
The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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Uncle Gu is 52 years old and a primary school teacher. His kind of real-world and down-to-earth that can be seen at a glance is like the children he taught from childhood to adulthood, and they all call him "Teacher Gu". Although Uncle Gu is busy with work, he always maintains a regular life and a balanced diet, but who would have thought that one day last month, he suddenly felt unbearable abdominal cramps.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

At first, Uncle Gu thought that he had eaten a bad stomach, so he didn't pay much attention to it. But the pain showed no signs of abating. Uncle Gu decided to go to the hospital for a check-up. When he arrived at the hospital, Uncle Gu briefly described his symptoms, and the doctor listened expressionlessly, and then arranged a series of examinations, including gastroscopy.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

The results of the examination came out, and the doctor told Uncle Gu that he had gastritis. Although the result was a little surprising to Uncle Gu, he was relieved that there was no more serious disease. The doctor gave him some medication and advised him to watch his diet.

After Uncle Gu returned home, he suddenly remembered that when he was a child, whenever someone had a bad appetite, the old man in the family would make a pot of radish soup. Thinking of this, Uncle Gu decided to drink radish soup every day to see if he could relieve the symptoms of gastritis. Uncle Gu insisted on drinking two bowls a day, and he found that his stomach pain was slowly reduced.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

A month later, Uncle Gu went back to the hospital for a reexamination, and the results made the doctors exclaim incredible. Not only have the symptoms of gastritis improved significantly, but even the gastric mucosa has recovered quite well. The doctor looked at the results of the examination and couldn't help but sigh: "The speed of improvement is really incredible, what changes have you made?" ”

Uncle Gu smiled and replied simply: "I drink radish soup every day." After hearing this, the doctor also felt that the effect of this radish soup seemed to be much better than expected.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

Uncle Gu took radish soup as his health secret, never forgetting the sweetness of this bowl of home-stewed every day, and often recommended this simple but effective method to friends around him. And Uncle Gu's stomach is becoming healthier and healthier because of this bowl of radish soup that seems ordinary but contains the taste of hometown.

Radish, a very common vegetable on our daily dining table, actually hides a hidden miraculous effect. Many people only know that radish is sweet and delicious and can relieve oiliness, but little is known about its unique benefits for gastritis patients.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

Radish itself has a good function of eliminating food and greasy. For gastritis patients, radish not only clears food accumulation in the stomach, but also helps reduce inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This is because the enzymes contained in radishes, such as sulforaphane, have the effect of promoting the secretion of digestive juices and increasing gastrointestinal peristalsis, thereby helping food to be better digested and reducing stomach discomfort.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

Radish is rich in dietary fiber. Dietary fiber can absorb a large amount of water, increase the volume of stool, and promote intestinal peristalsis, thereby effectively preventing the increase of stomach pressure caused by constipation and reducing gastritis symptoms. In addition, dietary fiber can also promote the growth of beneficial intestinal flora, maintain intestinal health, and indirectly help improve gastritis.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

The anti-inflammatory effect of radish should not be overlooked. Trace elements such as vitamin C and zinc in radish have good antioxidant and immunity enhancement functions, which can help reduce the inflammatory response of the gastric mucosa and promote the repair of the gastric mucosa. This is undoubtedly a great blessing for gastritis patients who are often eroded by gastric acid and have damaged mucous membranes.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

Different types of radish, such as green radish, water radish, etc., have slightly different nutrients and health benefits, but they are generally beneficial to gastritis patients. For example, green radish has a lower spicy component, which is more suitable for gastritis patients; Because of its high moisture content, radish can bring a certain lubrication to the stomach after eating, and reduce the irritation of gastric acid on the gastric mucosa.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

Radish does have a place in the dietary treatment of gastritis. Adding an appropriate amount of radish to your daily diet can not only help digestion and reduce the burden on the stomach, but also relieve the symptoms of gastritis to a certain extent and promote the repair of the gastric mucosa. This seemingly ordinary home-cooked vegetable actually hides a therapeutic potential that cannot be ignored.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

Although radish is good, it should not be eaten in excess. In particular, some raw and cold radishes may not be suitable for some patients with a cold stomach. Therefore, when gastritis patients choose radish as dietary therapy, it is best to eat it in moderation and in a timely manner according to their own constitution and condition, and if necessary, they should also consult professional doctors to formulate the most suitable diet plan.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

When discussing the dietary management of patients with gastritis, we usually hear many traditional advices, such as eating less greasy foods, avoiding irritating foods, and so on. But beyond this general knowledge, we can explore some less common but equally important dietary strategies from a more nuanced and specific perspective.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

Temperature is also something that gastritis sufferers need to pay special attention to. Foods that are too hot or too cold can irritate the already inflamed stomach lining, causing pain or discomfort.

It is best to keep the food warm or close to body temperature, so as to avoid heat irritation and ensure that the stomach is not burdened by cold food. The right temperature not only improves food acceptance, but also helps to protect the gastric mucosa from worsening symptoms.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

The way the food is prepared. When gastritis patients cook food, it is best to use cooking methods such as steaming, boiling, and stewing, and try to avoid frying, frying, etc. Steamed or boiled food retains the nutrients of the food to the greatest extent and at the same time reduces the addition of fats, which is very important for gastritis patients.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

Patients with gastritis should also pay attention to the combination and combination of foods. A reasonable diet can help gastritis patients get balanced nutrition and avoid stomach discomfort caused by repeated consumption of a single food. For example, patients can consume high-fiber vegetables and easily digestible protein sources such as fish or tofu in a single meal.

Such a combination can not only meet the body's needs for various nutrients, but also promote digestion and reduce the burden on the stomach through the complementarity of food.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

Pay attention to the way you drink water. Many people are used to drinking plenty of water after meals, but this may not be the best option for people with gastritis. Patients with gastritis are advised to drink small amounts of water several times, especially half an hour before or within an hour after a meal, and avoid drinking large amounts of water to reduce pressure on the stomach.

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day

Although these strategies are simple, the effect in real life is obvious, and can bring a more comfortable life experience to patients with gastritis.

(All names have been changed)

What do you think about gastritis? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day



[1] Ying Jing, Sun Lili. Prevention of Stomach Diseases Starts with Improving Indigestion, Family Life Guide, 2024-1

The 52-year-old uncle was diagnosed with gastritis, and since then he has been drinking radish soup every day