
In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

author:Dreamers of the sea

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In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?


Smoking is bad for your health, it's a well-known adage, but if someone tells you that nicotine in cigarettes may be able to slow down aging and even longevity, do you think it's a bit unbelievable?

However, just in 2023, a study by the Chinese Academy of Sciences gave such a surprising conclusion, what is going on? What exactly did the study find?

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

Disruptive research sparks controversy

When we think of nicotine, we often associate it with cigarettes, which have long been seen as the enemy of health.

In fact, nicotine is not the same as cigarettes, in fact, nicotine is widely found in the Solanaceae family, but the amount of nicotine ingested through the consumption of vegetables such as eggplant, potatoes, and peppers is very low, and the health effects are negligible.

A study by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2023 has brought a new understanding of nicotine, and researchers found that after ingesting low-dose nicotine, the lifespan of mice was extended by 40%, a subversive discovery that has aroused widespread concern and controversy in the academic community and the public.

Information sources:

Science Network "Research Reveals the Mechanism of Low-dose Nicotine on Delaying Aging" 2023-03-07

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

Proponents believe that this study reveals the potential of nicotine in anti-aging, providing a new idea for slowing down aging, and if nicotine can indeed slow down aging, it is undoubtedly a major breakthrough.

Opponents have questioned whether the study was conducted on mice and whether it can be extrapolated to humans remains to be tested, and it would be irresponsible to equate this result with "smoking is good for your health".

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

In this regard, the research team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences also said that their research results are not to encourage smoking, but to explore the physiological mechanism of nicotine, and they call on the public not to overinterpret this result, let alone use it as an excuse to smoke.

This study has caused great controversy precisely because it challenges our stereotypes about nicotine and smoking, but the path of science is never easy, and there are always various doubts and challenges.

It is in this kind of questioning and challenge that the truth can be more and more clearly revealed, and we still need more research to verify and improve the question of whether nicotine can delay aging, but before that, we need to be cautious and cannot easily draw conclusions.

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

The dangers of smoking cannot be ignored

Although nicotine may have some positive effects, we must not ignore the dangers of smoking.

In fact, the health hazards of smoking are all-encompassing, from the respiratory system to the cardiovascular system, from the digestive system to the reproductive system, and almost no organ is immune.

Cigarette smoke contains more than 7,000 chemicals, at least 69 of which have been proven to be carcinogenic, which can irritate the respiratory tract, cause chronic inflammation and increase the risk of lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and other diseases.

Information sources:

People's Daily Online, "There are 69 carcinogens in tobacco, quitting smoking is the most effective way to prevent lung cancer", 2019-01-09

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

Not only that, smoking also accelerates arteriosclerosis, increases the incidence of heart disease and stroke, and more worryingly, the harm of smoking is not limited to the smoker himself, secondhand smoke can also pose a threat to the health of those around him.

Studies have shown that non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke have a 20% to 30% higher risk of lung cancer than others, and children who are exposed to secondhand smoke for a long time are more likely to develop respiratory infections, asthma and other problems.

In addition to the direct harm to our health, smoking can also affect our quality of life, not only causing yellowing of teeth and premature skin aging, but also reducing exercise capacity, affecting sleep quality, and even leading to sexual dysfunction.

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

It can be seen that the harm of smoking is comprehensive and far-reaching, and although nicotine itself may have some positive effects, the negative effects of smoking far outweigh these benefits.

The issue of smoking is not just a personal choice, but also a public health issue, and everyone has the right to a healthy life and has the responsibility to work towards a healthy environment.

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

The two-sided nature of nicotine

Is nicotine, the substance that countless smokers love and hate, an angel or a devil?

Like two sides of the same coin, nicotine also seems to have a dual nature, admittedly being the culprit of tobacco addiction, but potentially playing a role in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.

In recent years, several studies have found that nicotine may have neuroprotective effects, and in animal models of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, nicotine has shown the potential to improve cognitive function and slow disease progression.

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

Other studies have shown that nicotine can inhibit the release of inflammatory factors and reduce inflammation, which may be applied in the treatment of inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.

This does not mean that the positive effects of nicotine allow us to let our guard down against it, as a strong addictive substance, long-term use of nicotine can lead to dependence, and it can also adversely affect the cardiovascular system.

Recognizing the two-sided nature of nicotine, some pharmaceutical companies have begun to explore the development of new nicotine-based drugs, hoping to harness the positive effects of nicotine while minimizing its addiction and toxicity.

Information sources:

Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Advances in Drug Conversion of Nicotine, January 2019

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

For example, some researchers have tried to change the way nicotine is administered, such as by using patches or oral extended-release formulations to control the rate of nicotine release to reduce the impact on the cardiovascular system.

However, the road to nicotine drug development is not an easy one, and a large number of clinical trials and long-term observations are needed to ensure the safety and efficacy of these drugs.

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

Nothing can be generalized, and we need a comprehensive and rational understanding of nicotine when it comes to it, and we need to continue to study the potential applications of nicotine in the medical field, but we must also be fully aware of its harm.

The development of science is never achieved overnight, it needs to be verified, and it also needs to be continuously explored and revised, nicotine research still has a long way to go, and its future application is also full of uncertainty.

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

Getting tobacco and health right

In the face of the two-sided nature of nicotine, how should we treat tobacco and health correctly? First, let's be clear: no matter what positive effects nicotine may have, smoking is not a good choice.

We need to realize that smoking is not only harmful to ourselves, but also to others, and that every smoker's choice may affect the health of those around us.

When we light a cigarette, we are not only hurting ourselves, but also our family and friends.

Information sources:

Shanghai CDC "Smoking harms oneself and others, and also affects the next generation"2024-06-25

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

Of course, quitting smoking is only the first step to a healthy life, and true health requires us to work hard in all aspects of life, such as a balanced diet, moderate exercise, adequate sleep, and a positive attitude.

A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight, it requires perseverance and hard work day after day, but I believe that as long as we have determination and perseverance, we will be able to succeed.

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?

The journey of life is long and full of unknowns, and we cannot predict what will happen tomorrow, but we can choose how to treat today, how to treat our bodies and our lives.

In the future, science may discover more potential uses for nicotine, and perhaps develop safe and effective nicotine drugs, but no matter how advanced science and technology advance, we should not hope for some kind of "magic cure".

True health always lies in our own choices and efforts.

In 23 years, the Chinese Academy of Sciences published a subversive study: nicotine can delay aging, the secret of smoking and longevity?


To treat nicotine, we need a rational and comprehensive understanding, and more importantly, we need to treat tobacco and health correctly, whether it is traditional cigarettes or e-cigarettes, smoking is not a good choice.

Health is the most valuable wealth of life, it is the basis for us to realize the value of life and enjoy the beauty of life, let us take positive actions to write a healthy and long life chapter, and interpret the meaning of life with actions


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