
Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Oops, I heard that eating silkworm chrysalis can speed up high blood pressure, it's amazing!" Uncle Guo sat on the stone bench in the park, looking at the chess friends opposite him chatting while fiddling with chess, and his heart suddenly had mixed feelings. Uncle Guo's mood was originally relaxed, after all, playing chess was one of his pleasures. But as soon as these words came out, the general on the chessboard no longer seemed to be so witty.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Uncle Guo has been controlling his blood pressure for several years, and the doctor has reminded him to pay attention to his diet. But it was the first time he had heard of the topic of silkworm chrysalis, and his heart was like turning over the river and the sea.

"Where did you hear that?" Uncle Guo couldn't help asking.

"Oh, this, I saw it on the Internet last time, saying that the protein content in silkworm chrysalis is high, and eating too much is not good for high blood pressure, do you say scary or not?" Uncle Zhang, a chess friend, replied with a serious face.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Uncle Guo frowned, thinking that he still had to go to a professional to confirm this matter. So the next day, he went to the hospital early and found Dr. Hu, whom he had always trusted.

Seeing Uncle Guo's serious face, he smiled and asked, "Uncle Guo, what is there to worry about you this time?" ”

Uncle Guo told Dr. Hu what he heard in the park, and Dr. Hu pondered for a while before beginning to explain: "Silkworm chrysalis is indeed a food with high nutritional value, especially the protein and fat content is not low. For the average person, moderate amounts are good for health. But for people with high blood pressure, it does require a little attention. ”

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

He went on to explain: "People with high blood pressure have more pressure on the heart and blood vessels, and eating high-fat or high-protein foods can increase the burden on the heart. Although silkworm pupae are nutritious, they are also high in fat and protein, so if they are not eaten in a controlled manner, they may indeed have adverse effects on blood pressure. ”

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Dr. Hu saw that Uncle Guo was listening very carefully, so he added: "However, the impact of food on the human body is multifaceted, and you can't just look at a single ingredient. If the silkworm pupae can be controlled in a certain amount, and combined with other low-fat, high-fiber foods, the impact on blood pressure can be minimized. ”

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

When Uncle Guo heard this, the big stone in his heart finally let go of some of them. He asked him in detail how to control the amount of silkworm chrysalis consumed, and Dr. Hu explained in detail how to mix silkworm chrysalis with other foods, as well as the recommended weekly consumption.

Coming out of the hospital, Uncle Guo's pace was much easier. He decided to go home and tell his chess friends this accurate medical information, lest they be as worried as he was.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

In the dietary management of high blood pressure, we often say that it is low in salt and fat, but there are two seemingly harmless vegetables that may adversely affect people with high blood pressure if they are not careful. It may sound unexpected, as both are well-known in the health food community.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Spinach. Spinach is a highly nutritious vegetable, rich in iron, potassium, vitamin A and vitamin C, and is often considered a good choice for a healthy diet. However, spinach is also high in oxalic acid, which can be a bit tricky for people with high blood pressure. Oxalic acid combines with calcium in the body to form calcium oxalate, which may also affect the elasticity of blood vessels.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Calcium is an important mineral for maintaining the health of the heart and blood vessels, and if it is "abducted" by oxalic acid, it is naturally not good for the management of blood pressure. Therefore, although spinach is highly nutritious, people with high blood pressure must control the amount when eating it and reduce its oxalic acid content by cooking it as much as possible.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Then take a look at celery, another vegetable that is often recommended for people looking to lower their blood pressure. Celery contains a chemical called eugenol, which has been shown to help lower blood pressure. However, celery is also relatively high in sodium, and excessive consumption of celery can be counterproductive for people with high blood pressure who strictly need to control their sodium intake.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Celery has good fiber, but the presence of sodium makes it a double-edged sword. Excessive sodium intake, especially for those with high blood pressure who are particularly sensitive to sodium, may lead to water retention in the body, which can increase the burden on the heart and cause or worsen the condition of high blood pressure.

Celery contains more oxalic acid, which, like spinach, may affect mineral absorption, increase the risk of kidney stones, and indirectly affect blood pressure control.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Therefore, people with high blood pressure need to be cautious when choosing these two vegetables. The recommended approach is to consume it in moderation, for example, celery can be used in soups or with other vegetables to reduce the number of large amounts eaten in a single dose. At the same time, oxalic acid and sodium intake can be effectively reduced by cooking methods such as cooking instead of raw food.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

While spinach and celery are healthy choices in most cases, people with high blood pressure, especially those who need to tightly control their sodium and oxalic acid intake, should be more cautious. Proper dietary modification and doctor's guidance are the right way to manage high blood pressure.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

When it comes to vegetables that people with high blood pressure can eat, the first thing that may come to mind is those types that are low in sodium and high in potassium, such as broccoli and kale. But there are also less visible vegetables that are great for people with high blood pressure, and they have unique benefits for controlling blood pressure.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Winter melon, the high water content of winter melon can help the body maintain water and electrolyte balance, while the low calorie content helps to reduce weight and indirectly help control high blood pressure. What's more, winter melon contains a certain amount of potassium, a key mineral that helps regulate sodium levels in the body, and foods high in potassium can help reduce pressure on blood vessels, which can lower blood pressure.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Then there's bitter melon, which, although its flavor may be daunting to some, is not to be underestimated in lowering blood pressure and controlling blood sugar. Bitter melon contains a high amount of potassium, which can effectively balance the sodium content in the body and help lower blood pressure.

Bitter melon also contains bitter melon, a substance that has been shown to have a blood sugar-lowering effect, making it a very good choice for patients with both diabetes and high blood pressure.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

Both bitter gourd and winter gourd can be cooked in a variety of ways, such as boiling soup, stir-frying, etc., which provides a variety of dietary options for people with high blood pressure. However, it is important to note that although these vegetables are beneficial for high blood pressure, they still need to be consumed in moderation under the guidance of a doctor, especially for those with specific pathological conditions.

Winter melon and bitter gourd are not only a delicious addition to the daily diet, but they are also a delicious and healthy choice for people with high blood pressure.

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

(All names have been changed)

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Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution



[1] Luo Tiehua. Study on the effect of exercise and fitness combined with dietary regulation on blood pressure and lipid reduction in hypertensive patients, Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2014-07-01

Is silkworm chrysalis an "accelerator" for high blood pressure? Doctor: If you want to have normal blood pressure, 2 kinds of vegetables should be eaten with caution

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