
Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

author:Smell sir and talk about health

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Dr. Lee always says, "Eyebrows tell the health of the body." ”

On this day, the protagonist with the pseudonym Zhang Wei went to the convenience service center to run errands, and unexpectedly met his neighbor Uncle Li, whom he hadn't seen for many years.

Zhang Wei is an IT engineer who is busy with his work and rarely has the opportunity to communicate with his neighbors.

Uncle Li is a retired teacher with a wide range of hobbies and a lot of research on health. The two struck up a conversation, and the conversation naturally turned to health.

Uncle Li smiled and quipped as soon as they met:

"Xiaowei, why are your eyebrows so sparse recently, is there something uncomfortable in your body?" Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment and said with a smile:

"Uncle, you are really sharp-eyed, you can also see the problem with these eyebrows?"

Uncle Li said mysteriously: "Of course you can!" Eyebrows are a barometer of good health, and many diseases can be seen through them, especially serious diseases such as cancer. ”

Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

Zhang Wei thought it was interesting, so he asked: "Uncle, tell me, what is the relationship between these eyebrows and health?" ”

So, Uncle Li began to talk endlessly. He said: "You see, sparse eyebrows or eyebrow loss may be a sign of poor liver and kidney function, and people with thick eyebrows tend to have more stable hormone levels in their bodies and a stronger immune system. ”

Uncle Li paused and continued: "Especially those who are not prone to cancer, they all have two commonalities in their eyebrows! ”

Zhang Wei became interested and hurriedly asked, "Which two have in common?" ”

Uncle Li said: "First, the eyebrows are thick; Second, the base of the eyebrows is thick. ”

Zhang Wei touched his eyebrows thoughtfully: "But, uncle, how is this possible?" What is the relationship between eyebrows and cancer? ”

Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

Uncle Li explained: "You don't know, scientists have long discovered that the health of the eyebrows has a lot to do with the hormone levels in the body and the immune system. “

Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

Zhang Wei felt that this statement was very novel, but he was still skeptical.

Seeing this, Uncle Li decided to tell a case to corroborate.

He said: "I know an old friend named Lao Wang. Lao Wang's eyebrows have always been thick, but he has not suffered any serious illness over the age of seventy. Once Lao Wang felt unwell and went to the hospital for examination, the doctor told him that the immune cells in his body were very active and all indicators were very good, which was the reason why he had not suffered from cancer for many years. ”

After hearing this, Zhang Wei couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, is there any scientific research to support this statement?" ”

Uncle Li nodded and said, "Of course there is." Did you know that studies have shown that people with high levels of androgens in their bodies tend to have stronger immune systems? A study in the United States found that people with thick eyebrows had higher levels of a protein called immunoglobulin, which is effective in fighting cancer cells. ”

The more Zhang Wei listened, the more he felt reasonable, and he asked again: "Does that mean that people with sparse eyebrows must be prone to cancer?" ”

Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

Uncle Li shook his head and said, "It's not so absolute, but sparse eyebrows may be an early warning sign from the body." For example, poor liver and kidney function, inability to excrete toxins in the body, and hormone level disorders will affect the growth of eyebrows. ”

Uncle Li continued: "In fact, thinning eyebrows may also be related to malnutrition and excessive stress.

Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

Zhang Wei listened attentively, and suddenly remembered that he had been under pressure at work recently and had an irregular diet, no wonder his eyebrows had become thin.

Seeing this, Uncle Li persuaded him: "Xiaowei, no matter how busy you are at work, you must pay attention to rest and maintain good living habits." Eating more foods rich in vitamins and minerals, such as nuts, green leafy vegetables, fish, etc., is good for the body. ”

Zhang Wei nodded, thanking Uncle Li for the reminder. Uncle Li continued:

"Did you know that there is also research that has found that eyebrows also have a relationship with mental state? People with thick eyebrows usually have stronger self-confidence and a better mentality. People with sparse eyebrows may be prone to anxiety because of their poor health. ”

Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

Zhang Wei said with understanding: "It seems that eyebrows really have a lot to do with health." ”

Uncle Li smiled: "Of course, every part of the body does not exist in isolation, and the same is true for the eyebrows. You should take good care of your eyebrows and pay attention to your health in the future. ”

Zhang Wei agreed, and had a new understanding of his eyebrows in his heart. He decided to start today and adjust his lifestyle, improve his eating habits, and reduce the pressure of work.

Just then, Dr. Lee walked over, overheard the conversation between the two, and added:

"Actually, eyebrows are just a façade, the real key is to pay attention to the health of the body's internal health. Exercise more, maintain good work and rest habits, and have regular physical examinations to truly stay away from diseases. ”

Uncle Li nodded yes, and Zhang Wei also agreed. The three of them chatted happily, and Zhang Wei silently made up his mind to take good care of his body.

Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

At this point in the story, one can't help but wonder: since the eyebrows can reflect so much health information, do other parts have similar health "codes"? For example, the color of the nails, the texture of the hair, the condition of the skin, etc., can also reveal the health of the body's internal health?

Next, let's dive into this question.

The health code for nails

Nails are another "barometer" of health.

The color, shape, and texture of the nails can all reflect the condition inside the body.

  1. Nail Color:
  2. Pink: Usually indicates good health.
  3. Pale: may be a sign of anemia.
  4. Yellow: May be associated with fungal infection, thyroid disease.
  5. Blue-violet: It could be a sign of a heart or lung problem.
  6. Finger Plate Shape:
  7. Spoon-shaped nails: May be a symptom of iron deficiency anemia.
  8. Pitted nails: may be associated with psoriasis, endocrine problems.
  9. Translucent nails: may be a sign of liver disease.
  10. Nail texture:
  11. Fragile and fragile: may be a manifestation of malnutrition, thyroid disease.
  12. Striation: May be a sign of serious illness or malnutrition.
  13. Vertical wrinkles: Generally a normal phenomenon of aging, but if they are too obvious, they can be a sign of chronic disease.
Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

Hair's health code

The texture, quantity, and color of your hair are also indicative of your health.

Hair Texture:

  1. Dryness, bifurcation: may be the result of malnutrition, over-dyeing.
  2. Oily, dandruff: may be related to sebaceous gland dysfunction and fungal infection.
  3. Number of Hairs:
  4. Hair loss: It can be related to a variety of factors such as genetics, stress, endocrine disorders, malnutrition, etc.
  5. Sparseness: may be a manifestation of hormonal instability or disease.

Hair Color:

  1. Premature whitening: may be related to genetics, stress, malnutrition.
  2. Dull hair color: may be a sign of malnutrition, disease.
Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

The skin's health code

The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and its state is also a reflection of health.

  1. Skin Color:
  2. Pallor: may be a sign of anemia, poor circulation.
  3. Jaundice: may be a manifestation of liver disease.
  4. Redness: may be a sign of an allergic reaction, a skin condition.
  5. Skin Texture:
  6. Dryness, peeling: may be the result of malnutrition, skin diseases, environmental factors.
  7. Oily and enlarged pores: may be related to the vigorous function of sebaceous glands and endocrine disorders.
  8. Skin lesions:
  9. Changes in moles: Changes in color, shape, and size can be early warning signs of skin cancer.
  10. Rash, erythema: may be a sign of allergies, infections, immune system problems.

Through these "health codes", we can have a more comprehensive understanding of our own health status and detect problems early!

Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

What are your thoughts on this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Ancient Oasis

Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!


[1] Li Muzi. China Science Daily,2023-06-07(002). DOI:10.28514/n.cnki.nkxsb.2023.001372.

Why can I tell a disease by looking at my eyebrows? The doctor said frankly: People who are not prone to cancer have two commonalities in their eyebrows!

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