
Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Uncle Xiong Zhiyuan's departure today was a few minutes later than usual, and the bus was bustling with people. He doesn't usually talk much, but he has an excellent ear and can always capture some useful information from the small talk of passengers. Today, a discussion about "gout patients can't eat spinach" caught his attention.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Uncle Xiong's mother was recently diagnosed with gout, which makes him particularly sensitive to this kind of information. During his lunch break, Uncle Xiong decided to use this precious time to visit his old friend, Dr. Xu, to discuss the issue. Dr. Xu is a doctor who has worked in the hospital for many years and has a deep understanding and experience in geriatrics.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Entering the hospital, there were already many people lined up outside Dr. Xu's office. Uncle Xiong waited patiently, full of thoughts. Finally, when it was his turn to enter the consultation room, he quickly cut to the chase: "Dr. Xu, I heard that gout patients can't eat spinach, is this true?" ”

Dr. Xu smiled and beckoned him to sit down and began to explain in detail: "Gout is a disease related to abnormal levels of uric acid. As for spinach, it is indeed a high-purine food, and purines produce uric acid after being metabolized in the body. For people with gout, it is indeed advisable to limit the intake of such foods.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Uncle Xiong nodded and asked again: "In addition to spinach, what other foods should gout patients avoid?" Dr. Hsu pulled out a detailed list of foods from a drawer, detailing the purine levels of each type of food.

Dr. Chui went on to explain, "Red meat, seafood, and beer are all high-purine foods that should be avoided as much as possible. At the same time, lifestyle changes are also very important. ”

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Uncle Xiong listened carefully and nodded from time to time. He thanked Dr. Xu for his detailed answers, and he also had a bottom in his heart. Walking out of the office, he decided to go home and study the food list and develop a comprehensive health management plan for his mother.

This visit not only gave Uncle Xiong a deeper understanding of gout, but also deepened his understanding of how to better care for his elderly mother. This attitude of actively learning and applying new knowledge by listening to professional opinions will undoubtedly play an important role in his future life.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

When discussing the dietary management of people with gout, the usual view is focused on avoiding high-purine foods such as red meat, seafood, and beer. However, there are also less obvious foods and drinks that may also cause a "spike" in uric acid levels, which are often overlooked. Here are some unique perspectives and insights designed to help people with gout manage their diet more holistically.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Effects of fructose. Fructose, the harmless-sounding sugar, is a hidden crisis in gout management. High-fructose corn syrup, which is ubiquitous in fruit juices, carbonated drinks, and processed foods, is one of the main culprits causing a spike in uric acid.

Uric acid is produced during fructose metabolism, which can aggravate or trigger the symptoms of gout. Especially those who often drink sugary drinks should be wary of this seemingly sweet trap.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Dietary fiber, most people may think that it has nothing to do with uric acid, but high-fiber foods can help lower uric acid levels in the blood. Fiber helps control blood sugar, slows down the absorption of sugar from food, and indirectly affects the production of uric acid. People with gout should consider increasing their intake of whole grains, legumes, and vegetables, which are all good sources of fiber.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Effects of alcohol. In general, it is well known that people with gout should avoid beer and spirits, but opinions on wine are divided. Although wine is lower in purines, it can still raise uric acid levels, especially when consumed in large quantities. Therefore, even if it is wine, gout patients should limit their intake, or drink it in moderation under the guidance of a doctor.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Dietary management of patients with gout requires a comprehensive and meticulous approach. There is also a need to pay attention to those less obvious but equally important dietary factors. By adjusting your diet, you can not only control your uric acid levels, but also improve your overall health.

In the dietary management of gout patients, we should not only focus on avoiding certain foods, but also emphasize foods that can be safely consumed. Far from causing an increase in uric acid levels, these foods can help control gout symptoms and even improve overall health.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Dairy product. Dairy products are often seen as a safe choice in the gout diet. Low-fat milk and yogurt, which contain calcium and vitamin D. These two things are very good for our bones. The protein in dairy products can help reduce uric acid levels in the blood, which can reduce gout symptoms.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Vegetable. While certain vegetables are higher in purines, most are safe for gout. For example, carrots, pumpkins, and potatoes are not only low in purines, but also rich in fiber and vitamins, which all help boost metabolism and lower uric acid in the body.

It is worth mentioning that although tomatoes were once thought to be probably unsuitable for gout sufferers, modern studies have shown that tomatoes are safe for gout sufferers when consumed in moderation, and tomatoes are rich in antioxidants that can reduce inflammation.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Fruits are also a good choice in the gout diet, especially cherries. Cherries have been shown to be effective in lowering uric acid levels and reducing the risk of gout attacks.

Citrus fruits, due to their rich vitamin C content, also help lower uric acid levels. It's important to note that while fructose may cause uric acid levels to rise in some cases, the benefits of consuming fresh fruit in moderation far outweigh the risks.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Whole grains, which can help control blood sugar levels, reduce uric acid production, and provide a feeling of fullness for a long time, can help with weight management, which is one of the key factors in managing gout.

Legumes are often misunderstood in the gout diet. Plant-based purines have different effects than animal-based purines. A moderate intake of legumes such as black beans, mung beans, or lentils can provide a rich source of protein and fiber, which actually has a positive effect on controlling uric acid levels.

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily

Patients with gout should pay attention to balance and variety when choosing foods, avoid those high-purine foods and increase these foods that are beneficial to health. Proper dietary habits, combined with appropriate lifestyle changes, can significantly improve quality of life and reduce the risk of gout attacks.

(All names have been changed)

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Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily



[1] Liu Siyuan.Causal association between four lipid components and gout: a Mendelian randomization study, Chongqing Medicine, 2024-06-20

Can't gout patients eat spinach? Doctor: Avoid the "spike" of uric acid, don't take these things off your mouth easily