
The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

author:Yun Yu is not surnamed Wen

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All of the information stated in this article has been obtained from reliable sources, and the specific information is detailed in the article


Eating hometown rice and smashing his mother's bowl, and even mixing with high-level executives, he has been secretly lurking for 30 years, and once he accidentally appeared in his original form.

Such an unbelievable thing, if it weren't for official news, we would never have imagined that such a drama would be staged in real life, "the spy is by my side".

In the first half of his life, he was prosperous and prosperous, and he used his position to affect the livelihood of farmers in the mainland, but in the end, he was accidentally discovered his true identity, he is Dong Yuyu, the former deputy director of the commentary department of Guangming Daily, an important news platform in the mainland.

How can a Chinese surname and a Chinese name do something that sells Chinese?

The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

Grassroots counterattack

In 1964, Dong Yuyu was born in an ordinary rural family in Lushun, Liaoning Province, as a farmer's child, although Dong Yuyu was born poor, he never gave up the idea of changing his life, and was not willing to live in the countryside all his life.

Knowing that reading can change her fate, Dong Yuyu was successfully admitted to the Law Department of Peking University with a firm idea of changing her life, and later studied for a master's degree in law.

Peking University plus the ace major of law, whether in the past or now, is a glamorous identity card that can be used to the outside world.

The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

With such a professional background, excellent writing skills and sharp and keen thinking ability, Dong Yuyu successfully entered the news media platform "Guangming Daily" directly under the central leadership of the mainland after graduation.

But at that time, he was just a fledgling nobody, and he couldn't make any waves at all.

The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

Of course, at that time, he should still be a journalist whose thinking has not deteriorated, and he really wants to use what he has learned to do some practical things.

But many unfirm original intentions can't stand the test of interests, especially for people like him who came from a poor background and just wanted to change the material living environment.

The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

When I go out to stay abroad, my heart is not strong

After graduating from graduate school, Dong Yuyu wanted to go abroad for further study to broaden his horizons and increase his knowledge.

The influence of social and cultural environment on people's cognition is often imperceptible, and cultural infiltration is an invisible means to eliminate a nation.

In the process of studying in the United States and Japan, I don't know whether I was attracted by the prosperous social scene of developed countries, or subtly influenced by American and Japanese culture.

The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

In the process of studying abroad, Dong Yuyu's original patriotic beliefs were eroded little by little, and with the release of articles that were in line with the interests of the United States and Japan and damaged the image of the country, he completely became a slave of the United States and Japan.

In order not to be slaves, our martyrs chose revolutionary struggle, and finally achieved national liberation and established our Chinese national republic.

But in real life, there are many people who strive to be slaves of capital for the sake of profit.

The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

With the recognition of American and Japanese culture, after going abroad for further study, Dong Yuyu's originally sharp and critical vision has become more critical, and has repeatedly set his sights on some problems existing in Chinese society, and has published critical articles around these problems.

These articles have made him more famous, and he has successfully risen to the position of deputy director of the People's Daily, and after gaining more voice, he has done more than just publish negative articles about China.

Most notorious, it is a well-known institutional ban on straw burning that is a household name for rural households.

The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire
The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

At that time, such an advocacy can be said to be a lot of discussion among the masses, burning straw has always been an important way to prevent insects and weeds in rural areas, and restore land fertility, why is it directly banned for the so-called environmental protection?

Judging from Dong Yuyu's political position at that time, it seems that he had ulterior motives in proposing such a move.

As early as around 2010, as Dong Yuyu's outstanding writing ability was gradually revealed, in the process of going abroad for further study, a news media affiliated with the US government contacted Dong Yuyu and wanted to invite him to write some articles that were in line with the interests of the United States.

The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

But with the release of one article after another, he couldn't control the temptation of interests and gradually began to write some articles for the United States and Japan to smear China.

Advocating a ban on straw burning is exactly one of his international efforts to smear China's image by slandering China's agricultural production conditions.

At the same time, as his position continued to rise, Dong Yuyu's dealings with the United States and Japan were not limited to publishing some false articles, but also expanded to using his position to facilitate the acquisition of important national information and transmit it to Japanese agents, seriously damaging the interests of the mainland.,, 2024-01-08, "National Security Agencies Cracked the British Secret Intelligence Service Espionage Case MI6 Resurfaced"
The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire
The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

The legal net is restored, and spies will kill themselves if they are unjust

But as the saying goes, if you walk by the river, you can't get your shoes wet. Dong Yuyu has been transmitting important information about the mainland to the United States and Japan for decades, thinking that it is seamless, but he did not expect that he had already been noticed by the mainland's national security organs.

One day in February 2022, Dong Yuyu received a phone call from a Japanese agent who asked him to meet at a hotel in Beijing.

Unexpectedly, what was waiting for him was the prison door that opened its arms to him, and just when he was chatting and laughing with the Japanese spies, mainland state security personnel broke into the door and arrested him and the Japanese spies in one fell swoop.

The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire

He thought he was doing it seamlessly and carefully, but he didn't think that the legal open would be restored and justice would never be absent.

In this way, Dong Yuyu was arrested, and the fact that he had committed treason to the enemy for more than 30 years also surfaced in front of the public, and the case will be reviewed and sentenced in 2023, and major media have forwarded it.

Dong Yuyu may not have thought that after editing the news for so many years, in the end, what surrounds him is the news of defecting to the enemy and treason and tasting the consequences.

The central media pen is actually a Japanese spy! After 30 years of lurking in China, he was arrested in 2022 when he was about to retire


Spies may be close to you and me, and in our daily life in the future, we may need to pay more attention to those who have improper ideological concepts, unfirm political positions, and suspicious deeds.

Of course, while being wary of others, we must always remind ourselves to keep in mind our original aspiration and mission, unswervingly support the party and the people, and never again have the painful lesson of "the country takes you in your heart, and you kick the country in the ditch".


Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.


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