
This week, weak to strong, hard technology stocks, select a few!

author:The treasure of a double-edged sword

Today, July 1st, Monday, today is the first day of the week, is the first day of July, the first day of the third quarter, the first day of the second half of the year, today's stock limit or breakthrough platform finishing stocks are of great significance, because the Shanghai Index closed for 6 consecutive weeks, to meet the bottoming requirements, so the market this week to close the weekly yang line is possible, and technology stocks will also go strong, now select a few bullish technology stocks as follows,

First, Huijin Technology, GEM, financial technology, state-owned assets to be acquired, banks, mainly engaged in software development, circulation plate 100 million 9, today's stock price limit, the market outlook is expected to rise,

This week, weak to strong, hard technology stocks, select a few!

Second, science and technology information, data information, digital security, Huawei, the main software development, circulation plate 100 million 9, good performance, today's stock price is yang, the volume has risen sharply, and there is still room for growth in the future.

This week, weak to strong, hard technology stocks, select a few!

Third, Nanhua Instruments, motor vehicle testing equipment, environmental monitoring equipment, carbon neutrality, the main general equipment, circulation plate 87.78 million, performance loss for 2 consecutive years, loss in the first quarter today, the stock price this morning to break through the upward attack, the highest close to the limit, pay attention to the stock price trend after the market,

This week, weak to strong, hard technology stocks, select a few!
This week, weak to strong, hard technology stocks, select a few!

Personal opinion is for reference only!

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