
The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

author:Fat Boy Yu said

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The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

In the Chinese press, there are few more shocking incidents than the case of Dong Yuyu.

The former deputy director of the commentary department of Guangming Daily, a veteran reporter who is highly respected in the industry, turned out to be a Japanese spy who had been lurking for more than 30 years.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

When the news spread, countless people were incredulous and even thought it was a rumor at one point.

However, facts are often more bizarre than fiction.

As the "pen stick" of the central media, how did he become a Japanese spy step by step, and how did China bring him to justice?

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

Today, let's walk into this chilling true story and see how a former journalistic elite became a sinner who betrayed his country.

From rural babies to central media pens

Information source: Xiangxi Procuratorate 2023-05-03The deputy director of the commentary department of the top newspaper turned out to be a Japanese spy, and Japan's infiltration of us has reached a shocking point
The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

Dong Yuyu's starting point in life is not prominent, in 1962, he was born in Lushunkou District, Liaoning Province, in an ordinary worker family.

Lushun, a place famous for the "Lushun Massacre", may have planted some complex emotions in Dong Yuyu's heart since he was a child.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

No one expected that this child, who was born in such a place full of patriotic education, would eventually become a sinner who betrayed the motherland.

Young Dong Yuyu seemed to know very well what he wanted. With his extraordinary talent and unremitting efforts, he passed all the way, and in 1984, he was admitted to the law department of Peking University, which is coveted by no math students.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

In that era, being able to enter Peking University undoubtedly paved a golden avenue for future life.

After graduation, Dong Yuyu did not choose to enter the workplace directly, but continued her studies and pursued a master's degree in law.

Three years later, he obtained a master's degree in law, which was definitely the elite of the elite at that time, and it was with this background that he successfully entered the "Guangming Daily" and became a commentator.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

In the 35 years of "Guangming Daily", Dong Yuyu's career can be said to be smooth sailing.

He has been involved in many major international news reports, including landmark events such as the 1997 handover of Hong Kong and the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

He quickly made a name for himself in the industry, and many journalism awards, such as the first prize of the China Journalism Award and the Changjiang Taofen Award, are all affirmations of his professional ability.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

Dong Yuyu also quickly gained a firm foothold in the press circles, and was even promoted all the way to the deputy director of the commentary department.

In the eyes of outsiders, Dong Yuyu is a glamorous central media pen and a respected intellectual.

However, behind this glamour, there are hidden secrets.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement
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A black-and-white double-faced agent

In 2006, Dong Yuyu was selected as a Niemann Scholar at Harvard University for a one-year study in the United States.

This should have been a valuable opportunity to improve professional capabilities and broaden international horizons, but it was during this trip to the United States that Dong Yuyu's life trajectory took a fatal deflection.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

It turned out that as early as when Dong Yuyu went to the United States to study, he had fallen into the trap of foreign forces step by step.

In the United States, Dong Yuyu was exposed to a social system and way of life that was very different from China.

The glamorous material life and the ostensibly free and open speech environment all gave him a strong sense of contrast.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

What is even more dangerous is that he began to come into contact with some organizations and individuals with ulterior motives, who, under the banner of "freedom of the press", actually secretly led Dong Yuyu to doubt the motherland's system and policies.

These organizations used the lure of offering preferential treatment to gradually win him into their camp.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

While enjoying a luxurious life, Dong Yuyu gradually lost herself and began to write articles for the American media to smear China.

After returning to China, he was still a patriotic media man on the surface, but secretly he had established close ties with foreign powers.

Dong Yuyu doesn't seem to have any abnormalities, and he is still an excellent reporter who works hard and writes sharply.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

But his heart has quietly changed, and he has begun to add some unfavorable arguments to China in some inconspicuous details, consciously or unconsciously.

These subtle changes did not attract the attention of colleagues at the time.

If studying in the United States was the first turning point in Dong Yuyu's life, then the exchange in Japan completely pushed him into the abyss.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

In 2010, Dong Yuyu got another opportunity to study in Japan, and the study experience of Keio University and Hokkaido University in Japan not only made Dong Yuyu deeply influenced by Japanese culture, but also gave him an almost blind admiration for Japan.

During his stay in Japan, Dong Yuyu also got acquainted with some so-called "Japanese experts", who were ostensibly scholars and journalists, but were actually members of Japanese intelligence agencies.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

They used money and various temptations to pull Dong Yuyu into the water step by step, and he began to frequently make pro-Japanese remarks in public, and even joined pro-Japanese organizations, becoming a Japanese spy step by step.

Since then, Dong Yuyu began his two-sided life for more than ten years, and Dong Yuyu took advantage of his position to provide Japan with important information on the mainland many times.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement
During the day, he is the deputy director of the highly respected commentary department of Guangming Daily; At night, he was a spy who provided intelligence to Japan.

He took advantage of his position to continuously transmit to the Japanese side sensitive information in China's political, economic, diplomatic, and military fields.

Every "intelligence transaction" has allowed him to get a rich monetary return.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

As time went on, Dong Yuyu seemed to become more and more daring. He began to make some high-profile statements in public.

For example, he put forward the idea of "banning the burning of straw", claiming that it was to protect the environment. But in reality, behind this proposal lies a conspiracy to undermine China's agricultural production.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

Moderate straw burning is actually beneficial to agricultural production, which can increase soil fertility and kill pests and diseases.

Dong Yuyu knew this, but he deliberately distorted the facts in an attempt to increase the peasants' production costs and affect grain output.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

What's even more incredible is that when he was about to retire, Dong Yuyu actually published an article in the American media, claiming that he wanted to send his son to study in the United States.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

His son Dong Yifu also wrote an article echoing this, and this kind of openly pro-American remarks were undoubtedly eye-catching in the public opinion environment at that time.

In hindsight, this may be Dong Yuyu's preparation for his future escape abroad.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

It was these seemingly inconsequential details that ended up attracting the attention of the relevant authorities. At the end of 2021, the state security authorities received a report about Dong Yuyu.

The subsequent investigation gradually uncovered the truth of this shocking case.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

Provisional retirement joint arrested

Time flies like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, Dong Yuyu has worked in "Guangming Daily" for 30 years.

Seeing that he was about to retire, he thought that he could retire and go to Japan to enjoy his old age.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

However, the French Open was restored, and his identity as a spy was eventually revealed.

One day in February 2022, when Dong Yuyu was preparing to meet with Japanese diplomats as usual.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

This scene was firmly locked by the net laid by the national security department, and with an order, the national security personnel quickly attacked and arrested Dong Yuyu on the spot.

Faced with ironclad evidence, Dong Yuyu finally lowered his head and admitted his espionage crime.

In this way, this spy, who had been lurking for more than 30 years, finally fell into the legal net.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

The trial of the case was conducted in closed space in order to protect state secrets and relevant witnesses.

However, it can be inferred from the information from various quarters that the information provided by Dong Yuyu to the Japanese side covers a wide range and depth of information, which is shocking.

From politics and economics to diplomacy and military, it covers almost all important areas of the country.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

In 2023, the court finally ruled that Dong Yuyu was sentenced to life imprisonment for espionage.

This result is not only a punishment for his personal crimes, but also a solemn warning to all those with bad intentions.

The outbreak of Dong Yuyu's case has brought a tremendous shock to the entire press circles. Guangming Daily immediately conducted a comprehensive review and rectification of the internal management system.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

This case is also a wake-up call for national security work, reminding us to always be vigilant against all forms of infiltration and sabotage.

A spy lurking in the upper echelons

Source: The Paper 2019-11-18 Nine major espionage cases lurking in China's top leadership
The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

In addition to Dong Yuyu, there is also a high-ranking politician who is also carried away by interests.

As a cadre of the Hong Kong Xinhua News Agency, Cai Xiaohong was born with a golden key, and his family was prominent in politics.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

His father, Cai Cheng, is an old leader of the Guangdong public security system, a teacher of the People's Public Security University, and a bigwig in the political circle.

This privileged life has allowed Cai Xiaohong to develop an arrogant and arrogant character since he was a child.

When he was young, his family paved the way for him, let him take the military road, and also worked in the People's Liberation Army Newspaper.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

Because of his family background, he was promoted so quickly, and he was sent to the Xinhua News Agency branch in Hong Kong not long after.

Later, the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong was established, and he was directly appointed to an important position with his profound background and rich experience.

But no one expected that behind this glamorous and glamorous, there was a treasonous act.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

In 2002, the relevant departments discovered that the secrets of senior leaders had been leaked in Hong Kong, and after an investigation, they found that Cai Xiaohong, who was in an important position, was the ghost.

After some investigation and tracking, he was secretly arrested one day in 2003.

During the interrogation, all his information about providing intelligence to Western countries was revealed, and it was also known that his family had secretly left the country.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

In the end, the law spared him and sentenced him to 15 years in prison.

In this digital age, the burden on the shoulders of journalists is not light, and their actions directly affect the stability of the country and the interests of the people.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

But there are still people who can't resist the temptation, betray their faith and country, and make a painful choice.

I hope that every person can keep their original intentions, don't waver for their own selfish interests, and make the right choice for the country and the people!

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

One final word

Looking back on Dong Yuyu's life, I have to say that it is an embarrassing tragedy.

He could have relied on his talent and hard work to become a respected journalist and contribute to the development of the country.

However, he chose a path of no return and eventually became a sinner who betrayed his homeland.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

The story of Dong Yuyu is undoubtedly a heart-wrenching tragedy, a talented man who originally had a bright future, but because of temporary greed and wrong ideological orientation, he embarked on the road of treason.

His actions not only seriously damaged the interests and security of the country, but also brought irreparable consequences to himself and his family.

This story brings us deep reflection and wake-up call.

The central media "pen stick" turned out to be a Japanese spy! Embedded in China for 30 years, he was arrested on the verge of retirement

As citizens, we should always keep in mind our identity and position, and resolutely safeguard the interests and dignity of the country.

No matter where you are or what kind of profession you are engaged in, you must never forget your roots and soul!

Text/Editor: Zhao Cai Xiaofen

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