
The story of roses: Roses never know, Fu Jiaming has already dug a "big hole" for her with his life

author:Ervin New Films

After Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen divorced, not long after returning to Beijing, she met her soulmate Fu Jiaming and fell in love with Fu Jiaming out of control.

However, in this seemingly vigorous love chase, Huang Yimei may never realize that Fu Jiaming had already used his short life to dig an unfillable "hole" for her, so that she would wander in it for the rest of her life, looking for the warmth that could no longer be touched.

The story of roses: Roses never know, Fu Jiaming has already dug a "big hole" for her with his life


Rose is a woman who has been cared for like a princess by her family since she was a child, and because she is very beautiful, there has always been no shortage of suitors in her life.

However, her heart is always reserved for the person who can touch the depths of her soul.

The appearance of Fu Jiaming seems to be a godsend, and their encounter is the interweaving of music and pictures, and the dialogue between souls and souls.

From the melody that inadvertently drifted into my ears ten years ago, to the gaze of ten thousand years at the exhibition ten years later, there seems to be an invisible line between the rose and Fu Jiaming, which are closely connected.

They understood each other, needless to say, romance and freedom became their common beliefs.

However, behind this seemingly perfect love, there are hidden secrets.

Fu Jiaming, this seemingly gentle and talented man, is actually a patient who has already been sentenced to death by fate.

His health, like a time bomb, could detonate at any time and blow up the world of the two to pieces.

But Rose didn't know all this, she only knew that the man in front of her was the destination of her soul and the object of love she was willing to give everything she could.

The story of roses: Roses never know, Fu Jiaming has already dug a "big hole" for her with his life


As the plot deepens, Fu Jiaming's condition is getting worse and worse, and every time he faints, it is like sounding the alarm to the rose.

But Rose, the woman who was carried away by love, selectively ignored these signals.

She was immersed in the sweetness with Fu Jiaming, thinking that as long as there was love, she could overcome everything.

As everyone knows, Fu Jiaming has already used his life to dig a "pit" for roses that is difficult to escape.

Fu Jiaming's love for roses is deep and selfless.

He knew that his time was short, but he did not want Rose to suffer the pain of loss.

So, he chose to bear silently, and used his last time to weave one good memory after another for the rose.

And these memories eventually became the eternal pain in Rose's heart, and every time in the dead of night, it would come like a tide, making her unable to breathe.

Rose's love for Fu Jiaming is also unreserved.

She is desperate to devote herself, even if she knows that the road ahead is bumpy, she will not hesitate.

She believes that as long as the two love each other, they can overcome all obstacles.

However, the reality is cruel, Fu Jiaming's death is like a sharp blade, which is fiercely inserted into her heart.

She was in pain, but there was nothing she could do.

She began to wonder if her persistence was just an empty dream?

In this love game, Rose and Fu Jiaming are both losers.

Fu Jiaming paid the price of his life in exchange for Rose's short but unforgettable love; And Rose, after losing Fu Jiaming, fell into endless pain and confusion.

She never knew how big a "pit" Fu Jiaming had already dug for her with his life, and this "pit" not only buried their love, but also deeply imprinted on Rose's heart.

The story of roses: Roses never know, Fu Jiaming has already dug a "big hole" for her with his life


In "The Story of Rose", the poignant love between Rose and Fu Jiaming shows us the greatness and cruelty of love.

Rose never knew how big a "pit" Fu Jiaming had already dug for her with his life, but this "pit" made her more determined in her pursuit and belief in true love.

She believes that in this world, there is always such a person who can be in tune with her soul and compose an eternal love song together.

As Zhen Huan said: "What is lost forever and the hardest to get is the best." ”

The story of roses: Roses never know, Fu Jiaming has already dug a "big hole" for her with his life

Rose got the best love in Fu Jiaming, and also experienced the most unforgettable pain.

This love, like a beacon, illuminates her way forward, so that in the days to come, no matter how many difficulties and setbacks she encounters, she can face them bravely and pursue them firmly.

Because she knows that only by experiencing true love can she understand what it is to cherish and what it is to let go.

And Fu Jiaming, the man who dug a "pit" for her with his life, will always live in her heart and become the most indelible memory in her life.

In fact, Rose not only remembered Fu Jiaming forever, but also put on his helmet, rode his motorcycle, and lived like him.

In this world full of uncertainties, love is perhaps the most elusive existence. But as the story of Rose and Fu Jiaming tells us, as long as there is love in the heart, there is courage to face everything.