author:Listen to the clouds

On June 21, a sad dissipation came into everyone's ears, and actor Wang Tiecheng, who played Premier Zhou in many works, passed away at the age of 88.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

Maybe some people have not heard of this name, but you must have seen the works he played, the 1991 movie "Zhou Enlai", the 1998 movie "Zhou Enlai's Great Friend", the 2002 movie "Zhou Enlai's Trip to Bandung" and so on.

In these works, he vividly interpreted the image of the great Premier Zhou, and he became Premier Zhou's "professional household" because of an opportunity.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

Wang Tiecheng is an authentic Beijinger, he has been interested in Peking Opera since he was a child, but his family did not recommend him to study Peking Opera, because its development is too limited, Wang Tiecheng is also very sensible, and chose to major in acting after being admitted to the China Theatre Academy.

Due to his outstanding performance in college, after graduation he was assigned to perform in the children's art theater.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

However, the drama actor industry is really not good, Wang Tiecheng is conscientious at work every day, but he still can't gain much popularity, and he has always been a tricky role, and no director of film and television works pays attention to his excellent acting skills.

Although tepid, he was still able to support himself on his salary. He likes to read very much, and in his spare time, he sits in his study and reads.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

In 1977, the drama "Turning Point" was being planned, and the director was constantly looking for drama actors suitable for playing Premier Zhou.

And someone recommended Wang Tiecheng's image to the crew because of the similarity, he also immediately rushed to the crew to see the mirror after receiving the notice, after the success of the mirror, he also made a lot of effort for the role he played, after all, it is the great Premier Zhou, he is a great man he respects, at the memorial service of Premier Zhou, he queued for three hours to see Premier Zhou Pu for the last time.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

During that time, he read a lot of books related to Premier Zhou, whether it was Premier Zhou's hobbies, personal habits, or even the accent of speaking, he studied it quite thoroughly.

During the performance, he also worked very hard, tried his best to perform every detail, and presented a good program effect to the audience, the drama was full, and every audience was moved by Wang Tiecheng's acting skills, a total of 14 minutes of drama, and the audience applauded 17 times because of Wang Tiecheng's acting skills.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

When this drama was broadcast, Premier Zhou's wife Deng Yingchao was also watching in front of the screen, and she burst into tears instantly, as if Premier Zhou had returned to her side and returned to everyone's side.

After Zhao Wei, who was on the side, saw this scene, he helped Deng Yingchao up and said with emotion:

"Eldest sister, the prime minister is gone. This is the comrade in the repertory troupe - Wang Tiecheng. ”
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

Hearing these words, Deng Yingchao suddenly woke up and said suspiciously:

"Isn't it really Enlai coming back? This is obviously Enlai! ”
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

It can be seen that Wang Tiecheng's excellent acting skills, and his performance has also been discovered by many directors, who think that he is the best choice to play Premier Zhou.

In the following years, he became Premier Zhou's "professional household" in film and television works, and with his excellent acting skills, he won the Golden Rooster Award and the Hundred Flowers Award with "Zhou Enlai".

In addition to his excellent acting skills, in life, he is a good husband and father.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

He and his wife Yan Lili have a very good relationship, in 1970, the two had a son, which should have been a happy thing for both of them, but after examining the child, the doctor shook his head and said that the child had a congenital intellectual disability.

Therefore, many relatives and friends advised the two to give up the child, but they thought it was their heart, so they decided to bring the child up, no matter how difficult it was.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

Relying on the firm will of the two, their son gradually grew up, and he is very grateful to his parents for raising him.

In 2023, 87-year-old Wang Tiecheng is already seriously ill, and at that time he was still worried that after he left, his elderly wife would not be able to take care of his son alone.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

During the time of treatment in the hospital, Wang Tiecheng lived like a year, and the pain was very unbearable every day, and on the evening of June 21, 2024, he died due to ineffective rescue.

The next day, the news of Wang Tiecheng's death spread all over the country, and netizens felt sorry for his passing, and everyone also expressed their condolences to this great artist.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

On June 25, Wang Tiecheng's memorial service was held in Babaoshan, Beijing.

Information from the Beijing News: On June 22, 2024, the memorial service for the famous performing artist Wang Tiecheng will be held in Babaoshan on June 25
At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

The memorial service was crowded, with other outstanding actors and fans.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

At the memorial service, many wreaths were sent by the actors, and everyone regretted the death of this conscientious actor.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

Wang Tiecheng's wife and children also arrived at the scene, and because his son Wang Weiping had difficulty walking, relatives at home also helped him to the scene and leave.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

The whole family cried into tears, and the screen of the mourning hall also displayed warm photos of Wang Tiecheng's family.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

Looking at these pictures, Wang Weiping sat on the side with his head bowed, his expression was very solemn, as if he remembered his father's meticulous care for him before his death, Wang Tiecheng's wife Yan Lili couldn't cry silently, and many relatives and friends stepped forward to comfort her.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

In the memorial service, Shu Yaoxuan claimed that on the road of acting, Wang Tiecheng taught him a lot, and without Wang Tiecheng's achievements, he would not have today's achievements.

At the farewell ceremony of Wang Tiecheng's body, his wife was crying and her swollen eyes were supported, and her son sat aside with a solemn expression

Thank you Wang Tie for becoming an excellent work brought by all of us, go all the way.

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