
Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

author:Dr. Zhang's health talks

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"Ah, my waist hurts again!" Aunt Wu muttered early this morning and went to the vegetable market. She is a housewife and her greatest pleasure every day is to visit the market. Aunt Wu was picking vegetables while listening to the chatting of the aunts in the stall next to her. "Did you hear that? Recently, the doctor said that you can't eat bamboo shoots for kidney failure, saying that it will increase the burden on the kidneys. An aunt said.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

Her husband had been diagnosed with renal insufficiency not long ago, and the doctor had a lot of precautions, but he never mentioned bamboo shoots. She hurriedly finished buying the vegetables at hand and almost trotted to find Dr. Li.

Aunt Wu hurriedly entered the clinic and sat down, even her voice was a little anxious: "Doctor Li, I heard my aunts say today that you can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure, is this true?" If my family really can't eat it, our family will have to clean up the refrigerator quickly. ”

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

After hearing this, Dr. Li first smiled softly, and then explained seriously: "Aunt Wu, there is indeed such a thing. Bamboo shoots are high in potassium, and for people with kidney insufficiency, too much potassium can increase the burden on the kidneys and may trigger more serious health problems. But some other vegetables should also be noted. ”

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

Seeing that Aunt Wu was attentive, Dr. Li continued to explain in detail: "Patients with kidney failure need to pay special attention to their diet, because the filtering and metabolic ability of the kidneys is reduced, and excessive intake of some foods that usually seem healthy will cause a burden. ”

Aunt Wu nodded, and asked again: "How should I eat it usually?" How can we ensure nutrition without harming the kidneys? ”

Dr. Li smiled and took out a booklet and handed it to Aunt Wu: "There is a detailed list of foods and suggestions here, you go back and take a closer look, and adjust your diet according to this guide, which should help your husband's health." ”

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

Aunt Wu took the booklet and nodded gratefully: "Thank you, Dr. Li, I know how to do it." I've learned a lot today, so I have to go home and study it well. ”

Walking out of the clinic, Aunt Wu had a relieved smile on her face. She decided that when she returned home, she would tidy up the kitchen and share the results of her studies with her neighbors, because everyone's health is just as important.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

When discussing dietary management in patients with renal failure, common recommendations focus on avoiding foods high in potassium, phosphorus, and protein. However, in addition to the oft-mentioned bamboo shoots, there are several vegetables that should also be of interest to us, especially in terms of potassium content and potential effects on kidney function.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

Tomatoes and potatoes are almost ubiquitous in everyday life, whether it's in a delicious soup or a tempting salad. But for patients with kidney failure, this has to be explained in detail.

Although tomato is good, its potassium content is not low, containing about 237 mg of potassium per 100 grams. Patients with kidney failure who do not take care to control their intake may cause potassium to be too high, which is a challenge to the heart, which can lead to irregular heartbeats and even cardiac arrest in severe cases. Therefore, for this group of people, it is necessary to monitor the daily tomato intake.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

Potatoes are also a fairly high potassium ingredient, and common ways to reduce potassium in potatoes include slicing them and soaking them in water or boiling them to wash off some of the potassium. But even then, this method does not completely remove all the potassium.

Therefore, patients with renal insufficiency should still be extra careful when eating potatoes, reducing potassium levels as much as possible through these methods, while being careful not to overdo it.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

There's also spinach, a leafy green vegetable that is highly prized in a healthy diet because it's rich in iron, vitamin A, and antioxidants. However, spinach is also quite high in potassium, and people with kidney failure must be very cautious when consuming spinach as it can rapidly increase potassium levels in the blood, which is a potential health risk for people whose kidney function is already impaired.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

While these vegetables are high in potassium, avoiding them altogether may not be the only solution. Proper dietary modification and moderate intake can still allow patients with kidney failure to enjoy the nutritional benefits of these vegetables. For example, the amount of potassium in these vegetables can be reduced through soaking and cooking techniques, making them more suitable for people with kidney failure.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

In daily dietary management, patients with kidney failure should also learn to read food labels and avoid those high potassium ingredients hidden in processed foods. Communicating with your doctor regularly and developing a diet plan can help patients better manage their condition and avoid health risks caused by improper diet.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

Dietary modification for patients with kidney failure is not only about avoiding certain foods, but also about understanding the composition of foods, making reasonable combinations, controlling intake, and using correct cooking methods. With these comprehensive measures, even foods that are high in potassium can be appropriately incorporated into the daily diet to satisfy taste and health.

In addition to these basic dietary points, there are some less conspicuous but extremely beneficial foods that can help people with kidney failure maintain their health and may even help improve their kidney function.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

Red peppers. Red peppers are very high in vitamin C, which is very beneficial for maintaining the body's immune function and promoting iron absorption. The antioxidant effects of vitamin C are also very important for patients with kidney failure, as it can help reduce oxidative stress due to kidney disease.

Red peppers are also a low-potassium food, containing about 175 mg of potassium per 100 grams, which can be safely incorporated into the diet plan of patients with kidney disease.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

Chinese cabbage. Not only is it inexpensive, but it is also highly nutritious, especially its vitamin K and vitamin C content, which are excellent for promoting blood clotting and boosting immunity. What's more, Chinese cabbage is a low-potassium food that is suitable for people with kidney failure.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

While there are many foods to avoid for people with kidney failure, there are also many foods that are both delicious and nutritious to choose from. With a reasonable diet modification, not only can the burden on the kidneys be avoided, but also the quality of life and overall health of patients can be improved through the auxiliary effect of these foods.

The right dietary choices, coupled with scientific cooking methods, can make these foods a delicacy on the table of kidney failure patients, which is both safe and healthy.

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

(All names have been changed)

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Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten



[1] Li Wenqi, Gan Yuehong, Chen Dandan, Huang Jin. Analysis of the current situation of self-regulation fatigue and its related influencing factors in hemodialysis patients with chronic renal failure, Chinese General Practice Nursing, 2024-6

Can't eat bamboo shoots with kidney failure? The doctor reminded: Not only bamboo shoots, but also these 3 vegetables should not be eaten

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