
The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

author:Yaoyao Kan movie

1, "Viking Legends"

Exclusive to the Vikings burning, killing, plundering, fighting, history, mythology. They can be fearless in their faith, but they are fickle, greedy, immoral, and murderous, but they exaggerate that they want to go to Valhalla after death, and the three views of Valhalla are like this? The village wars are constant, the rebellion is constant, what I see is that set of sex, killing, lies, and now I feel that the Three Kingdoms are immortals fighting!

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

2, "Legend of Fallen Street"

Loose plays, delicate shots, thin group portraits. Savage City, in fact, is a drama about business acumen, you can't make money from part-time work, and it is dangerous to make money. In order to escape from the quagmire and walk into the glory of longing, but they don't know that they are going to the abyss. Come here and go here, the subway at night in New York is a cycle of life's bitterness.

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

3, "The Witcher"

I haven't read the original book, but the first and second seasons of the TV series are so exciting, and how the stories of the three protagonists are intertwined by fate in the end are really exciting. However, the first 6 episodes of the third season are very good, but unfortunately the last two episodes don't know why, the plot is particularly dragging, and the little girl actually walked in the desert for a whole episode.

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

4, "Rome"

Whether it is from the scenes, narrative techniques, actors, costumes, etc., it is still first-class, this play restores history to a certain extent, and some of the jokes are also quite interesting. Dog blood is just too well shot. It's all British actors, and it looks like it's a BBC and HBO co-production. The two god soldiers have a top force value, and they have caught up with everything.

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

5, "Westworld"

The dusty sound of an old piano, the mixed world of old and new, the lines from other literature. At the beginning, I always put myself in the role of a human being, imagining when human beings will become creators, and how can I participate in it? Then it slowly began to be brought into the hosts, and it was difficult to conclude how I was encoded and read, and where did the language that guided me come from?

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

6, "Leonardo da Vinci's Demon"

If the moviegoers are watching Leonardo da Vinci's real life, then this movie is not the first choice, it is overly apotheosized. He is an all-round genius who has learned what he has achieved, and has lived the lives of countless people with one life, changing the world again and again. Like a messenger sent by God to save, punish, and test humanity.

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

7. "Duryo Dynasty"

The king's divorce case was so interesting, while he paid infinite attention to procedural justice in public, submitted evidence for trial, proved that his marriage was illegal according to Leviticus's theory, and finally even applied for a ruling by the Roman Senate and failed; On the other hand, in order to achieve their own wishes, Rome coerced and induced all stakeholders in private, and Rome could not be satisfied, so it created its own state religion.

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

8, "Game of Thrones"

The favorite of the first season is Rob, handsome, responsible, capable, and the best big brother. I can't guess what the screenwriter is going to do next and who he wants to die. The scene is magnificent and spectacular, but the pace of the first few episodes is really slow, and the old Stark really cried to death when he died, giving up his most cherished honor for the sake of his family! But it's all to blame for his kindness and exaltation!

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

9, "Black Sails"

is a wonderful and all-encompassing group scene, the scene is very large and very cool to watch. Although there is a very annoying character, Max, I really hope that someone will kill her, but there is a premonition that she will turn over and be the protagonist next season. The twist is well written and not exaggerated, the only hope is not to come back from the dead strongly, and that there can be a new character to replace the dead.

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

10, "Spartacus"

Spartacus is too perfect as the male lead, and he will do some irrational behavior in the first season. In the second two seasons, he is full of force and resourcefulness, and he is so perfect in all aspects, like a god. This male protagonist is really decisive, and I like it if he doesn't drag his feet. Kill what should be killed, and don't kill what shouldn't. I love the shackles that imprison slaves are forged into swords of resistance.

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina

The 10 yellow storm American dramas that have been difficult to surpass so far are touching in scale and full of stamina!