
In recent years, with the rapid development of electric vehicle technology, high-horsepower electric vehicles have become more and more popular. With only more than 200,000 yuan, consumers can have a 3-second car and a car of more than 100,000 yuan

author:Smoke chats about smart cars

In recent years, with the rapid development of electric vehicle technology, high-horsepower electric vehicles have become more and more popular. With only more than 200,000 yuan, consumers can have a 3-second car, and a car of more than 100,000 yuan can also provide a 000-00 acceleration experience within 4 seconds. However, many novices with little driving experience have caused quite a few accidents due to their lack of sufficient driving experience when driving these high-horsepower electric vehicles. This phenomenon has attracted widespread attention and discussion.

Car companies can use OTA technology to trigger power limits when they detect user misoperation to reduce accidents caused by misstepping. In addition, some netizens proposed three solutions:

Driver's license grading: Referring to the motorcycle license grading methods in Japan and Europe, the existing C-book is subdivided by horsepower, and the test can only be upgraded after holding it for a certain period of time, allowing driving a higher-performance car. While this programme is effective, it will take a long time to implement.

Novice Mode: High-performance electric vehicles add a power-limiting Novice mode, which gradually unlocks the power limit as the driving range increases. This solution needs to solve the problems of multi-user switching and veteran drivers skipping the novice mode by design.

Low-power version: Car companies directly launched a low-power version with 000 acceleration in 7-10 seconds, which is both safe and practical, and has a lower price and longer battery life. However, physical modifications and re-adjustments require re-adaptation, which is a cumbersome process.

All things considered, "Novice Mode" is the simplest and most straightforward solution, which can not only ensure the safety of novices, but also gradually unlock the performance of the vehicle. What do you think of this solution? Do you have any better suggestions?

In recent years, with the rapid development of electric vehicle technology, high-horsepower electric vehicles have become more and more popular. With only more than 200,000 yuan, consumers can have a 3-second car and a car of more than 100,000 yuan
In recent years, with the rapid development of electric vehicle technology, high-horsepower electric vehicles have become more and more popular. With only more than 200,000 yuan, consumers can have a 3-second car and a car of more than 100,000 yuan
In recent years, with the rapid development of electric vehicle technology, high-horsepower electric vehicles have become more and more popular. With only more than 200,000 yuan, consumers can have a 3-second car and a car of more than 100,000 yuan

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