
Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

author:Dreamers of the sea

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Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?


Some time ago, the high-profile Chang'e-6 successfully returned to Earth with the precious lunar soil on the back of the moon.

Not long ago, the news that Harbin Institute of Technology successfully allocated 1330 mg of Chang'e-5 lunar soil aroused curiosity about the distribution of lunar soil.

What's going on here?

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

The allocation of lunar soil samples is a cause for concern

The successful return of Chang'e-6 marks a major breakthrough in the mainland's lunar exploration program, and the lunar soil samples that returned with it carry the curiosity and reverie of countless Chinese people about the moon.

Shortly before the return of Chang'e-6, Harbin Institute of Technology successfully allocated 1,330 milligrams of lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-5, which may seem like an inconspicuous number, but it has the potential to produce significant progress in human exploration of the moon.

But what makes people curious is that among the many colleges and universities, why did Harbin Institute of Technology get these treasures?

Information sources:

Guangming Network "Universities Approved 1330mg Lunar Scientific Research Samples! 》2024-06-21

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

In fact, Harbin Institute of Technology can be described as "a great background" in the aerospace field, from Shenzhou spacecraft to Chang'e lunar exploration, from Tiangong space station to Mars exploration, there are Harbin Institute of Technology people everywhere.

As one of the earliest universities in mainland China to carry out aerospace education, Harbin Institute of Technology has provided a large number of outstanding talents for China's aerospace industry over the years, and its research strength in the fields of aerospace and space technology also ranks among the top in China.

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

After years of research, Harbin Institute of Technology has made many important achievements in lunar and planetary science and deep space exploration.

Each university has its own characteristics and advantages, Tsinghua University and Peking University are the top universities in China, but in the field of aerospace, they still have a certain gap compared with Harbin Institute of Technology.

Harbin Institute of Technology is undoubtedly a leader in the field of aviation and leads the development of aerospace science and technology in the mainland, but in the future, it is believed that more universities will emerge in the aerospace field and contribute wisdom and strength to the aerospace industry of the mainland.

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

Harbin Institute of Technology's aerospace scientific research strength and contribution

So, why was Harbin Institute of Technology able to stand out among many universities and obtain these precious lunar soil samples?

This has to mention the "unspoken rules" of lunar soil sample allocation, do you think that lunar soil samples can be distributed casually? That's a lot of screening.

The distribution of lunar soil samples follows the principles of fairness, justice and openness, and the state will not open the back door to you just because you are a famous university.

Information sources:

Xinhuanet "Chang'e No. 6 "Digging Treasure" Goes Home, Harbin Institute of Technology Hardcore Help"2024-06-26

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

The allocation process of lunar soil needs to comprehensively consider the scientific research strength, research direction, research foundation and other factors of each university, which university has made outstanding contributions in the field of aerospace, naturally has a better chance of obtaining lunar soil samples.

Those colleges and universities that have worked diligently and silently in the field of aerospace also deserve to be affirmed and rewarded by the state, and Harbin Institute of Technology has been allocated lunar soil this time, which actually reflects the country's affirmation of its contribution in the field of aerospace.

The successful allocation of lunar soil samples is only the beginning, and for Harbin Institute of Technology, the receipt of lunar soil samples is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, which will provide them with valuable research materials and the opportunity to make new breakthroughs in the field of lunar and planetary science.

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

At the same time, this is also a great affirmation of the scientific research strength of Harbin Institute of Technology, to be able to gain the trust and support of the country, is the dream of every university, Harbin Institute of Technology with the strength to prove itself, won this honor.

It is foreseeable that Harbin Institute of Technology will take this opportunity to make full use of the allocated lunar soil to further strengthen the research of lunar and planetary science, explore the mysteries of the moon, and make new contributions to the mainland's space exploration.

With Harbin Institute of Technology as an example, I believe that more colleges and universities will make remarkable achievements in the aerospace field and contribute to the realization of the Chinese nation's aerospace dream.

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

Research value of lunar soil samples

The study of lunar soil seems to be just a "niche hobby" for scientists, but in fact, it plays a pivotal role in the development of the mainland's aerospace industry.

Lunar soil research can not only help us unravel the mystery of the composition and structure of the moon, but also provide an important scientific basis for the future lunar exploration and resource utilization of the continent.

We have discovered that the moon contains rich mineral resources, and if the development and utilization of lunar resources can be realized, it will undoubtedly provide a new way for the sustainable development of mankind.

Information sources:

Reference news: "Chang'e-5 brought back lunar soil and discovered graphene for the first time"2024-06-25

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

More importantly, lunar soil research can also promote the progress of the mainland's space technology, enhance the mainland's space strength, and lay the foundation for future lunar exploration missions.

It can be said that lunar soil research has a real impact on the development of the mainland's aerospace industry, and it is like an unknown "hero behind the scenes", providing a steady stream of power for the mainland's aerospace take-off.

Those countless scientific research workers who have studied lunar soil are an important cornerstone for the mainland to realize its dream of becoming a space power, and their hard work has promoted the development of the mainland's space industry.

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

Among them, there is our protagonist today - the scientific research team of Harbin Institute of Technology, who won this valuable research opportunity of lunar soil with their strong scientific research strength and unremitting efforts.

Under the leadership of the scientific research team of Harbin Institute of Technology, the mainland's lunar soil research will surely achieve more remarkable results, and write a strong stroke for the take-off of the mainland's aerospace industry.

It is precisely because of the unremitting efforts of these scientific research workers that lunar soil research will become a bright light that illuminates the way forward for China's aerospace industry, guiding the aerospace industry to usher in a more brilliant tomorrow.

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

Innovation in colleges and universities promotes the development of the aerospace industry

Lunar soil research, university innovation, and aerospace dreams seem to be incompatible, but now they are closely connected because of Harbin Institute of Technology.

Harbin Institute of Technology's acquisition of lunar soil samples is not only an affirmation of its scientific research strength, but also a recognition of the university's status in the mainland's scientific and technological innovation.

As an important force in the mainland's scientific and technological innovation, major universities shoulder the dual tasks of personnel training and scientific research, and play an irreplaceable role in the fields of basic research and applied basic research.

Information sources:

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China "4 achievements of Harbin Institute of Technology won the 2023 National Science and Technology Award"2024-06-27

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

However, we must also see that the scientific and technological innovation of colleges and universities is inseparable from the support of the state and the understanding of the society, and only when the state continues to increase investment in scientific research in colleges and universities, can the scientific and technological innovation of colleges and universities truly flourish.

At the same time, colleges and universities should also take the initiative to shoulder the important task of scientific and technological innovation, actively connect with the national strategic needs, aim at the world's scientific and technological frontiers, seize opportunities in major scientific and technological fields, and provide a steady stream of impetus for the mainland's scientific and technological progress.

Harbin Institute of Technology's acquisition of lunar soil samples is a microcosm of scientific and technological innovation in universities, which shows that universities are the backbone of national scientific and technological innovation and an important support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?

It is hoped that the allocation of HIT to lunar soil this time will become an opportunity, and in the future, more and more universities will make breakthroughs in major scientific and technological fields such as aerospace, and contribute wisdom and strength to the mainland's scientific and technological undertakings.

The intersection of lunar soil, which carries the dream of human beings to explore the universe and colleges and universities shoulder the mission of leading scientific and technological innovation, will surely leave a strong mark in the history of the mainland's aerospace industry.

Let us witness together that these universities in the mainland can use scientific and technological innovation to light up the glorious chapter of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Why did Harbin Institute of Technology get 1330 mg of lunar soil, not Tsinghua University and Peking University?


Lunar soil research is a field full of unknowns and challenges, this time, Harbin Institute of Technology has won the opportunity to study lunar soil with its strength, and the next time it may be Tsinghua University, Peking University, or other universities.

However, the success of Harbin Institute of Technology has shown us the infinite possibilities of scientific and technological innovation in universities, which not only affects the development of universities themselves, but also relates to the future of the country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

We have reason to believe that with the joint support of the state and society, and under the guidance of colleges and universities, China's aerospace industry will be able to use the power of science and technology to hold up the aerospace dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
